NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 73: Making Preparations for Leveling up

The most prominent and first of all rules there was the active rule! These monsters wouldn't be docile, standing silent while players chat among themselves beside them, instead they would seek to attack you actively.

As he read more, he realized the active nature of monsters wasn't one, as monsters were arranged in circular layers, the first would be the hearing stimulus, as any sound caused by players, even during walking. So players should be extra careful when walking around these monsters, as they had very great hearing.

The second zone would be sight, as any player approaching the sight range of any monster would be instantly attacked by it.

The third zone would be the territory rule, where each group of monsters would have a higher rank monster in between them, ruling over an area of land. Trespassing there would irritate these monsters, making them all start attacking players.

The fourth zone would be the smell, as monsters would have great smell abilities. The previous three zones could be countered with the presence of any shade son players, but the fourth zone even shade sons would be smelled and detected, instigating the wrath of monsters.

Bloom read many data related to each monster type and range of its detection nature. After he read for a few times, he sighed, as this ground wasn't meant for single players to advance at.

Players needed to be in teams, and the most important players there would be the shade sons and the levelers!

"It's nice that I have some skills to help me evade those large numbers and try to select fewer numbers groups," he sighed, as from what he just read, the first areas to venture into would be littered with big numbers of monsters, arranging in groups of hundred or more!

This wasn't the common rule, as the common number of monsters in any group ranged between ten and fifty monsters. Even five monsters in one group were also seen there.

He needed to pass his way through the first group of monsters lining the beginning of these grounds. He closed everything and started checking all his skills, either from his class or his gears.

"Let's see, hmm… I can use the darkness nihility skill of the Grode chest plate, also the shadow steps skill of Sherin boots can also work. The first grants me one minute of stealth effect and the other gives me twenty seconds of stealth, with the two combined I could march for one and third minute duration, that might work."

He started to calculate, as the darkness nihility skill had a cooldown of two minutes, while shadow steps skill needed ten seconds to be used again.

So, to be safe, he would use the shadow steps first, then as the skill finished, he would link it with darkness nihility skill, then he would use the shadow steps again.

Like this, he would have one minute and two thirds of a minute stealth time, enough to bypass any large group of monsters. As for after using the second shadow steps, he would have to wait for ten seconds before using it again, or wait for roughly two more minutes to use the combined skill set he just created.

"These two minutes would be challenging, so I have to select a fine place, safe from any monster groups to stay at. If not, then I have to arrange some of my defensive skills too," he muttered, as he rechecked his skills again, looking for any that would help get out of trouble.

His best skill, the one he was very familiar with, was the dash skill. however this skill would only make him evade the incoming attacks, changing his location forcibly, and wouldn't be enough to buy him ten seconds at least to be able to use the shadow steps skills again.

"It's quite troublesome," he muttered, before shaking off these negative thoughts off his mind, as he checked again the skills while muttering, "I need to find more defensive skills. Let's see, this darkness rebound seemed quite useful."

He started to check it and he found it nice to defend, despite he would also receive damage in the process. "Ten seconds are enough for the shadow steps to be activated, but would I be able to last these ten seconds then?"

He didn't have confidence in that, as monsters he would face wouldn't only be five levels higher, but they would be supported by gears as well, making their stats higher, and their damage quite painful even if it was halved.

"Darkness might be such a nice skill, I can use it to make monsters get away from me for thirty seconds. I could run away to a safe place, or even use the shadow steps by then," he muttered, while he finally found his desired skill.

"Pause skill might work in desperate moments, if used properly it might be a lifesaver for me," he said as he continued checking the least of his skills. this skill belonged to his glove gear, something he acquired after leveling it up.

"If I have enough death drops, I could use them to kill any monster I targeted, but to acquire even single one of them, I needed to kill a thousand monsters, hard, can't be done now, or even in the near future," he shook his head in regret, as he closed the page of his swords and opened the other gears to check.

What caught his attention was the appeal skill, as it could be used upon monsters as well. "If I told them that I was their friend, would they believe me?" he muttered, but he didn't want to risk trying this for now. if it failed, then his level wouldn't support him to fight these monsters head on.

"Let's postpone testing this skill for later then," he closed the page of his tattoo gear, while checking the two Sherin's gears. The fog of gravity was like the pause skill of the glove, it could stop monsters from moving for one second. "Another life saving skill, nice," he commended the skill, before finally closing all the windows he had, and started thinking deeply for some moments.

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