Orc Hero Story: Discovery Chronicles

Chapter 68.1

Orc Hero Story

Richter Hausen, the Commander of the Foreign Expedition Knights, was an experienced knight who had survived the war. While he had indeed survived, he was not a knight with particularly outstanding qualities. However, he excelled in everything he did, hailed from a respectable middle-class noble family, and had a wife and children. He had earned some wartime merits during his long service on the battlefield.

His usefulness led him to be assigned to the Foreign Expedition Knights after the war—a relatively autonomous unit that also meant he was easily deployable—and he received a considerable salary. However, he lacked specific skills or knowledge. Despite his long experience on the battlefield, most warriors probably didn’t even know his name. He was the kind of man you only noticed when he was nearby, maybe thinking, “I’ve seen that guy somewhere before,” or “Oh, he’s still alive?” He was that unassuming.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that he could boast of having survived that war.

The task assigned to him this time was the investigation of an incident at a checkpoint located on the border between the Beastmen and the Demons’ territories. There were no signs of a fight or altercation; it seemed as if the people had simply disappeared. The only thing left at the checkpoint was a single note, written in messy handwriting, which read:

‘The Orc Hero Bash passed through here.’

It was a baffling incident. It was possible that the “Orc Hero” Bash had annihilated all the humans at this checkpoint. Anyone who had been on the battlefield four years ago, especially during the final battle against the orcs, knew how formidable Bash was. Orcs didn’t leave notes like this; they couldn’t write. But if they could, it wouldn’t be surprising for them to leave a boastful note. That was the nature of their race.

However, if asked whether Bash would commit such an act without leaving signs of a fight or disturbance, the answer would be no. If Bash had been involved, the checkpoint might have been partially destroyed, and there should have been traces of female soldiers who had been r̲a̲pe̲d̲ somewhere in a small room. This place wouldn’t have been so neatly clean.

Therefore, it was certain that Bash was not responsible for this. But then, why would he leave such a note? What was the meaning behind this message?

That was Richter’s job: to investigate it. That’s why he had come to the scene to conduct his investigation… but he couldn’t make sense of it. He was sure some kind of magic had been used, but that was all he knew. And he knew it even before arriving at the scene. At the very least, he needed to find some clues before he could return home. Such thoughts kept Richter lingering at this checkpoint.

“What am I supposed to do?” Richter muttered as he sat in one of the chairs at the checkpoint. The guard soldiers were already returning to the site. Even if there were any traces left, they would gradually disappear. It was a dead end. He should go back home. Empty-handed. Report that he found nothing.

“Erm, Commander Richter.”

One of his subordinates addressed Richter. Richter turned, expecting to hear complaints about the prompt return home, but he was met with his subordinate’s bewildered face.

“What’s going on? What’s happening?”

“He’s here.”


“The ‘Orc Hero’ is here.”

Richter fell from his chair.

When Richter arrived at the checkpoint square, there was indeed a Green Orc there, as reported, along with a Fairy.

At first glance, he appeared to be an ordinary Orc. Richter had participated in the Orc Front towards the end of the war. However, he had never crossed paths with Bash. He had only seen him from a distance. Of course, there was no way to distinguish between Orcs.

But Richter had seen Orcs many times. They were strong and brave, but their race was also coarse and foolish. When they saw a worthy opponent, they would cheer, and when they recognized someone weaker, they would show a mocking smile. Such foolish creatures. Richter’s appearance was evidently enough for the Orcs to mock him, and he was routinely underestimated by them in their initial encounters.

However, despite appearances, this Orc was different…

“Are you the captain?”

But the look with which he gazed at Richter didn’t anticipate a good fight or baseless mockery. It was simply confident. Richter wasn’t an expert on Orcs, but this one’s behavior was different enough from the others to make him wonder if such Orcs even existed.

“Yes, that’s right. I’m Richter, a member of the Foreign Expedition Knights of the Human Army.”

“I’m Bash, the ‘Orc Hero.’ I heard you were looking for me, am I wrong?”

He really is confident, Richter thought again. Most Orcs, especially those who interacted with humans, were generally low-grade. When dealing with humans, they usually resorted to senseless intimidation or shouting loudly. They seemed to think they had to show off their strength somewhere. But this Orc was different. It was natural.

Richter had heard that the Orc Hero was a rarity even among Orcs. There hadn’t been any during the time Richter was on the battlefield. He was that strong. There was no need for him to boast about his strength.

So Richter made up his mind. He wouldn’t use unnecessary words.

“Yes. In fact, this checkpoint was attacked by someone, and we’re in the midst of searching for the culprit.”

“I see.”

“Sir Bash, was it you who left a note here by any chance…?”

“Yes, I left it.”

“Could you tell us what happened at that time?”

“In that case, let me explain!”

While Richter conversed with Bash, a Fairy approached. If it was Bash, then this had to be Zell, a famous Fairy in many ways. Particularly for telling lies. Although some rumors claimed she didn’t lie but rather rambled. In any case, Richter decided to listen closely to what the Fairy had to say.

Frizcop: Hello people! As I said before, this coming Wednesday volume 5 of the light comes out, that is, when it goes to the succubus country, so I’m asking for your help to buy it. This would be to obtain the illustrations both in color and black and white. In addition, the illustrations will be translated.

Also, if we buy it within this week, I will do my best to have next week not only one chapter of the orc hero, but three.

Quick update: We have reached the goal of what is needed to buy the volume! You don’t need to donate anymore! Thank you very much, and look forward to the chapters next week!

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