Online Games: Start with Billions of Enhancement Points

Chapter 98: Heaven-defying Artifact, Void Ring!

Chapter 98 Heaven-defying Artifact, Void Ring!

Conference Hall of Ironforge Palace. 

The Dwarf King Madoran Ironforge sat on the throne while the people standing below were the important ministers of Ironforge.

“Golden beam of light, this is… The light beam of an Artifact!!!”

“Ironforge has forged an Artifact?!”

“After so many years, someone in Ironforge finally forged an Artifact!!!”

“God bless Ironforge, God bless the dwarfs…”

“Near the end of my life, I finally saw the Artifact Light Beam appear in Ironforge again. I can die without regret…”

The ministers below all had tears in their eyes and excited expressions.

“Nevertheless, the light comes from the palace. Who forged it???”

When the dwarf king saw the golden beam of light, his heart was shocked, and his expression changed.

Ironforge was invaded by the Scourges thousands of years ago. Although the dwarfs survived in the end, they also lost the method to forge an Artifact.

For thousands of years, there has been no Artifact in Ironforge… The dwarf king’s eyes sparkled.

In the next second, only an afterimage of the dwarf king was left on the spot…


Back to Chen Fang.

[Ding! Forging successful! What would you name it?]

It’s done!

The corners of Chen Fang’s mouth were slightly raised, showing a pleasant arc.

“Void Ring!”

[Ding! You have successfully forged [Void Ring] (Artifact), Divine Forging proficiency +9999!]

It’s really an Artifact!

Chen Fang was slightly moved.

A piece of dragon scale can be forged into an artifact. How terrifying is the strength of the Eternal Nether Dragon!!!

[Void Ring] (Artifact)

Effect 1: Void Flash

Effect 2: Nether Dragon Soul Possession

Effect 3: Eternal Nether Dragon Aura

[Void Flash]

Cost: 50 MP

Cooldown: 2m

Chant: Instant

Overview: The power of the void contained in the ring enabled the user to space jump.

Effect: Can flash to 100 yards every 2s. Targets in the flashing area will receive 100% M. Attack damage. The cost of each flash will multiply, up to 10 times. (30s duration)

[Nether Dragon Soul Possession]

Cost: 2000 MP per second

Cooldown: 24h

Chant: Instant

Overview: The Void Ring has a trace of the power of the Eternal Nether Dragon, which allows the player to receive the Nether Dragon Soul.

Effect: HP +100%, Movement Speed +100%, Damage +50%, Casting Range +100%, 30% Magical Attack reduction, 30% Physical Attack reduction, immunity to most DEBUFFs.

[Eternal Nether Dragon Aura]

Effect: All attributes of all dragon creatures -20%

Description: The Eternal Nether Dragon is one of the Three Dragon Gods, the ancestors of the dragon clan. Even the slightest trace of the aura can suppress the dragon clan.



When he saw the Void Ring’s effect, Chen Fang took a sharp breath.

Although it had no attributes, the additional effects were too outrageous. 

Void Flash has twice the distance than the Flash that Mage learned in the later stage.

Furthermore, it can also be used ten times in a row and each time can deal 100% damage.

However, the increased MP consumption was painful. 500 for the first time, 1000 for the second time, 2000 for the third time, and so on…

Chen Fang’s current MP can only support him a maximum of 5 times.

The Nether Dragon Soul Possession was like using a cheat…

Even though his MP can only make it last for ten seconds, the damage, movement speed, HP, and casting distance have all greatly improved. The 30% Magical Attack reduction, 30% Physical Attack reduction, and immunity to most DEBUFFs practically make him invincible!!!


Chen Fang grinned and started to enhance it.

[Ding! Consumed 88 enhancement points, Void Ring enhancement +1!]

As expected of an Artifact, one enhancement requires 88 enhancement points.

[Ding! Consumed 88 enhancement points, Void Ring enhancement +2!]

[Ding! Consumed 88 enhancement points, Void Ring enhancement +3!]


[Ding! Consumed 88 enhancement points, Void Ring enhancement +19!]

[Ding! Void Ring +19, reaching the maximum limit. Obtained property: Void Absorption!]

Unexpectedly, an Artifact could be enhanced to +19.

Chen Fang quickly checked the enhanced attributes.

[Void Ring +19] (Artifact)

Level: 1

All attributes +200 points

Agility +100%

Recover 5% HP per second

Recover 1% MP per second.

Effect 1: Void Flash

Effect 2: Nether Dragon Soul Possession

Effect 3: Eternal Nether Dragon Aura

Property: Void Absorption


[Void Absorption]: The Void Ring can store items dropped in a designated area in its inner space.

Four attributes have been added and the most useful one for Chen Fang was the 1% MP recovery per second.

He possessed many skills that quickly drained his Mana, such as Reincarnation Purgatory, Void Flash, and Nether Dragon Soul Possession. What he lacked most was MP. 

The property obtained through enhancement was a bit lackluster, but it can also save a lot of things at the same time.

The skills attached to the Void Ring have also been strengthened.

The damage attached to Void Flash has been increased from 100% to 1000%.

Nether Dragon Soul Possession effect became HP +500%, Movement Speed +200%, Damage +100%, Casting Range +200%, 50% Magical Attack reduction, 50% Physical Attack reduction, and immunity to all DEBUFFs.

All effects have been greatly improved, and the Health Point has increased by an exaggerated 400%.

So cool!!!




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