Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 51: Birds Gazing at the Phoenix

“No matter how much you obtained, you are to return here in three days, or you will never leave this world again!”

Lei Fei disappeared among the sea of soldiers.

Historical records spoke of Zhao Yun fighting dauntless against the Cao army in the Battle of Changban and won. The main reason for the army’s defeat was thanks to Cao Cao not giving the orders to the archers to fire. But the scene showed the contrary, proving the texts were wrong. 

Under the booming battle drums, the Cao army surrounded Zhao Yun again while the latter waved his Fierce Dragon Spear in spite of the encroaching numbers of soldiers. Despite the constant flash of spear qi with every move, the Cao army was much faster than the destruction he caused.

“The time isn’t right, but people are? Does it mean the Cao army? Then what of favorable ground?”

“Favorable location…”

Du Fei was taken as one of the Cao army’s men thanks to his armor. From the looks of it, the farther he was from Zhao Yun the safer he was.

Ever since Li Mo taught him cultivation, Du Fei took every one of his words as gold. He may be safe among the Cao army, but he recalled his divination. Since he couldn’t rely on the perfect timing, he could only use the favorable location and the people to turn the disaster into a blessing in disguise.

‘Favorable location, water! Yes, water!’

Du Fei racked his brains for a long time and was close to being scared to death by the soldiers around him yelling and shouting ‘kill’. He then found where the safest ‘favorable location’ was. 

The river flowing below the Dangyang Bridge!(T/N: Zhang River)

‘This place is packed with people and only there there’s no one around.’

Du Fei ran towards the river.


He jumped in the water. The shore water was shallow and he crouched down so only his head stuck out. 

“Soldier, who’s your general? What are you doing in the water? Are you deserting? Get out now, or my spear will pierce you!”

Du Fei had only been in the water for five minutes and an officer already spotted him, calling him back out. 

Du Fei was scared by the man’s spear and was slowly walking out without even realizing. But his foot landed in a hole and lost his balance as he shouted, “I can’t swim…” Waving his arms erratically, his body was slowly sinking, then got swallowed by the water.. 

In the middle of a ruined village, before a dried well, a pretty and distressed woman with ripped clothes held her baby tight to her chest as she leaned on the broken mud wall.

The woman was Liu Bei’s principal wife, Lady Mi, and the baby was the historically famous A’dou.

“Lady Mi, I finally found you.”

In the middle of despairing, a man dressed in Cao armor, yet holding no weapon, jumped in front of her.

He was none other than Lei Fei.


Lady Mi closed A’dou to her chest. Lei Fei had no time to waste time on her so he took out a handkerchief and a small bottle. He poured the bottle on the handkerchief then brought it to her mouth.

Lady Mi struggled but ultimately fell unconscious.

Lei Fei pinched her cheek and smiled, “Lady Mi is so old yet she can still prove useful.”

Lei Fei took A’dou.

“Leader Lei Fei is truly an expert.”

In his moment of pride, Lei Fei heard a mocking voice.

He found the lanky, black, and ugly Wang Huan standing not five meters from him.

Lei Fei squinted.

With his 4th layer of Spirit Driving Stage cultivation, his power surpassed any mortal. His senses were also amplified dozens of times. It was strange how Wang Huan didn’t make any sound and that he didn’t notice him coming.

‘Impossible, I would’ve heard Wang Huan coming from a hundred meters with my sharp hearing.’

Wang Huan said, “You plan to use A’dou to threaten Zhao Yun and get what you desire. Is this your plan, Leader Lei Fei?”

Lei Fei smiled, “Have you been following me?”

“Nope, I just had the same plan as you.”

Wang Huan’s nose flared.

“I don’t know if the people of this world are real or not. But what I do know is that those living in this instance are unreasonably strong. We are both humans so why do they have so much power? Is this what Thunderstruck Enterprise is aiming for?

“I think not. You wouldn’t have sent a geared up team otherwise.”

Wang Huan added, “And lost them all.”

Lei Fei smiled, “Have you been watching dramas? There’s a common theme in all of them. Those that know too much…”

“Will have an early death.” Wang Huan finished.

“Ha-ha, you aren’t scared I will kill you?” A flame hovered above Lei Fei’s finger.

Wang Huan said, “I am, but are you sure you can kill me?”

Lei Fei pondered as he watched the calm Wang Huan with a smile, “Fine, you win. What do you want?”

“What do you think?”


“Someone’s here!” They spoke in unison.

Lei Fei was astonished, now realizing Wang Huan was no less weaker than him.

Zhao Yun rode his bloody white horse over.

He ran amok within the Cao army but in fact he was searching for Lady Mi and A’dou.

Lei Fei held A’dou while Wang Huan held a dagger to Lady Mi’s neck.

Zhao Yun frowned.

Lei Fei greeted Zhao Yun, “Hello, General Zhao, I am a fan.”

“First Lu, second Zha, third Dian Wei(T/N: ancient ranking of the strongest generals at the time. Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei.), although the ranking doesn’t seem right. General Zhao never fought with Lu Bu. That matchless warrior has no equal.”

Zhao Yun coldly said, “Let the Lady go and return the child!”

Zhao Yun was handsome with his white face and no beard. Only after seeing him would one realize what a true hunk looked like. 

Lei Fei said, “Give me the spear art Birds Gazing at the Phoenix as well as the Fierce Dragon Spear and I will let them go.”

“Do it!” Wang Huan’s dagger inched closer.

Zhao Yun was in a panic, but reacted fast by ripping a piece of cloth and biting his finger. He then began writing Birds Gazing at the Phoenix with his blood.

Through the spear art Birds Gazing at the Phoenix, Zhao Yun was unhinged through the Cao army.

“Over here, there’s blood!”

As Zhao Yun was writing, the Cao army was approaching.

“I’ll deal with it, keep writing.” Wang Huan held the dagger as he went after the soldiers.

Wang Huan returned five minutes later with blood dripping from the blade.

Lei Fei reassessed Wang Huan a notch higher.

No normal human would be so calm after their first kill. Lei Fei could clearly remember his first. He puked the entire day and was sick throughout the week.

Zhao Yun threw the saber art to Lei Fei and was hesitating about giving the Fierce Dragon Spear. Wang Huan threw him a plain wooden spear.

Zhao Yun then threw Fierce Dragon Spear.

Lei Fei got the spear art while Wang Huan got the Fierce Dragon Spear.

“General Zhao, kindly move 200 steps back.”

Zhao Yun yelled, “Darest thou harm Lady’s hair, I shall break thy every bone!”

Zhao Yun withdrew.

Once he was far enough, Lei Fei held A’dou and saddled Zhao Yun’s white horse.

Lady Mi could be left behind, but not A’dou. Without this shield, Zhao Yun would pursue them till death, his of course.

“Shameless curs! Stop!”

Zhao Yun roared. He wanted to chase but couldn’t leave Lady Mi behind.

“Ancient people are so simple.” Wang Huan snickered.

Lei Fei rode while Wang Huan ran, yet the two were neck and neck.

“Leader Lei, once we go out I will give you the spear and the spear art. I’m sure making a copy of it wouldn’t be too presumptuous of a request, no?”

“Not one bit.”

As they talked they were soon surrounded by Cao army.

“Zhao Yun is that way!” Wang Huan pointed

“Password!” The officer shouted.

Wang Huan was startled, “Pass-what now?”

Only allowed on

The office took out his broadsword and yelled, “They’re spies! Kill!”

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