Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 75: Enraged Divine Flames

“I-I-Impossible… I only wanted that mysterious Senior to notice me, but instead, I caught the attention of that ruthless Senior!” That was Gin Seng’s last words before blacking out from fatigue.

His wish was unknowingly fulfilled since that ‘Senior’ indeed looked at him, but little did he know that this mysterious Senior and that ruthless Senior were the same people!

“Dear!” Xuan Yuming stood up and prepared to fight.

But Xuan Cheung stopped her, “Yuming, I am enough for a mere Enraged Divine Flames created by a Pill Student. You go ahead and make a protective barrier around us. I do not want collateral damage! Shanshan, you go help your mother!” He gave them orders before flying towards the Flaming Viper.

“Cauldron!” He shouted after getting close to the Flaming Viper.


A large 2 meters tall Red Cauldron appeared out of thin air and slammed onto the ground.

“Mere Enraged Divine Flames created from one’s Heart Demon dare to be causing chaos in my show?! Open!” The Cauldron’s lid opened.

“Swallow!” Xuan Cheung shouted, and as if the opening of the Cauldron was a mouth, it began inhaling in the Flaming Viper from its tail.


Feeling the threat, the Flaming Viper roared, and the surrounding Cauldrons exploded.



The contestants were all blown back by the impact of the explosion.

“!!!” Xuan Cheung was instantly alarmed, “Are any of you injured?!”

“J-Just a few scratches due to the fragments from the Cauldron exploding…” They replied.

“S-Senior! Behind!” Huang Li suddenly yelled.

Xuan Cheung snapped his head back to the Flaming Viper that had half of its body already swallowed.

“T-This is…” He could not believe what was happening! The Flaming Viper was also inhaling through its mouth, eating up the Divine Flames that was in the other nine Cauldrons!

‘To do something like this, that kid’s Heart Demon must have been very powerful… What could have possibly happened to him for it to get to that point?!’

‘W-Wait a second--- Didn’t he get roughed up pretty badly by some Senior not long ago? Could that be the reason?’ He was inwardly shocked at how such a random event could have caused this chain incident. If Gin Seng was not beaten on that day, would this accident have happened?

‘If that’s the case, then how did it triggered his Heart Demon in the first place?... D-Don’t tell me he saw that same Senior here?’ His thoughts went wild with guesses as to what the causes of this incident were. If he can find out the causes for Gin Seng’s Heart Demon, then he will be able to subdue this Enraged Divine Flames easier.

Enraged Divine Flames are created when one loses control over their Divine Flames, usually during the process of Pill making. There are many occasions to how one could lose their control over their Divine Flames turning it into an Enraged Divine Flames. One of the most commonly known reasons is due to their Heart Demon. Divine Flame acts according to its user’s feelings, and if the user loses control of their emotions especially during the process of Pill making, their Divine Flames will manifest according to their feelings turning it into an Enraged Divine Flames.

‘Damn, my first time doing something as a Pill Grandmaster, and this happens?!’ Xuan Cheung cursed in his heart.

If he knew that the cause of such a Heart Demon was due to Tian Yi, who trashed Gin Seng until he had nightmares every night, then his reaction would be an entirely different kind of shock.




The Enraged Divine Flames grew larger and fiercer as it absorbed the surrounding Divine Flames changing its orange colored Divine Flames to bright yellow!

‘Not good!’ Xuan Cheung was alerted at its sudden growth.


The Flaming Viper forcefully abandoned its lower body part, but that did not affect it as it was restored back to normal within a few seconds.

“Che, no choice!” Seeing how its strength was multiplying at a fast rate, Xuan Cheung reached for his Storage Pouch and took out a set of eight ordinary looking tree branches.

Grasping the tree branches he flicked his wrist, and at the speed of light, the tree branches were all stabbed into the ground forming an octagon encirclement around the Enraged Divine Flames.

“Seal!” The ordinary tree branches shined green before creating a green barrier, entrapping the Enraged Divine Flames within it.


The Flaming Viper screamed and slammed into the green barrier trying to breakthrough, but to no avail.

Without wasting time, Xuan Cheung began his next move, “Pierce!”

*Chi* *Chi* *Chi*

Eight wide wooden spikes abruptly shot out of the ground, piercing through the Flaming Viper.


It screamed in pain, but no matter how much it wiggled around, it could not break free from the spikes. The yellow Divine Flames that made up its body was strong and vigorous, however, no matter how much it burned, these ordinary wooden spikes would not melt or burn! It was as if these were not wood, but metal in disguise!

“T-That’s the Eight Branches to Entrap the World, one of the only seven great Formation in the World!” Someone from the audience could identify the Treasure currently being used to capture the Flaming Viper.

“What’s that?” Asked some people who were currently peeking their heads over the seats to watch. Thanks to Xuan Yuming and Xuan Wanshan for creating a barrier around Xuan Cheung and the Enraged Divine Flames, the audience could finally find ease and watch the fight with excitement.

“It’s an Immortal Treasure that allows the user to entrap anything they want within a resistant barrier, and anything caught inside the Formation have absolutely no way out unless it’s power surpasses the user by many levels! This means that the Enraged Divine Flames has no chance of getting out!” Explained the knowledgeable one.

“As expected from Pill Grandmaster Cheung! To have such an extraordinary Treasure, that Flaming Viper will definitely perish inside!” The crowd exclaimed.

“No, the primary use of this Treasure was not made for something like an Enraged Divine Flames, so it can only weaken it! An Enraged Divine Flames cannot be defeated by normal means and can only be subdued by Pill Masters! No matter how many times you slash it with your sword, it will only regenerate, which is why the Pill Master has to trap it within their Cauldron first, then destroying them inside!”

Because of how difficult it was to control Divine Flames in general; Cauldrons were made to help Pill Masters by assisting them in controlling a portion of their Divine Flames, lessening their stress. Divine Flames are one of the strongest techniques an individual can wield only ranking below Martial Techniques! If ten individuals were told that they could only have one out of the two, Heavenly Divine Flames or a Heavenly Treasure, nine times out of ten that individual would choose the Heavenly Divine Flames!

With a Heavenly Treasure, one may be able to obtain great power and fight these who have a higher Cultivation than the wielder. However, if one were to have Divine Flames, they would be able to not only create Pills, one of Cultivator's primary source for Cultivation, but they can even use it to craft Weapons! Cultivators that were at one point, and these who are currently standing at the top of the World all have powerful Divine Flames! However, not everyone is capable of controlling Divine Flames, and that is what makes Pill Masters so unique and sought out by every faction out there.

“Dear, how are things holding up here?” After Xuan Yuming had finished putting up the barrier, she flew to the where the Flaming Viper was trapped.

“This damned thing has been a pain after it absorbed the leftover Divine Flames…” Grumbled Xuan Cheung.

“Are you going to destroy it entirely including the Divine Flame Essence?” She asked him with a hesitating tone.

“That is what I am trying to decide right now. It’s nearly impossible for me to subdue it at this moment forcefully, and who knows when it’ll weaken to the point where I could? On the other hand, if I destroy it, that kid can kiss his career as a Pill Master goodbye…” He replied with a sigh.

Divine Flames can be obtained through two methods. Either being born with it or by consuming one. If one was born with it, then the Divine Flame Essence, the core of Divine Flames, will reside within their Heart, protecting it. If one were to absorb Divine Flames, then it will instead reside with their Dantian, so if their Divine Flame Essence were somehow destroyed, it would only affect their Cultivation. However, if the Divine Flame Essence that they were born with were destroyed, their body will reject any Divine Flames that they try to absorb in the future.

Typically, even if one’s summoned Divine Flames were extinguished, it will not hurt the Divine Flame Essence inside that individual, but if their Divine Flames were to transform into an Enraged Divine Flames and extinguished, then that individual will also have the Divine Flame Essence inside their Heart extinguish along with it! The only way to subdue an Enraged Divine Flames without harming the user is to control it with a Cauldron and returning it to the user!




“Master… Should we do anything about this situation?” Yu Yue asked.

“We will not interfere with this matter.” Tian Yi said calmly.

“Yes, Master.” Yu Yue acknowledged.

Tian Yi’s group are the only ones still calmly sitting down as if everything that was happening was not even happening. Meng Xiang watched the Enraged Divine Flames with interest; Yan Yan was sleeping on Tian Yi’s shoulder as if it was not even her business, Yu Yue and Tian Yi talked back and forth as if they were watching a show.

“What do you think the caused that Enraged Divine Flames?” Tian Yi asked Yu Yue.

“I’m not sure, but he had a horrified expression just seconds before it happened, it was as if he saw a ghost.” Yu Yue answered.

“Aiya, whatever his reasons were, to have such a powerful Heart Demon is saddening…” He sighed.

“Big Brother, what is that snake on fire?” Meng Xiang asked.

“Oh, that? That is what happens if you lose control of your Divine Flames. If you do not want to be laughed at, then do not let this happen to you, okay? Well, not that I’ll let it happen to begin it.” He replied.

“Ooooh… But Big Brother, how did he lose control of his Divine Flames? It feels very natural for me, and if it’s easy for me, shouldn’t it be even easier for him? Since he’s older than me...” If Pill Masters around the World heard her words, they would definitely puke out blood from rage. An 11 Years Old little girl dared to proclaim that controlling Divine Flames was easy?!

“Sister Meng Xiang, it is not fair for you to compare yourself with him… You are Realms above him...” Yu Yue said.

The Personal Servant of the future Celestial Emperor was comparing herself to a Mortal in such a small Realm? What kind of joke was that? People will look at it as if comparing Jade to dirty pebbles on a muddy road filled.

“So I am better than him?” She asked with an innocent tone.

“Meng Xiang, not everybody is born with the same talents. Although you are better at many things than most people, do not let that get inside your head because there will always be people above you. Arrogance is the fastest way to get yourself killed, and that goes for even Immortals, and you are just a normal little girl. Do you understand?” Tian Yi said.

Although she is his Personal Servant, he does not plan on letting her grow up knowing how powerful she really is, so even if she is already power enough to kill Gods with her Divine Flames, he will still treat her as if she was just his normal Little Sister!

“Un. I understand.” Meng Xiang nodded.

“Yu Yue, that goes for you too. Your title as my Personal Servant does not grant you invincibility nor does it make you immune to death. Do not let that arrogance get inside your head, especially not when you are my Personal Servant!” He also lectured Yu Yue.

“I-I apologize, Master. It was wrong for me to get ahead of myself. I will change the ways I think from now on,” Yu Yue instantly regretted saying what she told Meng Xiang. She was still overwhelmed at her new title, and that got inside her head without her knowing.

“I am not telling you to change the way you think, nor am I telling you that being arrogant is not allowed. At least keep it inside your head. You are my Personal Servant, so you are entitled to some degree of arrogance.” He continued.

“Y-Yes, Master. Your words have been engraved in my Soul.” Yu Yue bowed.

“If you understand, that’s good.” He nodded.

“Big Brother, that snake is looking at us.” Meng Xiang suddenly said.

“Hm?” They look at the Flaming Viper that was still being pierced by spikes.




The Flaming Viper suddenly noticed Tian Yi and his group sitting peacefully in the crowd and suddenly stopped moving, only to stare at him with its blazing red eyes.


It suddenly roared the loudest one yet with emotions, and as if it evolved, it grew larger and larger.


It continued to grow, and the flames on its body became fiercer than ever.

“W-What is going on?!” The audience was alarmed at the Flaming Viper’s sudden change.


The Flaming Viper whipped its tail at the barrier, and cracks around the barrier could be seen the next second.

*Craaack* *Craaack*

“NOT GOOD! GET COVER!” Xuan Cheung suddenly screamed.

*Crack* *Boom*

The Formation entrapping the Flaming Viper blasted open and with the Formation gone the Spikes holding it down disappeared, setting it free.


Xuan Cheung coughed up a mouthful of blood due to the backlash of the Formation breaking.

“Dear!” “Father!” Xuan Yuming and Xuan Wanshan hurriedly flew over to grab him and retreated.

“I’m okay, go evacuate the people before the last barrier also breaks!” He said.





The Flaming Viper slammed into the barrier, creating a fissure across the barrier.

“It’s… Run! It’s going to break the barrier!” Realizing that it was no longer safe to stay, the audience that has been watching began fleeing.

“S-Senior! Let us help you in subduing that Enraged Divine Flames!” One of the contestants suddenly said.

“Yeah! We are also Pill Masters. Allow us to assist you!” They believed that the mysterious Senior was still watching, so they decided to show off by being brave.

“You idiots! Leave if you do not want to die!” Xuan Wanshan yelled at them.



The barrier could no longer withstand the power of the Flaming Viper and shattered.


It roared and ran towards the opposite direction from where Tian Yi was sitting. It was trying to escape! It was created due to the fear it had for Tian Yi, so why would it possibly try to run into him? It became stronger because it wanted to run away from him at all cost!


“It's… Running away?” Yu Yue was bewildered, but she did not blame it. It probably sensed something within her Master when it looked at him, causing it to run away.

Tian Yi instantly smiled when he saw what it was trying to do and said, “Meng Xiang! This will be a test to see where you are currently standing after all that training! Subdue that snake with your Cauldron! Do not worry; I will be there with you!”

“Un!” Meng Xiang nodded with a brave expression on her face.

“Good! Let’s go!” He picked her up and disappeared from their spot.

“...” Yu Yue stood there with a dumbfounded look. What happened to not interfering?

“...” Yan Yan did not expect him to suddenly up and go and was left behind with Yu Yue.




“Ahhh!!!” Someone screamed.

“?!?! Not good!” Xuan Wanshan looked towards the direction of that scream to see the Flaming Viper running towards the blind girl who was too scared to move at full speed.


It roared and swung its tail at the blind girl that was blocking her way.

“Ah…” The blind girl could sense its tail coming for her, and let out a weak cry. She knew that her death was only a split second away.

“Senior…” Was her last words before falling on her butt, waiting for her death to come.


A gust of wind suddenly appeared, gently blowing a sweet fragrance into her nose.

“......?” She waited for a few more seconds before realizing that the tail did not hit her.

Using her Divine Sense, she could draw out two figures standing in front of her inside her head. It was a tall, slim male figure holding onto a kid with one hand and blocking a large tail with the other.

“S-Senior…?” Her mouth whispered instinctively without being ordered.

“What Senior?! I am only 18 Years Old!” A voice in front of her refuted.



The blind girl was instantly dumbfounded! It was the same voice as that Senior who had protected her from the bullying!

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