Only My Weapons Level UP

Chapter 23: Requirements to join

Chapter 23: Requirements to join

New novel are published on Thanks to his aim and the gloves' power, Terry managed to level up ten knives to level five in just one hour. His hard gloves also improved a fair bit, enough to gain a new effect.

Hard Gloves - Lv 10(50/110 EXP) (Common)

Attack Power: 33

Defense: 44

Durability: 114/120

(Triple Attack: a quick sequence of punches that causes a devastating amount of damage. If the three hits land on the head of the target, it will be stunned for a second.

Cool down: 05)

(Iron Defense: passively increases the user's defense by ten percent.)

"I guess this is enough for the new weapons that I need to make... now I want to put the bow into practice," Terry thought.

Terry had practiced with all sorts of weapons while he waited to be called for a guild. Bows weren't an exception. However, he had to make him, and getting used to them took a bit of time. Still, since the weapon was of pretty good quality, Terry more or less had an easy time handling the weapon, and he actually could hit things ten meters away from him.

While he was practicing, the weapon leveled up once, and his excellent range improved as well... just like the other weapons, it would improve his ability, but it didn't seem like a good idea to keep it equipped since it didn't provide him any defensive power.

"Well, I should be fine here since we have been here for many days without finding anyone," Terry thought. "Leveling up the bow a few times will definitely come in handy."

It didn't take for Terry to find some giants, and as expected, he didn't kill them on the first strike. In fact, it took him a while since he had to focus on using the trees to block their attacks. However, four or five attacks on their bodies were enough to kill them... the headshots should be an instant kill.

In any case, Terry hunted for three hours, and then he worked on getting the magic stones. It was time to meet the other guild masters... Although he had left twenty minutes before noon, he found two people waiting for him, and behind them, there were some hunters. One didn't have to be a genius to understand who they were.

The guild master of the void guild was a woman armed with daggers that had really short hair. Usually, someone like her would stand out enough, but the fact that she used some really revealing clothes made her stand out even more. To increase her mobility, she was basically only covering her hips and chest.

The other guild master was a tall and quite muscular man. He had an extensive Warhammer on his back. Muscular men who use big weapons tend to pass more confidence to their soldiers. Still, Terry could only imagine that being that big would slow him down. Regardless, he had spiky black hair and was wearing a light set of dark armor.

"I am Mary," the redhead said. "The guild master of the void guild." freewēbnoveℓ.com

"My name is Oliver," The big guy said. "Guild master of the Fire Troupe."

Terry almost asked if his name would be John, but those two didn't seem the type who would take jokes well. Being a hunter for too long makes people lose their sense of humor.

"I would offer some chairs for you to sit down on, but things are still starting here," Terry said. "You two must be busy individuals, so you can cut to the chase. Anyway, I don't plan on doing things differently than the other guilds, so I will keep the usual rates for members of other guilds."

"Good. What about finding the camps of the enemies?" Oliver asked.

"That is up to everyone, right?" Terry asked. "That information is too valuable to give it for free, but I assure you all that not knowing won't put any of you at risk."

"There are rumors spreading that you have weapons that can make even weak people face the giants. Did you obtain them after defeating one boss?" Mary asked after she crossed her arms.

"How much are you willing to pay for that information?" Terry asked.

The air got a bit tense. They knew that Terry didn't have any reason to reveal things for free, but since he was a newcomer, they expected that he would try to get on their good side. Unless they did something for him, Terry had no reason to help them. In the end, they left as soon as they realized that. Their visit there was only for the sake of appearances to have a verbal agreement regarding taxes on the use of the dungeon.

"I guess their members will start coming tomorrow... I need to get more money since I have a bad feeling about their attitude," Terry thought.

"I am starting to think that you have the talent to annoy others..." Rebecca said while she saw those two leaving. "Anyway, a lot of kids who want to awaken their traits told me that they want to join the guild... what are you going to do about that?"

Terry didn't consider that... enlisting those below fifteen was a bit too much, even if they were to awaken to powerful traits. After hearing about their numbers, Terry realized that ten knives wouldn't help. His fame was quickly spreading, and the potential of the Stormcallers was increasing as well... maybe Terry should be a bit bold now.

"I am sending you some money. Use it to buy metal bars that can be used as quarterstaffs," Terry declared. "They will be better than knives against the giants."

"I guess so... in any case, I should look for some people to offer support outside fighting as well," Rebecca said. "Do you mind if I hire them?"

"You can, but remember only loyal and trustworthy people," Terry replied.

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