Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 243: There Are Gears In My Head


Azzy tilted her head but didn't respond further.

Maximilien's smile was genuine, patiently waiting for the dog's answer. It wasn't a smile to manipulate Azzy's emotions but one that reflected his sincerity.

However, regardless of his feelings, Azzy had no intention of answering and simply stood there, expressionless.

It was only natural.

What he was doing was no different from the Regressor asking Azzy about the weather.

Discussing kings and such was like reading poetry to a dog.

Predictably, Azzy didn't understand, so the Regressor answered instead.

"Idiot. There's no King of Humans. Did he sleep through history class?"


「Which insolent brat interrupted me?」

For an instant, his anger flared violently.

Grinding like gears, he turned his head and began matching the Regressor's face to his memory.

Short hair, a boy, and wielding swords in both hands.


His thoughts fell into place.

The moment he identified his opponent, Maximilien swiftly regained his composure.

「Ah. The boy who wields the power of the Divine. Yes, he is worthy.」

What is this?

A sudden, sharp shift, as if he had skipped a part of his thoughts?

His thoughts were interrupted midway.

It was strange.

The Regressor had left her memories in the previous timeline, but this man still seemed like a normal person.

While I was puzzled, he finished his brief assessment and spoke with exaggerated flair.

"Boy, surely you don't believe in the fabricated history written by the victors?"

"At least it’s more believable than the fantasies of a paranoid lunatic."

"Haha! Indeed, my thoughts are too grand for ordinary minds to grasp!"

Despite the Regressor's jab at his sanity, Maximilien laughed heartily, unfazed.

The Regressor, who had insulted him, felt even worse.

「How can that guy be so confident in every timeline despite always making baseless assumptions? Was it the fourth timeline where he called me a king and whatnot! I should probably give The Warforger my memories from previous timelines!」

Ah. So it was just a random guess.

Of course, the nature of the Human King wouldn’t be so evident.

But Ms. Regressor, aren't you a greater existence than any king? Even the Human King can't regress.

Maximilien, still chuckling, continued his explanation.

"Nevertheless, the King of Humans does exist. Isn’t it called night when the sun briefly turns away? Does the profound principle that spans the cosmos smile on one side and scorn us on the other? No, that can't be. The entire universe fits together like clockwork, yet the principle is remarkably simple. Everything has its king, so humans too must have a king. This is the undeniable truth!"

"Humans banished that king themselves!"

"They banished him, yes. But not eliminated. They couldn't."

He continued lecturing us as if he were a history professor, seamlessly moving forward at high speed on the straight road.

"Even if everyone insisted the earth was flat and acted as such, the earth would just laugh at our foolishness. Attempting to belittle the vastness of the earth to deny our insignificance only makes us more petty."

With a brief flicker of disdain, he then turned back to the Regressor with a childlike, innocent smile.

"Likewise, humans drove him away to exalt their nobility, believing he would never return. But that’s just a vain belief that denies the order of heaven and earth!"

"The vain belief is yours! Why would an entity unseen for over two thousand years suddenly appear now?"

"Because the time has come!"

Maximilien declared as if it were absolute truth.

"The last kingdom has fallen! There are no kings left in the world. The owner of El Dorado, who understood all, was devoured by a monster. The Queen of Agartha, beloved by all, had her face ripped apart by jealousy. The Overlord who split the world lost to the Dharma King. The last remaining royal family, the loyal Grandiomor, mistook ability with entitlement and was executed!"

At the mention of the royal family's fate, the Princess visibly flinched.

Historia and I both noticed her reaction, but Maximilien paid her no mind.

His focus was locked within his lenses.

"The Five Sovereigns who ousted the King of Humans have proven their failure. Only the Empire remains, barely clinging on thanks to borrowing the might of God. But God’s will lies beyond human jurisdiction! The ones who recklessly shared the king’s power are gone, paving the way for the King's return! Thus, I proclaim: The King of Humans exists, and in this moment, he surely exists!"

Finishing his long speech, Maximilien added with a satisfied grin.

"And the Dog King is one of the few ways to find him."

"Woof? Did you call me?"

Azzy and I felt similar emotions.

That dog paid no mind to the long speech, only perking up at the sound of her name.

In fact, Maximilien didn't care either.

He needed the Dog King but wasn't expecting any grand response.

"Ebon, that friend did a precious job! I thought he failed due to his shortcomings. But no! He stayed because that was where the Dog King was! Thanks to that, I was spared the trouble of finding it again! All thanks to you, boy wielding Divine power! Thank you for killing Ebon!"

Though his words sounded mocking, he spoke of his valued subordinate without any resentment or hatred.

He accepted it like news of a broken gear.

Noticing this attitude, the Regressor gritted her teeth.

"Crazy bastard, treating his subordinates like that…"

"He would be happy! Now, I've paid you back for blocking your path! May I proceed with my business?"

Shouting loudly, he locked eyes with Azzy again.

Azzy remained curious about the stranger who called her name.

Maximilien spoke once again.

"Sorry, Dog King! My question was off! I’ll ask again. Here and now, who here has earned your trust to fight the wolf?"


"Speak, King of Dogs!"

Maximilien urged, his eyes brimming with anticipation. Azzy, in response, yawned calmly before answering.

"None! Woof!"

Maximilien's expression froze momentarily, but fortunately for him, Azzy had more to say.

"Woof! Humans, all the same! All humans are human! So I am kind, to all! Instead

representative! Elect! King! Woof woof!"

Even in her puppy-style speech, Maximilien understood perfectly.

"Aha. So that’s what it means! The one who carries the people's will becomes the king! So, who now carries that will that satisfies you?"

"Woof woof! Happy dilemma!"

Azzy barked joyfully, as if boasting.

Even for a dog, shouldn’t that chatty puppy understand the concept of keeping secrets?

But since she’s a dog, it can't be helped.

I quietly asked the Regressor.

"Um, Mr. Shei. Should we let Azzy spill everything?"

"Let her. He’s checking something with Azzy. He might leave the Military State if he’s satisfied."

"What? But Maximilien, the Warforger, is one of the Six Star Generals, a crucial figure. Would he really leave just like that?"

The Regressor, still wary of Maximilien, replied.

"The Warforger acts solely out of interest. He came to the Military State because it arose from the fall of a kingdom, and it allows him to indulge in his hobbies freely. While he may have some attachment to it, it’s only like a well-used tool or favorite toy."

"What if he finds the King of Humans here?"

"As I’ve repeatedly said, that's impossible. There is no such thing as the King of Humans."

"How can you be so sure? There might be."

「Because I witnessed the King of Sin in the previous timeline.」

What on earth is the King of Sin?

How is seeing the King of Sin related to the King of Humans?

The Regressor didn't elaborate. She dismissed her thoughts and gazed coldly down the road.

"And from the next block, there are no gears. If he follows us further, the Warforger will pay for his arrogance."

Maximilien, completely engrossed with the Dog King, didn’t hear the Regressor's chilling remark.

His focus remained fixed on every movement and word from Azzy.

Azzy proudly extended her paw, directing Maximilien's gaze towards...

"Oh, dear."

He looked very disappointed… at the sight of the white horse and the Princess.

The lens creaked.

Caught in his lens, the Princess felt a chill of foreboding.

She then glanced perplexedly at Azzy, who had singled her out.

“Huh? Miss… Azzy? M-Me?”

What? Not me? Azzy, have you finally learned to tell a benevolent lie?

"Woof! She’s closest! Natural-born!"


Does that make me farm-bred?

This chatty puppy now classifies people as born in the wild or farm-bred?

Sure, the Princess has noble blood and is a capable leader. But to hold her in higher regard than me…

Wait a minute, Why did I feel slighted? It's actually refreshing!

I’m the one who should throw her away! Heyyy, she’s for sale!

Azzy, go to the wealthy, noble Princess!

"Ah, yes. The Princess of the Fallen Kingdom. Indeed, she’s certainly qualified..."

As if he regretted her qualification, Maximilien looked disappointed and lamented.

The Princess greeted him awkwardly.


"Hello. Is it nice to meet you? Damned blood of Grandiomor. The dynasty of rats that survived, but couldn’t achieve glory…"

Uncertain if it was an insult, the Princess trembled in fear.

Maximilien looked disheartened, as if he had been the victim of verbal abuse.

At that moment, Historia sensed the end of the conversation and addressed Maximilien.

"Director Maximilien."

Only then did Maximilien notice Historia.

No, notice might not be the right word.

He clearly knew Historia was there. He saw her, remembered her, but had made no judgment about her.

A peculiar perspective.

It meant he didn’t consciously register Historia until she spoke or entered his lens.

「Which head should I rip… Ah, a Star General.」

"Major General Historia."

A very unique viewpoint. Not thinking about something until perceiving it, a strangely existential thought.

His cognition and awareness were distinct, unique, and almost alien.

And the constant sound of gears.

This rhythmic clinking echoed persistently in my head…



I was so deep into my thoughts, even as a mind reader, thus realizing it too late.

Like how humans don’t constantly think about their existence, he didn’t dwell on the gears turning in his head.

Wow. Truly.

Implanting gears in his head that move to his will?

Historia, only poking her head out, conversed with Maximilien.

The Princess, now between the two Star Generals, focused on guiding the white horse.

"Director. I have a request."

"Good timing. I have a request for you too. Since I outrank you, I’ll speak first."


Maximilien mumbled with a face different from when he first arrived.

He looked visibly disappointed, as though realizing that the gift he anticipated was something he already had.

「The Grandiomor royal family… Ha. An existing dynasty. The bone the Dog King found was already gnawed clean.」

His disappointment was palpable.

Lost in thought, he commanded Historia.

"The old kingdom’s princess is here, isn’t she? Kill her and return immediately. Now."


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