Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 108

“What is the meaning of this?”

Tian Yi asked the old woman blocking the door, his eyes were calmer than a glass of water that has not been touched for hours.

“Did you not hear me? I will not repeat myself. You are coming to the Holy Continent with me,” she replied with an overbearing tone.

She was startled a bit when Tian Yi looked at her with his calm expression. How could he be so calm in this situation?

True, he may be god-like in zither play and even she could only lower her head and then take many steps back if they were to be compared. However, even with that said, there was no way this little kid from this trash continent could compare to her in experience and cultivation.

How he achieved such a high mastery in zither play, she has no idea, but it did not matter because she could not sense any Spirit Power in this kid! His clothes already tell her that he is from the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect, an outer court disciple, the lowest rank at that.

And while many in the Holy Continent were able to sense the monstrous strength hidden within his notes from his song, they were all experts with a cultivation way higher than hers’, and even with that, they could only tell that whoever played such notes was someone with a cultivation base that was above their understanding!

Even someone like the Sect Master of the Jade Lotus Temple who has been at the Peak of the Heaven Realm for many decades could barely sense the power within the notes, let alone this elder who had just enter the Heaven Realm not long ago.

“Tian Yi!”

Both Xuan Wanshan and Qiu Heng cried with worried.

Xuan Wanshan knew how mysterious and strong he was, but his opponent this time was someone that even she cannot sense any cultivation from. Not only does this old lady have an extremely high cultivation that even she, a Spirit King, cannot sense, this old lady even mentioned the Holy Continent, a place where Immortals dwell.

While she was worried, the calm expression on his face lessened it a lot, giving her space to breath.

Qiu Heng, on the other hand, was so nervous and worried that his white teeth were clattering like he was freezing to death from being stranded naked on a snowy mountain.

He was aware of how monstrous Tian Yi was being a Spirit King at his age, but even with that, how can he, a junior, fight someone as senior and experienced as this old lady from the Holy Continent? Even the servants are in the Spirit Realm over there, let alone this senior who looks as if she was an elder from some exalted Sect within the Holy Continent.

Hearing their worried cries, Tian Yi did not reply. Instead, he showed them a gentle and carefree smile.

“What if I say I don’t want to go to this Holy Continent place?” he said to the old lady.

“Who said you had a choice?” she replied instantaneously, almost as if she had expected him to say that and prepared beforehand.

The girls on the stage finally recovered from their shock and shouted, “Senior Yao! Please do not treat this Junior Brother so roughly! We can talk it out, I am sure he will understand once we talk----”

“Hmph, talk? My words are Heavenly Laws in a shitty place like this, we can talk once we arrive at the Holy Continent!” this Senior Yao sneered.

Tian Yi’s right eyebrow lifted slightly when he heard her say the words ‘Heavenly Laws’. This is the first time someone had the gall to speak of Heavenly Laws in front of the Tian Family…

While she was a Mortal in his eyes and she did not know of his existence, it was still a funny and weird experience that would never surface in the lights of the higher realms.

He looked at the chains ‘restricting’ him and chuckled in his heart, ‘Am I the so-called ant and she is the elephant in this situation?’

Forget about being angry and feeling like he had his face slapped by this old lady, he actually found this pretty fun.

“Senior Yao, I also ask of you to be lenient towards Junior Brother Tian.”

Tang Yi who was lifeless up until this point finally has life returned to her eyes, and she bowed to her.

“If it were not for Junior Brother Tian, my zither play would not have advanced so much in one day… not to mention that he also opened my eyes and allowed me to see a whole new world of zither playing…”


Senior Yao’s face softened and she turned silent.

“Hmph, you are lucky today you little brat, to make my little treasure lower her head just for you---” she waved her hand, and the chains restricting Tian Yi dissipates like smoke.

Tian Yi smiled, “Thank you---”

“Thank my little treasure, not me. If it were not for her, I would have flattened your entire Sect----”


Her words got caught in her throat before she was able to finish speaking because a horrifying pressure had suddenly slammed her entire body on the floor with cracks on the floor spreading like spider webs!

“SENIOR YAO?!?!?!”

The girls called out in shock.


Senior Yao tried to speak, but she was unable to open her mouth properly with her face entire kissing the cracked floor. She tried to lift her head up to see what the hell was happening, but she was shocked to find out that she was unable to lift a finger, let alone her head!

While everybody’s shocked gazes were on Senior Yao’s body-hugging the floor, Xuan Wanshan and Qiu Heng’s gazes were on Tian Yi’s face, his angry face!

The smile he had a second ago was cleanly wiped away as if it was never there, replacing it was a frown and fierce eyes. If one looked closely, red lights could be seen flickering in his eyes.

The red lights were, of course, killing intent!

Xuan Wanshan had a loose expression on her face, it was as if she did not know how to react.

Qiu Heng, on the other hand, has his entire back soaked in sweat even though he only had a glance at that killing intent!

The girls on the stage finally began moving from panic and jumped off the stage to run to their Senior Yao, but their legs stopped working once they noticed the figure who had begun moving way before they did.

“J-Junior Brother Tian?”

The girl who lend Tian Yi her zither called out to him.

“You can threaten me, you can curse at me, you can even lay your hands on me, but you will not touch those who are innocent and have nothing to do with this,” his calm voice that did not match his face resounded in the head of those who were still in the right mind to hear it.

When Senior Yao who could barely breathe at this moment heard his voice, a mouthful of blood uncontrollably sprayed out of her mouth like a fountain.

This brat was responsible for her current situation?! Impossible!

Suddenly feeling the pressure on her weakening, Senior Yao used all her strength to look up, and what came in her view was Tian Yi staring down at her like an executioner staring down at the sinner.

“I-I am an elder from the Jade Lotus Temple, second in power within the Holy Continent… I-If you dare go any further, even if I let you go, m-my Sect will not! You have already humiliated me by slapping my face with so many people as witness, even if you let me go right now, it will not end well for you! Release me at this moment and I will think about talking to my Sect---” she began threatening him with death looking at her from across the street.

It did not matter if one was a Mortal or an Immortal, in the face of death, most would do anything they can think of in order to save their life, even if the only thing they can think of was gibberish and makes no sense at all!

“What a shame...”

A low voice resounded in her ears before the pressure on her suddenly strengthened again, forcing her lips to kiss the cracked floor once again, and harder than the previous time.

Tian Yi had lessened the pressure on her so she could speak, and he would have even let her go peacefully if she had apologized or showed even a tiny bit of regret. But alas, she did not regret her actions and even had the gall to threaten him with her Sect!

“Junior Brother Tian, please---”

A pair hand covered in cold sweat grabbed his arm, and he turned around to see the girl he had borrowed the zither from staring at him with pleading eyes.

Seeing her watery eyes that pleaded him to stop, he sighed and released the pressure that was bearing down on Senior Yao.

He shook his head and said, “I do not like violence, and I definitely do not enjoy what others refer to ‘bullying the weak’, especially when they are a senior...” he turned his gaze at Senior Yao who was still laying on the floor even though the pressure was gone, and continued, “But when one has the gall to test my temper by threatening to involve those who are innocent in front of me, they better wish what I have in store for them is death and not something else…”

To make him angry was extremely hard, yet extremely easy.

One can threaten and curse at him all day, and his temper would stay the same without a ripple, yet if one was to involve those who are innocent and have nothing to do with them, he would snap faster than a young master who had just got his toes stepped on by a commoner.

Not daring to move, Senior Yao continued to lay on the floor like a corpse, silently listening to his words, not missing a single one.

Thinking for a moment, he continued, “You are lucky to have such a good disciple at your Sect, if it was not for her, I might have just wiped out the entire Holy Continent by accident,” his voice was cold and low, violently shaking the soul of those who heard it.

Not just Senior Yao whose body was shivering uncontrollably, even the girls could feel their blood turning cold.

While it may sound laughable and something even an idiot would not say while on drugs, they did not doubt that he would be able to it if he so wished!

“It does not sound too good to hear such words, now does it…?” said Tian Yi.

Of course, he would not do something like that even if she actually went ahead and flattened his entire Sect.

No matter how evil one was, he will only deal with those who are responsible and would never touch those who are innocent.

Tian Yi walked past Senior Yao and towards the door, ‘Such a good day ruined by an idiot…’ he sighed to himself.

Xuan Wanshan and Qiu Heng finally woke up from their shock after Tian Yi was almost at the door and chased after him.

“Junior Brother Tian!”

A voice that resembled heavenly bells rang.

Tian Yi stopped just before he stepped out to look at Tang Yi.

“After we sort this out, I will personally go to your place and give you a proper apology, so until then, please do not hold any grudges against our Jade Lotus Temple,” she bowed with sincerity.

“Grudges? Such word does not exist in my book,” he replied before walking out.

Tang Yi and the girls released a long sigh, one they held inside since the beginning of the drama.

Only after Tian Yi was long gone did Senior Yao stand back up.

Her clothes were stained with her own blood mixed with dirt from laying on the floor for too long.

Her red eyes with visible veins glanced at everybody inside the room.


Her Heaven Realm pressure filled the whole room, suffocating even Tang Yi and the girls.

“Y-Yes, senior!”

The entire room shouted in panic.

Senior Yao looked at a random figure and spoke in a calm tone, so awfully calm that it was creepy, “What did I just say?”

The figure she looked at trembled nonstop before stuttering, “S-Senior said w-what happened today did not h-happen---”

Before he was able to finish, blood splattered in the air and his head separated from his body.


Everybody in the room was dumbfounded and terrified at what had just happened.

“Senior Yao?!” Tang Yi cried out.

“Silence!” screamed Senior Yao.

“You! What did I just say?!” she then locked her gaze at another figure in the room.


This figure was Jin Shizi, the elder of the Jin Family!

Jin Shizi stood there, his mouth unwilling to open.

Another second before he opened his mouth, “I---”

“Too late, what a shame!”

She shouted before more blood and another head flew.

Tang Yi and the girls covered their mouth with wide eyes, fear flickering in their eyes.

“You! What did I just say?!”

Senior Yao looked at another stranger.

This figure whose mind was sharp replied, “What did senior say? This one does not remember.”


Just as everybody began closing their eyes, Senior Yao laughed, “Good! You are a smart one!”

After everybody there realized what was going on, they silently thanked their savior.

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