Orc Hero Story: Discovery Chronicles

Chapter 65.1

Orc Hero Story

On that day, Cyrus, the “Clairvoyant,” the chief of the reconnaissance unit of the Demon Army, was on the watchtower of Fortress Gije. His job was to detect the dragon that appeared daily and destroyed the city, urging for evacuation and intercepting the attacks.

Many demons had special eyes. Cyrus was one of those who had eyes that could see exceptionally far. Like all members of his clan, he possessed a magical eye that could detect enemies hundreds of kilometers away at any time of the day or night.

The reconnaissance missions of the demons never failed against an enemy. Even in comparison to flying races like harpies and succubi, the difference was obvious. Even before the death of Gediguz, Cyrus was the first to spot enemy forces with his superior vision and brought victory to the demon army. It was Cyrus who found the dragon’s lair.

Thanks to that, Sequence’s daughter and her men rushed into the dragon’s nest and were killed. Cyrus also witnessed the moment of their annihilation. The last, after being chewed in the air, splattering blood on the ground, he reported to Sequence, and the latter slept for a day.

Of course, he continued with his reconnaissance. Partly because it was his job, but also because if he didn’t, not very good things usually happened.

So, on that day, he was one of the first to spot the dragon. As usual, the dragon flew out of its nest. Therefore, Cyrus rang the bell as always and prepared for an attack. But before doing so, he noticed something unusual.

“Where is it going?”

The dragon flew straight into the sky to the southeast. The direction was different from the usual one. Normally, it would have circled the mountain twice, as if checking its nest, and then headed a bit south before returning to them. But now, it flew straight towards the southeast.

“Could it be a whim or…” Cyrus continued to observe. The dragon flew straight to the southeast, looking somewhat different from usual. It was flying at an incredible speed. There was something strange in its way of flying. It was like a maiden in love… or running away from something.

Then the dragon disappeared from Cyrus’s sight, who was a member of a family with exceptional vision and was even known as the “Clairvoyant”. It vanished from Cyrus’s view, who could count ants from over a dozen kilometers away. Perhaps even from its very territory. It was gone.

“Why…?” Cyrus averted his gaze from the dragon that had disappeared from his sight. For now, he had to report what he had seen. He was the eyes, not the brain. “Mmm…” And at that moment, he saw something. People. But demons didn’t treat such beings as people. They were seen as pathetic inferior races, incapable of becoming people or demonic beasts.

An orc and a fairy.

“It can’t be…!” Cyrus felt a stir in his chest, but then he remembered something. Just the other day, those two came to this fortress. It was undoubtedly Cyrus who confirmed that the two had entered the country. He didn’t see what they did afterwards because he averted his gaze when he saw that the attacking force had been annihilated. He thought the dragon must have found them, and they would have died anyway, but it seems they gave medical treatment to one of the soldiers from the defeated troops who was annihilated and brought them to this fortress.

They told they were going to defeat the dragon and left. Cyrus let out a chuckle upon hearing this. In any case, any demon would have laughed. How could they defeat a dragon?

But this was the “Dragon Slayer”. He had killed a dragon before. Some said it was because the demons brought down the dragon and attacked it in great numbers, which weakened it.

They two were not heading towards the fortress. And the dragon was moving away from the mountain.

Cyrus jumped down from the watchtower. There used to be a messenger, but not anymore. Cyrus had to deliver the report on his own feet.

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