Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Side Story Special #5

*Karmeut’s POV

Rainelle's embrace is warm and cozy.

Thinking so, Karmeut also felt the existence of the egg next to him. That made him realize how great Rainelle was.

Several times more sensitive than when he was human, there was a lot he learned.

The sound of pulse from the egg was as Rainelle said.

And what was bigger and stronger than that was Rainelle's heartbeat.

Their immediate touch transmitted the vigorous thumping of the pulse, and it clearly conveyed that Rainelle was alive.

Feeling the stillness, Karmeut understood why Rainelle was not trying to leave the egg. And he realized how great she was and why mothers were great.

From various writings, it was a natural common sense that mothers were great.

But that’s not true.

It is not so simple to have life. Rainelle is great for doing things that I could never do.

The wolf quietly listened to the sign of life that surround him. Like that, the sound of the hearts of the two lives continued to knock his sensitive senses.

*Rainelle’s POV

I'm satisfied.

I never felt lacking when I held the egg, but with Karmeut in my arms, it was a strange feeling.

I was always hugged by him when I was a crow or when I was human. It was a strange feeling since I was the one holding him in my arms.

I'm happy and proud. At the same time, I found Karmeut to be even lovelier, so it was hard to stay still.

But there was an egg in my arms. I shouldn't move just because I was a little happy. I have to warm the egg properly.

I suppressed my impatience and cleared my throat. While pulling out dead feathers and trimming my feathers, I felt that he moved in my arms.


The wolf licked the end of my beak and then returned to his original form.

"It is warm."

[You mean my embrace?]

He nodded while his eyes were shining. His cheeks were faintly burning as he looked at me, forgetting to blink.

[Is it hot?]

Karmeut shook his head quietly. Then he reached out and held my cheek.

"......I feel like I've been blessed with a really great mate."

His voice trembled slightly.

I couldn't understand the out-of-the-blue remark, so I tilted my head.

[Why do you think so?]

"You are doing something that I can never do."

[What’s with you...]

"I'm serious."

He said that as he put our forehead together. I could feel his warmth on my forehead and his breathing tickled my feathers.

"You're great. To the point where I don’t know how to express it."

I laughed my head off at that. I laughed my head off at the remark. My heart was so ticklish that I thought I was so full happiness that I couldn't stay still without laughing.

[You're the one who made me amazing.]

Kamut opened his eyes wide. Soon after that, the end of his eyes bent, and he whispered beside my head,

“I'll make you great in the future too. Any time, if you want."

The words brought the heat to my cheeks.

[That's not what I mean!]

"What do I mean?"

[• • • • • • • !!]

It is not my illusion that the hand that swept at my neck slowly was geeting more explicit by the second!

[Uh, uh! If you keep doing that, I won't change into a human!]

"Oh, that's a problem."

Karmeut quickly stepped back. ・・・・・ His appearance looked strangely cheeky that I had to stare at him. Karmeut shrugged.

"I don't want Rainelle to do something she don't like."

No, I'm not saying I don't like it... It’s not that I don't, but I can't now! What is this regret!!

Instinct and reason were catching on each other, perhaps because I was in the shape of a black bird. The confusion seemed to twirl my eyes, and then his voice reached my ears.

"Return to human form for a moment, Rainelle."

His voice was soft. When I thought it had been quite a long time since I change to my human form, I changed my figure as if I could not win over him.

Then I felt arms hugging me as if he had been waiting. The next moment, I closed my eyes to the sensation of something covering my lips.

I felt good about his kiss, which was longing yet was still caring to let me breathe.

“...... Didn’t you say that you don't want turn into a human being?"

"You are the reason."

When I grumbled while biting his lips, he laughed and pinched my cheek.

"You know it's a problem if you keep doing that, right? My dear?"

"Oh, please bear with me because our little one is watching. Be patient."

"Wouldn't it be better for our child to know that their parents are on good terms?"

"Ugh, Karmeut!"

"Give me a kiss, Rainelle. I'm holding it in a lot. Hm?"

No, it's a foul if you shoot your dog-like eyes in this situation!

I sighed for a long time as I felt my heart loosened. To be honest, I really liked Karmeut's support for me.

I leaned silently into Karmeut's arms. I closed my eyes as I felt his hands surrounding my shoulders gently.

It's been a while, so I think I can lean on Karmeut's arms.


I thought about it while rolling the egg in my hold.

It seems to be bigger than when the egg have was born…?

It might just be me, but it took more time to roll the egg these days, unlike the first time.

Even if I want to ask, there is no one to ask.

If there’s someone I can ask, she’s flying so high up in the sky.......

The egg, which maintained warmth, transmitted beats more vigorously than before. It directly transmitted through my chest.

[It will be okay.]

It could have been irresponsible, but strangely I was not worried.

Although not yet born, this child was mine and Karmeut's child. So I thought it would be okay, and I thought I would overcome it well no matter what.

[But when will you hatch?]

When I gave birth to the egg, I wondered what the child will be like.

Is it a human child? ............If so. I think it will be difficult to break this hard shell.

Bird? But looking at this size, will the child be born so big?

Or wolf? I think it will be hard to break the egg shell just like a human.

I was worried about one thing or another regarding the egg.

Do everyone think like this?

I heard that when you get pregnant, you worry about this and that. ...It's hard to say that it's the same, but is it because I'm a mother-to-be?

Thinking about that, I lied down in the nest. The weather was still good, and the fresh wind gave me a fresh feeling.

I felt sleepy as the wind blew. I closed my eyes without trying to overcome my eyelids. I thought I could take a nap.

"Your Majesty!"

My eyes opened quickly at the sudden call. Looking over at the voice, a familiar figure stood.


"Your Majesty!"

Adriana, who smiled brightly and approached me, grabbed a part of her pale pink dress and bowed her back.

"How have you been, Your Majesty?"

[You don't have to be so polite when it’s just us.]

"Hm? But Rainelle is the wonderful empress."

Seeing her with laughing cheerfully, I also laughed. We've met a lot since then, and we've become comfortable with each other.

[By the way, what are you doing here?]

"What am I doing? I was worried about the news that you are incubating your egg alone so I came running."

Adriana smiled with her eyes, adding, "Of course, it was also something that was requested by the Emperor."

"In the end, you gave birth to an egg. Are you okay?"

[Karmeut also asked that, but it wasn't hard.]

"Really? That’s a relief. You don't know when it will hatch, do you?"

[I guess so. Still, the heartbeat has grown stronger quite a bit.]

"Wow, really?"

I laughed at her appearance of opening her eyes in wonder. I got up from my seat under those sparkling eyes.


Adriana's eyes grew even bigger. I couldn't stand her look, and I just burst into laughter.


"Of course it's amazing! It's bigger than an ostrich egg! It's a color that looks like it's coated with gold! If it weren't for the black spots, I would have thought it was a golden egg."

Then Adriana's eyes turned to me with complicated look as she maintained her spot.

“......But, you really didn't get hurt even after laying this egg?"

Oh, I deserved that look.

[I might be mistaken, but ... I think it's now bigger than when I gave birth to it.]


[I roll the egg periodically and warm it evenly. Compared to the first time, it is a little different.]

Adriana nodded. Then a question popped in my head.

[How about you? How is your love life?]

"We’re going to hold a wedding this fall!"

[Oh, did you finally capture Namuel? How? Unexpectedly, Namuel has a straightforward side when dating.]

"If I say more than this, you might get a 19+ ticket. So it’s a secret!"

[What is that remark that seem to cross the wall of the four dimensional wall?]

"So you want to hear it? The story..."

[Ah, that’s too much.]

"It's a joke, a joke."

At Adriana's smile while saying that, I also laughed.

It was fun to hold the little one while waiting for the egg to hatch, but it felt good to have a guest coming to me like this.


Translaor(s) note: Forgive us that the grammar is messy, we are a bit busy, sorry...

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