Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 95: Supreme Library of the Heavenly God

Han Yixue could not help but glance at the people she passes by. Forget about the old ones, even some children have the aura of an Immortal! There was also this little boy who only looked to be around 7 or 8, yet the aura surrounding him was already stronger than her father, a Sky Realm Expert! How was that even possible?!

Just like Han Yixue who was glancing at people, the people there were also looking at her! But because they were analyzing her with their Divine Sense which was far stronger than hers, Han Yixue was unaware of the fact that she was being watched!

‘What the hell? Is that a Mortal? How did she get in?’

‘Holy shit, she’s already at that age, yet she is only at the Profound Qi Realm? Is she throwing her life away?’

‘Do any of you know her? Since she was able to pass the Celestial Gate of Heavenly Knowledge, then she should be connected to the Tian Family in some way,’ the people there continued to talk to each other with Divine Sense.

‘Probably just some lowly servant from some small family, just ignore her.’

‘What about that kid next to her? He has no Spirit Power coming from him whatsoever!’

‘He’s probably hiding it, that’s nothing unusual.’

‘So he’s probably the Master. They are walking together after all.’

“Hm?” Tian Yi suddenly stopped walking because someone blocked their way.

It was a little boy.

“Hey, did you just start Cultivating yesterday? To start at such an age, you must be retarded, eh?” said the little boy.


Han Yixue did not know how to react. Some random kid just went up to her and called her a retard?! And he even asked if she started Cultivating yesterday?! That’s clearly an insult!

“H-Hey! What are you doing bothering other people?!” A voice shouted as it came closer.

“Sister…” said the boy.

The girl who just called out was the boy’s Sister, and once she arrived in front of them, she apologized, “Sorry, my little brother has been getting arrogant lately because he just reached the Bronze Immortal Realm…”

“Bronze Immortal Realm?” Han Yixue accidentally said the question that was in her head out loud again.


Both the little boy and the Sister looked at her with a weird face. What kind of question was that? Was she really a retard after all?

“That’s a Cultivation Realm two levels above the Sky Realm, your father’s current Cultivation,” answered Tian Yi, ignoring their sneering gazes.

“What?! He is two whole realms above my father’s?! How is that even possible!” Han Yixue was truly surprised this time. A little boy like him was stronger than her father who is the clan head of one of the most powerful families within the Xiangliu Continent?! If she had told someone in the family that, then they would’ve definitely laughed all the way until the end of their lifespan.


‘She’s definitely a retard! A very bad one too!’ The siblings came to the same conclusion and decided to leave as soon as possible.

“Your father is at the Sky Realm?! No wonder why he has such a trash daughter! Hahaha!”

Someone mocked her followed by a loud laugh.

“....” Han Yixue turned around with an angry face to see a handsome young man walking towards them.

“Big Brother!” The little boy called out. He was also related to the two siblings!


The young man did not expect someone as retarded as her to have such a beautiful pair of eyes. Even her face was pretty good when compared to his concubines.

“Hey, you are at the Profound Qi Realm, right? Follow me and I’ll make sure you’ll become an Immortal in no time!” he said.


Han Yixue did not reply to him and only glared at him with narrowed eyes.

The young man frowned when she did not give him an answer. “You bitch! You dare to ignore me, Chao Duyi when I speak to you?!” And he raised his hands, preparing to assault her.

Han Yixue instinctively covered her face with her arms because she was used to being hit.

“Chao Duyi… Chao Family from the Sea Temple World, one of the 9 Major World, huh?”

“And who the hell are you?” Chao Duyi narrowed his eyes at the young man that knew his identity and who was also standing next to Han Yixue, Tian Yi.

“You are not worth the time, so shut up,” said Tian Yi in a cold tone.

”Yixue, do not be scared, I am here with you,” ignoring the fuming Chao Duyi, Tian Yi held Han Yixue’s hands and gently pushed it down.

When she felt her hands being pushed, Han Yixue wanted to run away but resisted herself because of the voice calling for her. And once her arms stop covering her view, she could see Tian Yi who was standing in front of her with a gentle smile.

“There is nothing to be afraid of; you are only here mentally, not physically, so he cannot harm you. Although one can still assault another with their Soul Power, I will be here to protect you, so rest assured,” he said.

Han Yixue instantly felt safe. It suddenly felt like she was wearing an armor when the warmth in her hands traveled to her body.

“Holy shit, what the fuck is happening over there?”

“Who is that kid? He dares to offend someone like Chao Duyi even though he is already aware of his status?! Is he retarded too?”

The commotion caused by their group instantly caught the attention of almost everybody there. They were too excited at whatever was happening to even use their Divine Sense, so they communicated with their voice.

Chao Duyi stood there trembling. Not only was he ignored twice, he was even told to shut up by some random kid with so many experts watching! With his pride and temper, it was impossible to endure such a public insult!

While Tian Yi was coaxing Han Yixue, Chao Duyi prepared his Divine Technique; an attack that directly attacks one’s Soul! Because everybody here was only there mentally, they cannot be physically hurt. However, with that said, they can still be damaged mentally because it is essentially their Soul that is there instead of their body!

With his eyes glowing red, Chao Duyi spoke in a slow and fierce tone, “I. WILL. NOT. REPEAT. MYSELF. WHO. THE. FUCK. ARE. Y-----”

“AND I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!” Tian Yi suddenly snapped and roared, shaking the entire library.

Chao Duyi was also thrown back like a rag doll due to the shock wave, flying backward until someone was nice enough to catch him.



The entire place had instantly turned quiet! What kind of pressure was that?! It was only for a second, but it was strong enough to shake the Supreme Library of the Heavenly God! To do such a feat, he must have a monstrously strong Divine Sense! They assumed it was Divine Sense because the only thing a Soul could do was use Divine Sense and because everybody there was essentially a fragment of their Soul, the only thing that they can use while in the Supreme Library of the Heavenly God is Divine Sense! And although the roar was not aimed towards anyone other than Chao Duyi, they could still feel the pressure, making the hairs on their body stick out like a scared cat!

Han Yixue looked at Tian Yi with wide eyes. Even her heart had skipped a few beats because of that sudden roar!

Noticing Han Yixue’s surprised face, Tian Yi regretted snapping, “Ah, sorry, I must have scared you just now…”

“No… I was just surprised,” she replied.

“Is that so? That’s good then. Ah, can you still continue? If not, we will call it a day here and come back another time,” said Tian Yi.

Han Yixue shook her head and said, “I can continue… because I have Master here to protect me if anything happens, right?”

Tian Yi was a bit surprised at her last few words, but he smiled brightly the next moment. “Of course! I promise you that as long as you are with me, nothing bad will happen to you again. I would also like to apologize for not stepping in earlier, I am not used to things like being insulted by Immortals, so it took me a while to react.”

“No, Master does not have to apologize, it is not your fault. I still have a lot to learn and get over with, so I apologize to Master in advance for the extra work he has to do for me…”

“Nonsense, how can something like that be called extra work? No, how can it even be considered work?”



The spectators looked at these two with loose jaws. They still have the time to act like couples with the chaos they have just caused?! Did they not know that fighting was strictly prohibited in this sacred place?! If one was caught fighting or causing any sort of disturbance, then they can be banned from coming back to the place, and worse case scenario, they can even get punished by the Tian Family themselves!

The weight of chaos that the young man had just caused was definitely not on the small scale! Although Chao Duyi had started it, he did not actually do anything so he cannot be judged unless someone from the Tian Family was here to witness it and personally judge the situation! And that was already near impossible because why would anyone from the Tian Family be here, the lowest first floor out of the nine possible floors in this Supreme Library of the Heavenly God meant for those with lower statuses?

‘He’s definitely screwed!’ was what everybody had in their mind.


The entire place suddenly trembled again, and a hole made from the void appeared in the middle of the library.

‘H-He’s here! The guardian of the first floor! Heavenly Guardian Xingfu!’

Everybody there watched as an old man steps out of the void. He had pure white hair that was long enough to touch the floor. His face was old and kind looking with a pair of narrowed eyes, but everybody there knew how scary that kind face could be! He was also wearing a gray robe with the words ‘Heavenly Guardian’ clearly displayed.

“We pay respect to Heavenly Guardian Xingfu!” Everybody there clasped their hand and bowed, showing their utmost respect.

The old man, Heavenly Guardian Xinfu ignored their greetings and looked at Chao Diyu who was gasping for air. After he’s finished with him, he turned around to look at where Tian Yi was still coaxing Han Yixue, and the moment he saw Tian Yi, his always narrowed eyes snapped wide open as if he just saw the world’s most shocking thing.

“Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y---” He was so shocked that he wasn’t even able to speak properly!

The people there were also shocked. What happened to the Heavenly Guardian Xifu? He’s always calm and would not flinch even during the time where he had to face one hundred experts that were causing trouble here. One would not recognize him with his current expression on his face if they did not see him coming out of the void and wearing that one-of-a-kind clothes.

Tian Yi finally noticed the old man looking at him, and all he did was smile at him while placing a finger on his lips telling him to not say anything.

And all Heavenly Guardian Xingu did was nod with a loose neck before turning around to look at Chao Diyu again. “You sure have some guts…” he said to him before disappearing and appearing next to him. After appearing like a ghost, he grabbed Chao Diyu and threw him into the same void hole he had just come out from. “I sentence Chao Diyu with a first-degree offense! Although he will not be sentenced to death, he will still be sentenced to imprisonment for 100 years with no Cultivation during that time! That is all!”

Heavenly Guardian Xingfu jumped into the void after sentencing Chao Duyi, leaving behind a bewildered crowd.

‘WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!’ Everybody cried inside their mind. What about that young man?! Why is he still standing there without any consequences after the chaos he had just caused?! Why did Heavenly Guardian Xingfu not even bother to question him and took Chao Duyi instead?! Why was the sentence so grave when he didn’t even really do anything?! Hell, even the 100 experts that had fought back did not receive such a harsh punishment! Although 100 years were not long for Immortals like them, it was because they were able to Cultivate during that time! 100 years of no Cultivation is an entirely different story!

“1-100 years of imprisonment…?” The color on Han Yixue’s face drained after hearing that. 100 years to someone like her was basically the span of an entire life! If Chao Diyu got that kind of punishment because he did something as little as insulting them, then what about her Master?! He had full out assaulted him! She began worrying about him to no end, but her worry slowly began to fade after noticing that old man was not coming back. Why was he not coming back? Was her Master not going to be punished? What the hell was going on?

“Yixue, let’s go. We have been here for too long, and there is still a few floors to explore,” said Tian Yi.

“There’s more than one floor?!” she was shocked. There are already so many Cultivation Techniques here, and there’s still more?!

“Yes, there is a total of nine floors. But we will only go up to the 7th floor. Any higher will be troublesome,” he said.



‘7th floor?!?!?!’ the people that heard him could feel their heart jumping out of their chest.

No wonder why Chao Diyu got such a harsh punishment yet he did not! To have access to the 7th floor means you are either from a major family or from the Tian Family itself!

The people there held their breath while Tian Yi slowly guides Han Yixue around the first floor. It was as if they were afraid to bother them with even the slightest of sounds!

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