One Punch of Justice

Chapter 12: Tashigi

With the arrival of Saitama, the Marine’s policies began to shift gradually.

In this new world, power was concentrated in the hands of the four emperors, whom the Marine had long deemed too powerful to defeat and thus ignored. However, this perception of weakness slowly dissipated, and the Marine began to take action against the emperors.

As usual, the pirates went about their business of drinking, burning, and looting every day.

But the more they wreaked havoc, the more people stood up and fought against the darkness that threatened their world.

Gradually, a great many people joined the Marines, leading to the rise of many elite fighters who were dispatched to the headquarters to fight against crime.

Day by day, the Marines waged a relentless battle against these pirates, fighting to maintain order and safety for the innocent.


After a decade of planning, the Marines were finally ready to carry out their ten-year plan.

Based on the operational strategy proposed at the recent high-level meeting in Marineford, their current power at sea was unprecedentedly strong.

Not only did they have the top three Admirals, but they also had several powerful candidates who could replace them at any time.

The fortresses of justice were spread throughout the world, interconnected by an endless stream.

However, with the expansion of the army, a lot of problems emerged, the most dangerous of which were the spies, traitors, and scoundrels. It was crucial to maintain stability and get rid of these traitors before the real war with the emperors began. They needed to avoid the risk of these scum becoming an obstacle in the battle.

Thus, the first step was to launch clean-up activities, to weed out these traitors and ensure the stability of the Marine forces.

This was a critical step towards ensuring the success of the ten-year plan.


The day after the Marine meeting.

As Saitama was making his way back to the Marine branch, he was approached by a strikingly beautiful girl with dark brown eyes. Her black hair flowed down to her chin and shoulder, and she was dressed in a short-sleeved shirt that was covered by a white-trimmed, waist-length blue leather coat. She paired this with blue jeans and black shoes, and she carried a sword in her hand.

“Saitama-san,” the girl called out, waving a letter in her hand.

“I have some great news for you! There’s a commission from the headquarters!”

“Wow, that’s cool!” Saitama replied. “And what is it, Tashigi?”

“It’s a letter for you, Saitama-san,” Tashigi said, holding out the letter towards him.

Ten years had passed, but Saitama’s face remained unchanged. In fact, he seemed even more mysterious now.

Over the past decade, Saitama had gained a reputation among the pirates, striking fear into the hearts of countless seafarers. No one dared to come near Loguetown for the sea ritual when entering East Blue, earning Saitama the moniker of the ‘Bald Devil‘.

His fame had spread far and wide, leaving the world in shock.

Saitama’s military accomplishments had not gone unnoticed.

Despite his disregard for Marine ranks, he had been promoted from Captain to Commodore due to his outstanding achievements. Along with Bulin, Tashigi served as Saitama’s assistant.

As Tashigi stood in front of Saitama, she appeared somewhat confused. It seemed like there was something more to discuss than just the commission.

Tashigi handed Saitama the letter, and he took it from her, studying it carefully. He touched his chin thoughtfully and whispered to himself, “Hmm… it seems that Captain Morgan of the 153rd branch is causing trouble in Shells Town, and his son is just as notorious. They want me to investigate.”

Saitama looked up at Tashigi, his expression serious.

“I must take care of this matter immediately,” he said firmly. “We can’t let the actions of a few bad apples tarnish the reputation of the entire Marine force.”

Turning to Tashigi, and asked, “Are we in the vicinity of Shells Town?”

“No, sir,” Tashigi replied, pushing up her glasses.

She pondered for a moment before adding, “An ordinary ship would take around 12 days to reach Shells Town from here, but our warship is faster. We should arrive in approximately a week…”

Confusion etched Tashigi’s face as she spoke.

“What? Is it that far?”

“No, sir. It’s only about a week away,” she replied.

Saitama grabbed his coat and put it on while Tashigi looked at him with fascination.

“Thanks to your efforts, the East Blue has become very safe. There is no pirate or ship that can defeat our forces now,” Tashigi continued. “The 153rd Branch commander, named Morgan, holds the rank of Captain, and you are the only person qualified to examine him in the whole East Blue.”

“In that case, I will go,” said Saitama after a moment of thought. He then gave Tashigi the approval sign with his thumb, “Bulin will take care of this place. Let’s head out now!”

Tashigi saluted and replied, “Yes, sir!”


“Set sail,” the captain commanded.

The warship’s crew and navigators were joined by two formidable fighters: Saitama and Tashigi. With their skills, they were more than capable of defending the ship against any threat.

Saitama stood on the deck, looking out to sea as Tashigi gave him a report on recent marine headquarters news and actions. He listened with a hint of boredom.

“The Shichibukai abolition proposal has officially made its way onto the agenda,” Tashigi said.

“Nico Robin, the Devil Child, is suspected of appearing in the Alabasta Kingdom,” she continued.

“Vice-admiral Sakazuki has completed his investigation into corruption and collaboration with the enemy in branch G-5. All traitorous members have been executed,” Tashigi finished.

Saitama nodded absently, his gaze never leaving the horizon. He knew that as long as he was on board, they had nothing to fear – even if they found themselves in the midst of the Four Emperors’ territory.


At that moment, Tashigi appeared to be visibly bothered and stopped reading. Saitama glanced over at her, let out a yawn, and waved his hand in a dismissive manner.

“Alright, alright, we’ve got a whole year to sort through all that stuff. Let’s move on to something more interesting. Have we received any updates on that guy, Morgan?” he asked.

Tashigi’s expression immediately brightened up as she responded, “Yes!”

She finally presented the report, taking out a small stack of files from behind a pile of documents.

“Based on information transferred from the marine headquarters, Captain Morgan has been involved in numerous battles and was promoted to Captain after successfully apprehending ‘Kuro,’ the leader of the ‘Black Cat Pirates,’ and putting him on the gallows. However, it was a bittersweet victory. He lost his right arm, his jaw was shattered, and he almost lost his life,” she explained.

Saitama scratched his cheek, deep in thought.

“Hmm, he sounds like a brave guy,” he commented.

“He certainly sounds like a brave marine. There must be evidence if the marine headquarters promoted him.” She let out a deep sigh and continued, “But I truly hope that it’s all a mistake. It would be such a tragedy for a marine who fought against countless pirates to turn corrupt…”

Saitama tugged on his chin thoughtfully and replied, “We’ll just have to see for ourselves.”


One week later, Saitama’s warship arrived at the Shells Town wharf.

It was apparent that Morgan had already received the news of Saitama’s arrival. As soon as Saitama disembarked, he was greeted by a line of marine soldiers holding banners.

One of them began to welcome him, but was quickly pushed aside by a young, 179cm tall blond man who rubbed his head and introduced himself as Helmeppo.

“My dad specifically asked me to welcome you. I hope you like our special welcome ceremony,” Helmeppo said nervously.

Saitama, with his usual blank expression, replied, “Okay, thanks. Is Morgan not coming?”

Helmeppo panicked, his smile faltering. “Uh, my dad is busy maintaining public order and couldn’t make it. I apologize for that,” he lied hoping that Saitama wouldn’t be angry.

As Helmeppo spoke, he couldn’t help but pray that Saitama wasn’t angry.

But in reality, Helmeppo knew the real reason his father wasn’t coming. It wasn’t because of some public order emergency, but because he didn’t want to see Saitama.

Helmeppo couldn’t shake the image of his father’s haggard face from the previous night from his mind.


Helmeppo winced as he recollected his father’s irate outburst from the previous night.

“What? A Commodore? Why should I, the great Morgan, bother to welcome some insignificant guy?” he had shouted. “Now get the hell out of here!”

His father’s pride was wounded by the news of Saitama’s arrival, and Helmeppo could only hope that the situation wouldn’t escalate any further.


Tears threatened to spill down Helmeppo’s face.

Despite the rumors that Saitama was indifferent and had a fish-like appearance, he knew it was not wise to dismiss a superior. He had gathered a group of soldiers to welcome Saitama, hoping to show him the respect he deserved.

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