Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Side Story #1

*Rainelle’s POV

“Your Majesty the Empress, you are still beautiful today.”

“Ho-ho,” I laughed lightly, but sighed inwardly at the ladies who smiled cheerfully and looked at me.

"Countess Breylan is also beautiful. Your necklace seems to have changed. Did you receive it as a gift?"

“Oh, I feel embarrassed in front of the Empress.”

I just laughed at her act of subtly puffing out her chest and revealing her necklace even as she said that.

One of them chimed in: "I heard that it is the largest gemstone from the newly discovered sapphire mine, Your Majesty the Empress."

"I see... was it at your wedding anniversary a while ago? I heard it was a big party."

At that, the Countess nodded her head and smiled shyly.

“That's when I got it as a gift, Your Majesty."

I turned to the others after responding appropriately to her answer. I lifted my teacup, swallowing a sigh inwardly at the sight of the noble ladies sending their brightly shining eyes my way.

It was very good that I married Karmeut and that I became the empress, but I was tired of the subtle war of nerves with the ladies.

But it's something that will help Karmeut.

I had no intention of denying it. There are definitely things I can do to help Karmeut in the position of an empress, so I have to stick to that.

Like information that can be heard through the noble ladies. And if I managed to find my standing in it, it will surely help him.

I thought so and listened to the chatter of the ladies. Most of the stories were pointless, but I had to sit here.


“---Ha, they finally went back.”

I sighed and stretched out a little. Feeling that even that was not enough, I exposed my wings and spread them out.


I felt good when the wings covered with black and glossy feathers came into view.

“As expected, taking out the wings is the best.”

All of the dresses I wear have a cut in the back. It was Karmeut's idea which allowed me to take out my wings at any time.

---Well, for the inside story, dresses with bare backs have become popular. I can't believe it's fashionable just because I wear it. It feels very strange.

There's no way this would happen if I didn't possess this body, right?

What fashion leader? I must have been taking care of the animals at work even now.

I laughed when I thought so.

-At first, I possessed a crow and had a mental breakdown, but now I'm glad I became a crow.

"Ah, if I hadn't changed into a human, I would have continued to feel resentment."

In addition, my life expectancy was also reduced forcibly -because a crow’s lifespan is shorter than that of humans-, and they eat bugs. Considering how rough that life must have been... Oh, I'm really lucky. Phew.

Thinking so, I groomed my wing feathers. Grooming them by chewing on them with my beak is the most pleasant way, but now that I’m in human form, I have to bear with it.

With that thought in mind, I brushed it with a special comb for feathers - made by Karmeut - and even oiled it meticulously.

“As expected, I need to apply a little oil in the end.”

It doesn't matter if I don't apply it, but I tend to apply it little by little because I like how it shines even more when I apply it.

This time, I applied it with rose oil, and I really liked the subtle scent of roses when I flapped my wings.

"Now, I'm going to go see Karmeut!"

Tea time with the ladies is over, so I'm going to go see Karmeut.

Hmm, he said he was going to see the knights, right?

After quietly wrapping up and hiding my wings, I called the maids. Since I was no longer a mere crow but an empress, I had to follow the procedure even if it was annoying.

When we arrived at Karmeut's place, Karmeut was descending from a high platform as if he was just done with his matter.

"Your Majesty."

"---! Rainelle, I didn't hear you coming..."

"Tea time ended a little early, so I came to see Your Majesty."

As we talked and laughed softly, a smile spread across Karmeut's lips.

"Talking while standing like this… we better go inside, My Empress."

As he said that, he held out his hand and took my hand. I really liked the firm hand holding mine.

I thought I wanted to spread my wings wide and then wrap them around Karmeut, but there were too many eyes to see. So, in order to soothe my regret, I put my body close to Karmeut. I could see him adorning a little smile.

"Are you holding back, Rainelle?"

I nodded my head at the sound of a small whisper in my ear.

"Because I’m the empress, it's hard to spread my wings recklessly."

"It's a position where you don't have to be so careful, Rainelle. Who will say anything to the Empress?"

"There's no one like that, but I'm putting up with it because I don't want to embarrass Karmeut."

When I said that, Karmeut laughed as if he couldn't help it. At the same time, as I felt our connected hands tighten, the discomfort of not being able to spread my wings soon disappeared.


"Aah... As expected, spreading my wings is the best."

As soon as I entered the room alone with Karmeut, I exposed my wings and spread them out. I opened it up a little while ago, but since I had to go see Karmeut, I couldn't do it until I was feeling satisfied.

"You like it that much?"

"Yeah! I love it!"

Saying so, I flapped his wings lightly. Because it moved gently, the vase did not fall and break from the wind.

I broke one before, but I can't do that again.

I shook my head as I recalled the furniture that I broke from the lack of control over the strength of my wings.

Well, I'm not going to break more now---!

Thinking so, I was nodding my head when Karmeut spoke to me,



"You can return to your crow form if you want."

I pondered over those words.

---Of course, I really, really love going back to my crow form.

It was the most comfortable, and I don't have to be self-conscious.


"I am the empress"

Now I’m not just a crow who’s a little smart. I’m Karmeut's companion and the empress of the Empire. Considering the weight, I know I shouldn’t just do as I please. I know I shouldn't do it even if I’m one of the highest-ranking figures in the Empire.

"So it's okay. When I'm with Karmeut, I'm satisfied with just spreading my wings."

I smiled a little while saying that. Then, Karmeut's expression became bleak at once.

---Oh, you shouldn't be like that!

There's really only one thing I can do to show that this is enough, right?

I'm still a bit embarrassed, but I approached Karmeut. Then I buried my face in his chest.

I felt his body flinch as if he was surprised by my sudden action. Ignoring that, I wrapped my wings around Karmeut while rubbing my cheeks.

"It’s true."

I hugged him tightly with my arms and whispered that to him. Then the sound of his low laugh rang in my ears,

"---I’m telling you, I can't stand that."

Saying so, he kissed me lightly on the cheek. As I was laughing lightly at the touch, Karmeut reached for my wings.

His palms were hard with calluses, but his touch was cautious. I enjoyed the touch and extended my wings.

If someone else had touched it, I would have hidden my wings right away. But it wasn't anyone else, it was Karmeut. On the contrary, I knew that I liked being touched like this, so I pushed it out as if showing off.

"It smells like roses."

"I put some rose oil on it."

"It's pretty. It's shiny and beautiful. I see that you’ve become proficient at it."

Those words made me feel good. As I smiled and hugged him tightly, I felt Karmeut bury his face into the nape of my neck.

"---But I like this better."


"The scent that only comes from you. I like the scent of roses, but I like this one better."

Saying that, Karmeut's face rubbed against the back of my neck, making my shoulders shrank slightly.

"Uh… huh? I don't think I smell anything..."

"You may not know it yourself. Besides, I'm a wolf, Rainelle."

He said “That's why you can be more sensitive to things like this,” with a small smile.

"Then, Rainelle. It's been a while since we've been alone together. Is there anything you want to do?"

The words made my ears prick up.

What I want to do? With Karmeut?

"Then I want to cuddle Karmeut’s wolf form!”

As soon as I answered like that, Karmeut widened his eyes in surprise.

"...Is that all?"

"Yes! I love the appearance of Karmeut’s wolf! Your fur is soft and warm, and you’re big! So it's really nice to pet you!"

Karmeut, who blinked at those words, then laughed out loud. Then he immediately changed into a golden wolf.

Snorting, Karmeut shoved his head at me. Laughing at the action, I hugged his head and stroked his golden fur.

Although the Empire had stabilized and recruited talented people so there was a lot less work to do compared to the beginning of the throne, but Karmeut had always been busy. I thought that was naturally the case for someone who becomes emperor, but I still had some disappointment.

Because he's so busy, he doesn't change his form much.

I understand that it can be because it was difficult to do things in the form of a wolf. However, it was regrettable, so I decided to enjoy this opportunity to the fullest.

As I stroked his soft fur and scratched his chin, Karmeut immediately narrowed his eyes and grunted happily. When I smoothed his cheeks with a chuckle at the action, he continued to stick out his tongue and lick the back of my hand.

"Karmeut, lie down."

At that, Karmeut jumped up onto the bed. Then he lay down comfortably and gently waggled his tail.

Laughing at the sight, I flew slightly over the bed and moved. Then I leaned my head against Karmeut's body, spread my wings, and covered the wolf's body.

As if in response, he covered my waist with his tail, which made me burst into laughter.

"It's really nice to be here, Karmeut!"

Saying that, I hugged Karmeut by the neck. The feel of his tongue gently licking my cheek made him laugh again.

It felt like the stress I had been receiving from being among noble ladies was relieved all at once.


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