Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 103: The Veiled Figure

More and more people began rushing into the red room, occupying the remaining empty seats in the front row.

The middle-aged man looked at the three from the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect sitting next to him and decided to bring up a topic with the outer disciple whom he had no interest in whatsoever.

“Excuse me, but do you happen to be a disciple from Profound Dragon Spirit Sect?” he asked as if he was not familiar with them.

Hearing someone mention about his Sect next to him, Tian Yi turned his head and nodded at the middle-aged man.

“Yes, I am indeed from the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect,” he said.

Once Tian Yi started talking, Xuan Wanshan and Qiu Heng also looked at the middle-aged man wondering what they were talking about.

Upon seeing how successful he was in luring the two big shots in without even talking to them, the middle-aged man laughed in his heart.

“Ah, so I was right. I sensed this formidable aura around you, so I knew you were someone with an impressive background. To think it was actually a disciple from the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect, my luck is truly not bad today,” said the middle-aged man.

He had started sweet talking! Which young man would not enjoy being sweet talked to? The higher one’s status was, the more they liked it when people sweet talked to them! At least that was what the middle-aged man believed.

“And you are…?”

“Ah, how rude of me. I am Jin Shizhi, an Elder of the Jin Family,” he said, not hiding the arrogance in the words ‘Jin Family’.

Hearing the words ‘Jin Family’ Tian Yi’s face was still as calm as before without a slight change, and that made the middle-aged man frown in his heart.

‘My Jin Family is the lord of this city, people will either show admiration or respect and both in many cases when they see us, yet this outer disciple did not even react even though I have already told him that I was an Elder of this family!’

Of course, Tian Yi had no idea about the Jin Family, nor did he really care.

As if he decided to ignore it, the middle-aged man spoke again, “What is someone from the prestige Profound Dragon Spirit Sect doing here?”

Xuan Wanshan looked at this middle-aged man as if he was an idiot. What were they here for? There was only one reason why anybody would be here today, yet he asked such an obvious question? If he was not an idiot, then what was he?

Not waiting for an answer, the middle-aged man acted as if he just noticed the two next to him, “My good Heavens, you must be an esteemed Elder from the famed Profound Dragon Spirit Sect! How could this one have not noticed Senior just now----”

Xuan Wanshan held her palm up as if she wanted him to stop talking.

“You’re annoying, so shut up,” she told him straight up.


An ugly expression appeared on the middle-aged man’s face.

“Excuse me, but what did Senior just---”

“I said shut up,” she repeated, her voice turning colder.

Seeing how she was unwilling to give him any face, the ugly expression on his face worsened.

“Senior, I am an elder from the Jin Family, the lord of this city---”

Not waiting for him to finish, Xuan Wanshan stood up and grabbed the collar of his robes, throwing him straight towards the exit.

The middle-aged man was flung over countless people staring at him with wide eyes and landed outside the door like a broken rag doll.

“What’s the commotion about?!”

The beautiful door servant was startled by the sudden scene and she shouted, her cultivation of a Spirit Lord exploding out, shocking those who were still near the door.

A mere door servant was already a Spirit Lord? The Holy Continent was truly living in an entirely different world than them!

“He was annoying so I threw him,” she said nonchalantly to the stunned people there.

Tian Yi and Qiu Heng looked at her with a surprised look.

Even the beautiful door servant was a bit dazed. It has been quite some time since anybody had dared to cause trouble here!

Xuan Wanshan was already in a bad mood, and the sweet fragrance of females floating around this red room irritated her mood even more. Being in such a bad mood, even if the city lord were to be here personally, she would still have done the same thing and throw him out without giving him face!

‘Senior Xuan is truly unreasonable and scary…’ Qiu Heng thought to himself.

Xuan Wanshan’s cold and unreasonable character was already a known fact in the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect, making every disciple apprehensive when around her.

Tian Yi, on the other hand, has only seen such character at the beginning because she had changed by deciding not to act like that anymore after meeting him.

Noticing Tian Yi looking at her with a strange face, Xuan Wanshan blushed, “Ah, it’s a bad habit,” she said before sitting back down as if nothing had happened.

The door servant had decided to give this trouble-maker a piece of her mind if she had decided to continue causing trouble, but after seeing her sit down and not pursuing the matter anymore, she had also decided to just ignore it. It was not that much of a big deal anyways.

Turning to look at the middle-aged man who was just thrown, she could see his face turning red with veins bulging on his forehead from anger. His blood was already half-way filled up his throat, if he was angered anymore, he might actually cough up blood.

Although she did not care about a mere Mortal from this trash of a Continent, she still had to act her role.

“Honoured guest, please refrain from causing any more scenes and suppress such emotions for now and deal with it afterward,” she said to him.


The middle-aged man could only swallow his anger and blood, slowly nodding and picked another seat to sit down.

An Elder from the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect was not someone he could afford to offend or fight back, maybe he could give her a hard time if he went to complain to the city lord, but that was the most he could do as an elder. The door servant was somebody even more untouchable, let alone taking out his anger on her.

He was aware of the fact that even the servants here were from the Holy Continent, someone whom even the city lord of this city cannot touch, let alone him, a mere elder.

Although he hates to admit it, he could not do anything right now or later. Good luck? Meeting someone as unreasonable as Xuan Wanshan was definitely a luck of its own!

“Wasn’t that Jin Shizi from the Jin Family that was just thrown like a chicken?”

“He seems to have offended an elder from the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect…”

“Hey, isn’t that Xuan Wanshan, the one known for being unreasonable? Aiya, Jin Shizhi could only blame himself for angering her…”

The people there gossiped to each other as time passed by.

There were still a few minutes until the show begins, yet beautiful girls were already walking up the stage one by one, each with a different instrument in their arms.

Qiu Heng’s eyes flickered with admiration once he sees a certain girl walking up the stage, ‘Ahh, Junior Sister Sun looks as beautiful as ever…’ his emotions boiled at the sight of the slender girl in red robes standing at the center of the stage.

The entire audience quietens down before all the girls were standing on the stage, each individual admiring their own favorite girl.

Without any introduction, the girls sat down on the stage gracefully, and the beautiful sound of a Pipa began resounding in the audience’s ears, instantly turning the atmosphere tranquil, easing up the audience’s mood.

Xuan Wanshan watched with wide eyes as music gentle flow into her ears like a group of birds singing in spring. While she was not familiar with music in general, she could tell that the girls on the stage were all extremely talented.

Tian Yi closed his eyes to enjoy the music; his face was peaceful and without disturbance.

His mood began changing along with the notes. Joyful when it was gentle, sad when it was low and drawn out, excited when it was sharp and fierce... his mood was like waves in the ocean, low and high waves that followed the current.

And before he was aware of it, the music had stopped, waking him up from what felt like a long nap.

A satisfied light flashed within his eyes, ‘Not bad... Truly not bad…’ he praised them inside his heart.

Once the music had completely stopped, the sound of clapping quickly filled the entire room.



“As expected from the Heavenly Fragrance of Pure Flowers, their skills and standards are frighteningly high!”

The audience praised them nonstop, to which the beautiful girls on the stage replied with a bright smile and gentle nod.

The clapping did not stop even after a whole minute, and the girls on the stage slowly moved their slender fingers towards their instrument, instantly stopping the endless claps.

The sound of a bamboo flute started the flow this time, changing the tranquil atmosphere into a lively one, forcing the audience to unknowingly sit up straight at the edge of their seat.

Time passed slowly as the girls on the stage played a dozen songs, each song with its own atmosphere and emotions along with endless applauds in between the songs.

Qiu Heng looked at Xuan Wanshan and Tian Yi, “What did I say? This place is truly not what the rumor make it out to be and is nothing but a pure and enjoyable place.” he said.

Xuan Wanshan silently nodded to his words, admitting that she has been looking at this place with the wrong impression the entire time.

Tian Yi did not reply and had his own thoughts…

‘If I remember correctly, mother has a group of servants known as the ‘Heavenly Melodies’ back at the palace and she would listen to them play music whenever she was free…’

Such thoughts were in his head before he was interrupted by the changes on the stage.

The group of girls all stood up for the first time since they began playing music, and they took a few gentle steps backward as if they were making space for something or someone.

Knowing the real event was about to begin, the audience sat even closer to the edge of their seat with most of their bottom hovering in the empty air, barely falling off their seats.

Just as the atmosphere stiffened created by the nervous audience, a figure gracefully walked up the stage. Each of her steps was as gentle as a feather, creating invisible ripples filled with profound laws of that was not of this world at random times.

The instant this newcomer stood on the stage, the stiff atmosphere was forcefully changed by the gentle aura she was naturally exuding, magically removing the nervousness within the audience's heart as if it was never there.

The previous group of females lowered their head and bowed to the red-robed figure standing before them.

The audience closely inspected this red-robed figure. Her body was slender and mature, giving off a gentle feeling like mother nature. Her face was covered by a red veil, revealing only her white, smooth neck that made those who saw it unconsciously swallow their saliva.

A voice that sounded like heavenly bells filled the room, shaking the souls of those in the room.

“My name is Tang Yi, a direct disciple of the Jade Lotus Temple,” said the veiled figure.

Her introduction was a simple one, yet it was overbearing like a massive wave that wreaked havoc inside the minds of everybody there!

The audience looked at the veiled figure with their jaws glued the floor.

Good heavens! Not only was her voice heavenly, even her background was as high as the heavens! A direct disciple from the Holy Continent was their host today!

Let alone wasting 1,000 Spirit Stones for the entrance fee, even if it was 100,000 Spirit Stones, they would be willing to pay!

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