Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 70: Assistants

“You can stand.” Tian Yi said with a gentle voice.

However, Yu Yue was still kneeling with tears pouring down her face.

Reaching out a hand, he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her up.

With the contrary, he wiped the tears off her surprised face, “If you are going to cry so much now, will there be any more tears left for the future?” He chuckles.

“Gu—hehe.” Yu Yue accidentally chuckled while crying.

“Sister Yue, congratulations.” A voice suddenly said.

“Sister Yue, you always joked about becoming his servant, yet look at you now.”

“Ahh, one of our fellow Sisters has finally grown up enough to leave us…”

“What are you talking about? She will always be one of us.”

“Sisters….” Yu Yue looked at the girls who were congratulating her while trying to hold back their tears.

Turning back to Tian Yi, she asked, “Master, am I allowed to accept my own assistants?”

“Eh?!” The girls were shocked at her question. Was she trying to include them too?

“It’s fine Sister Yue; we do not want to trouble you… Being a temporary servant is already more than enough for us.” Although they were thankful, they knew their limits.

“Of course.” Tian Yi suddenly said, surprising the girls who were feeling a bit down.

“Master, I know that I am acting very selfish even though it is my first day working, but is there a limit to how many I can choose…?” Her face was full of worries, yet resolution.

For her Sisters, she will be willing to endure anything!

Looking at Yu Yue, then at the girls behind her, he smiled, “Although there is an actual limit, I will make this an exception as a little gift for following me. As long as they are willing, you can accept as many as you want right now, but that is only available for today.”

Hearing that, Yu Yue’s face was no longer worried, but delighted, “Thank you, Master!” She said with a bright smile.

Turning back to her Sisters, she said, “You heard it! As long as you are willing, I will accept you as my assistant! If you are willing, then raise your hand!”


67 hands instantly went up. All of them were willing to join!

“Good! However, because none of you have any experience as a cook, I will only officially accept you after you do! I will give you five years, but if I can do it in one, then as my Sisters, you should too! If you cannot achieve it within five years, then do not blame me for not giving you face!” She does not want to take advantage of the kindness shown to her.

“Thank you, Sister Yue!” None of them had any complaints because Yu Yue has already given them more than enough face. If they cannot reach her level within five years, they can only blame themselves for being untalented!

“Don’t thank me, thank my Master!” She felt proud calling him Master.

“Thank you, Brother Yi!” They thanked him.

“What Brother Yi?! Although you are not officially my assistants, you are considered one! Is that how you address your future Master?! You also need to work on your professionalism!” She lectures them right away.

“S-Sorry… Thank you, Master!” They thanked him again.

“Un.” Tian Yi nods with a satisfied expression. He liked his new Personal Servant more and more.

“Ah, Master, I have not fully introduced myself yet.” Yu Yue said.

“Yu Yue, the eldest daughter of the Yu Family, ruler of the White Jade Kingdom, one of the ninety-nine Mortal Worlds. Age 24, Cultivation in the Saint Realm. I have a pair of God Veins being Metal and Wood. My favorite color is white and purple. My hobby has been cooking since last year. My dream was to work in the honored Imperial Tian Family, and under Master, if it was possible. That’s all— Ah, I have never been in a relationship, so I am still pure.” She introduced herself.

“Was the last part really necessary?” Tian Yi thought.

He looked at the girl in front of him carefully for the first time. She had a willowy, matured figure and her naturally pink lips were sexy. Her skin was unblemished and pale like the highest quality of White Jade. Her black eyebrows were thin and slender, and she was looking at him with a pair of dreamy, lotus purple eyes that fitted nicely onto her perfectly portioned oval face.

Feeling embarrassed from his staring, she started to play with her silky black hair that flowed down to her waist.

“Un. Other than Mother, you are definitely one of the most beautiful girls I’ve seen so far.” He praised her with his true feelings.

He has been around a very little amount of females, but out of the ones he has seen so far, she is definitely the most beautiful. Even when placed with her fellow Sisters, she still ranked the highest!

“Ah?!” Yu Yue’s face instantly heats up after being praised with such a sweet line, and she instinctively touched her chest where the heart was located. She felt something like an arrow pierced through her heart!

“M-Master…” Yu Yue cries out with a quiet voice.

“No need to be shy, I am only stating the obvious.” Tian Yi said.

“Uuu~” She covered her face and started making weird sounds.

The girls behind her were dumbfounded and could not believe their ears! Did the Son of the Celestial Emperor just praise a female for her beauty?! Just this one praise topped any compliment a woman can ever receive!

While most females would look for strong males with a good background, most males would mainly look at females for their beauty and body! Females would court males by showing off their beauty while praising their strength, and males would court females by showing off their power while praising their beauty!

What did it mean for Tian Yi to praise her beauty? It meant that he was courting her! But of course, the person who praised her has no idea the misunderstanding he had just caused! He praised her beauty because he wanted her to know what he sees, not because he was trying to court her! To him, all he did was stating the obvious and nothing more!


Yan Yan almost choked on her saliva when she heard his praise for Yu Yue! If it weren’t for her knowledge of how innocent he was, she would’ve already choked to death!

“T-This is—- I-If M-Master does not mind someone like me… Then I will gladly—”

“Gladly my ass!” Yan Yan flew right into her face and started flapping her wings, messing up her combed hair.

“?!?!?” Yu Yue was flabbergasted at this unexpected situation.

“You are thinking too highly of yourself if you believe that my Master would court someone like you!” Yan Yan said.

“M-Master? And who are you to him?!” She asked.

“I’m his Spirit Beast!” Yan Yan replied with a proud tone.

“What?! A rude bird like you?! I do not believe!” The girls said.

“Hmph, whether you believe or not doesn’t matter to me.” Yan Yan sneered.

“Yan Yan, as the Senior here, you should be taking care of our family, not bully them.” Tian Yi said.


Yan Yan instantly went silent for a moment, but then she said something unexpected, “You’re right Master, I apologize.”

After apologizing, she flew back to Tian Yi’s shoulder and started rubbing her body against his neck while grinning at the dumbfounded girls.

“This chicken!”

“That’s foul play!”

The girls cursed in their heart, but they did not dare to voice it out because she was his Spirit Beast! They did not believe it at first, but after seeing their intimacy, they had to gnash their teeth and accept it! The reason they are not willing to offend her was that Yan Yan’s position as his Spirit Beast is actually one step higher than his Personal Servants!

“Why are you so clingy all of a sudden? I still need to finish lunch before it gets cold.” Tian Yi brushed Yan Yan away from his neck and continued to eat.

“….” The place turns silent again.

“……..” The girls stay standing there even after many minutes.

Yu Yue finally looked at them and said, “What are you all still doing here?! Go back home and learn how to cook already! Your time limit has already started!”

“What?! B-But Bro— Master’s journey has yet to finish!” One of the girls said. How can they possibly be willing to throw away such a Heaven sent fortune?!

“You idiots!” Yu Yue shouted at them.

“Do you think I don’t know what you are thinking?! Compared to the future, it is only one short week! The faster you learn how to cook, the faster you get to become my assistant officially, and ultimately stay with us forever!” She lectured them with a strict tone.

“!!!” The girl’s eyes went wide from realization.

Seeing their faces, Yu Yue smiled, “So you’ve finally realized it huh… Then what are you waiting for?! Go home and start learning! And you all better be learning as a team! Don’t come back until each and every single one of you become Master Cooks!”

“Yes, Sister Yue!” The girls started leaving in a hurry, but still remembered to say their goodbyes before departing, “Goodbye Master. We will definitely come back as good as, if not even better than Sister Yue at cooking!”

“….” Yu Yue silently watched her fellow Sisters leave, and sighed, “This will probably be my longest separation with them since we formed our group…”

Although she felt a bit lonely, she was also very excited for the future where they meet again to fulfill their group’s real purpose, which was to one day serve Tian Yi together as Sisters.

Ten years ago when she and a few other girls first formed this group, their original purpose was to help each other fulfill their dream, which was surprising all the same, to become a servant in the Tian Family. Since they all had the same dream, why not make it the purpose of the group? As time went on, they found more and more girls who had the same dream like them. The more girls they found, the less chance there would be able to achieve their goal as a group because the number of people able to serve under the Imperial Tian Family was limited. Because of that, the original purpose of the group slowly turned into something else. Although they steered away from the original purpose of the group, none of them really cared because they were already satisfied with being around each other as Sisters. However, now that they have an opportunity to fulfill that purpose, what else is there to hesitate about? Nothing!


“I guess Sister Yu Yue will be staying with him from now on… How envious.”

“The faster we learn how to cook, the faster that feeling will go away.”

“Sister Yue just now was scary… I have never seen her this strict before.”

“Right? Even though she was so shy just a few seconds ago.”

“A vulnerable little girl in front of the Master but a Strict General to the subordinates? I didn’t know she had such a cute side to her…”


The girls joked while hovering in the sky.

“Ah, before we go back, what about Sister Xiuying? Didn’t we come here to look for her?”

“Ehhh… It will be okay. Sister Yue will still be here, not to mention that only she has her location.”

“Oh, you’re right. Then let’s hurry and go back. Every second we are wasting is every second of missed opportunity!”

“Un.” The girls nod.

One of the girls suddenly pulled out a Black Sword, and then she slashes the space in front of her.


Space ripped apart, revealing nothing but darkness behind it.

“Let’s go back home and start cooking.” A girl said before stepping into the darkness and disappearing.

The girls followed her action, disappearing from the Mortal’s Realm.


After lunch was finished, Yu Yue went to wash the dishes and wipe the table before being called by Tian Yi.

“Yu Yue, let me introduce you to your new family. This bird over is here Yan Yan, my Spirit Beast.” He pats the azure bird sitting on his shoulder.

“And this is Meng Xiang, 11 Years Old. Just like you, she is my Personal Servant. The only difference is that you cook, and she brews tea.”

“P-Personal Servant?! 11 Years Old?!” Yu Yue was bewildered! The group of Sisters including her has been wondering who she was, and it turned out that she was actually his Personal Servant!

“Meng Xiang, Yan Yan, this is Yu Yue, and she will be with us starting today.”

“Big Brother, she is your Personal Servant just like me?” Meng Xiang asks.

“Yes, so she is your Sister now.”

“Wow…” Meng Xiang’s eyes started to sparkle like Starry Sky. Not only does she have a Big Brother, but she will also have a Big Sister now?!

“How did Master and Sister Xiang meet?” Yu Yue asked out of curiosity.

“Oh! I know!” Meng Xiang raised her hand with enthusiasm, “I used to be a beggar until Big Brother picked me up when I was crying!” Her heart warms up whenever she recalls their meeting.

“B-Beggar?! Picked you up?!” Yu Yue could not believe her ears! That explains why her Karma Meter was so Heaven Defying! She went from being a beggar that goes through trash just to survive to being a Servant of the Son of the Celestial Emperor! With her luck, how was it possible that she didn’t find gold in a random trash bag?!

“Y-You must have had a rough life… Sorry.” Yu Yue felt sorry for her.

But Meng Xiang shook her head, “No, it is okay now because I have Big Brother.”

“….. Is that so…. You can ask Big Sister for help if you need anything from now on, okay?” Yu Yue said while giving off a gentle smile.

“Okay, Big Sister!” Meng Xiang smiled back.

Tian Yi was watching them with a smile, “Sisters huh… I wonder if I should call him my Brother instead…” He thinks back to his best friend.

“Meng Xiang, it is still early so let’s get back to your training.” He said to her.

“Yes, Big Brother!”

“Yu Yue, you can do whatever you want until dinner.”

“Yes, Master.”

Yu Yue went back to cleaning the room while Tian Yi continued to train Meng Xiang.


“Your Majesty! You Majesty! It’s an emergency” A servant was shouting outside in front an indescribably grand door.

“What is it?” A clear voice asked from behind the door.

“R-Reporting to his Majesty, another position as Y-Young Master’s P-Personal S-Servant has been taken—–”


The grand door in front of the servant suddenly blasted open, and a gust of wind surged from the inside.

“WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!?!?!?!?” An angry roar echoed throughout the entire Celestial Palace and the already quiet Palace went dead silent!

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