Orc Hero Story: Discovery Chronicles

Chapter 67.1

Orc Hero Story

Frizcop: Here we goooooo! Our Giga Chad Orc Hero is here!

In the Human Kingdom, there once was a hero named Joshua Bright. This man had defended his isolated territory while the Demon King Gediguz unleashed his fury upon it. Not only did he possess formidable combat skills, but he also had exceptional leadership abilities. He piled the bodies of enemies on numerous battlefields, and even experienced demons trembled at the sound of his name. Thanks to his immense achievements, the previous Human King bestowed upon him a suit of shiny silver armor. It was a magical armor inherited from the royal family, said to withstand even the charms of succubi. Despite wearing such magical armor, he always wore a coal-black helmet passed down by his own family, earning him the nickname “Blackhead.” As long as Demon King Gediguz lived, he was the man who achieved the most victories against the Seven Races Federation.

In the end, he was pushed to the limit and perished due to the shortage of supplies caused by the isolation. However, everyone who knew him said the same thing: he was the strongest knight among humans. His defeat was not just a defeat. The time he earned allowed humans to prepare thoroughly, gather their forces, stockpile supplies, and devise strategies. Without the time Gediguz fought against Blackhead, the Four Races Alliance would not have been able to secure victory in the Battle of the Lemium Highlands. Therefore, the Human King praised his great feat, and after the establishment of peace, made the Zarico Peninsula his direct domain, naming it the Blackhead Territory.

It was in this Blackhead Territory where dignitaries from various countries gathered.


Zarico Peninsula, Blackhead Territory. Stormhill Castle. This castle had been captured by the Seven Races Federation. The multiple layers of defensive walls had been consumed by flames, the main tower had been completely destroyed and reduced to rubble. Orcs had taken over Stormhill, and for a while, a crude fortress had occupied its place.

This land had been reclaimed by humans, and after the end of the war, Stormhill Castle was rebuilt. Although it was no longer necessary now that the war had ended, its reconstruction also served as a tribute to Blackhead, their war hero. It was no longer as massive as before, but it had transformed into a more solid and defensible castle.

In the great hall of this castle, many people had gathered. The assembly around the round table in the center of the room was quite notable.

To the north sat a group of humans. King Lunius Gainius Grandorius of the humans was seated in the center, flanked by prominent human figures. The Chancellor Crusader Alma Laguiller and the Grand General Brian Gotron were among them. Their renowned knights served as their escorts. Additionally, on the sidelines, was the Human Prince Nazar Gainius Grandorius. Amidst the optimistic smiles of the human group, only Nazar displayed a stern expression. His face was quite serious, especially for someone who was supposedly devising new and dreadful musical compositions. He was most likely taking the upcoming discussion more seriously than anyone else.

To the south was a group of elves. Elf King Northpole and his trusted aides were seated solemnly. Sitting next to Northpole, with a complicated expression, was a well-known elven figure, Thunder Sonia, the Elven Archmage. The elves wore serious expressions in the presence of such a notable gathering. They were clearly tense, probably because they considered the upcoming discussion very seriously. Despite their worried expression, Thunder Sonia discreetly scooped up handfuls of snacks placed on the table and offered them to the elves, saying, “Come on, make sure to eat too.” There was no reason for them to feel embarrassed by her behavior because everyone loved her.

Frizcop: Thunder Sonia is your grandmother!

To the west were the Beastmen Queen and her daughters. Although they all maintained a dignified appearance, their ears and tails moved restlessly. Among them, Princess Inuella, seated in the southwest, appeared the most relaxed. Beside her was her husband, Aconite, whom she had married just a few months ago. Despite the importance of the meeting, the newlyweds couldn’t help but radiate happiness. At the end of their group was Silviana, who had voluntarily imprisoned herself a few months ago after inviting enemies into the palace.

To the east was a group of dwarves. They didn’t have the concept of a king, but representatives of the ruling class from various cities were aligned with serious expressions. Among them was Barabara Do Banga, the “Son of Do Banga.” In these three years, the dwarves had become very skilled at making money. These once robust beings now sported bulging bellies that seemed to suggest they were filled with beer. However, their gaze remained as sharp as ever. Three years could be enough to change a person, but it was not enough time to forget the war.

“Now, those gathered here today are here for no other reason than…” The one who broke the silence was the human chancellor, Crusader Alma Laguiller. Among these sturdy figures, he had the softest and gentlest voice. “…In connection to the group that has been active across the continent recently.”

It could be deduced that Crusader was probably over fifty years old. His hair was thinning, and as he spoke with sweat on his forehead, he certainly didn’t look like a battle-hardened warrior. And rightfully so, as he had barely set foot on the battlefield from birth until today. He had traversed the human lands throughout intense battles with nothing more than his tongue, lies, and cunning, escaping from every battlefield.

“We already know their objectives. They intend to gather ‘Sacred Artifacts’ scattered throughout the continent and use their power to resurrect the Demon King Gediguz, igniting another war.”

“That’s an absurd story.”

“Can the dead even be resurrected?”

“Even if this story is nothing more than a delusion, it is a fact that things equivalent to ‘Sacred Artifacts’ have been stolen from various places around the world. And it is also a fact that individuals with enough power are aiding them. In that case, we cannot afford to ignore it.” From Crusader’s tone, it was difficult to discern any urgency. He seemed to be simply stating the facts naturally. “And the ‘sacred artifacts’ they stole in some countries had religious significance. They are criminals.”

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