NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 67: Going to the Potion Shop

Bloom then started to head away from the main square, targeting a certain location in the village. He had opened his manual and searched for two types of buildings there, the auction house, and the potion shop.

He had many materials in his possession so far, however he needed much more to level up his gears. He also wanted to buy some other gear to supplement his needs.

The auction house was the perfect place to do that, especially since he already had four unneeded gears, one level three sword, and three level five gold grade cape, boots, and chest plate he had acquired from the treasure chest from before.

So, he decided to sell them all, take their money and use them to buy a couple of level ten gears.

He had his twin swords, but they were indispensable! He had already merged skills with one of them, and the other still helped him a lot by the dash skill.

He might ditch that if he found a nice level ten gold grade sword, but he doubted he could afford it at the moment.

He still needed a lot of potions to be secured in the leveling up at the wilderness outside. The auction house was stationed in another square in the village, and luckily enough, the potion shop was just near it.

The moment he reached the square, he spotted the auction house easily from far. It was a huge rounded building, that could accommodate thousands of players at the same time.

It was only three level stories building currently, but compared to other buildings here, it was really magnanimous.

He just went towards it, without thinking much, ascended the short stairs and entered there. the moment he entered, a screen popped up instantly in front of him, with the auction interface welcoming his presence.

He didn't hurry to examine things sold here, as he went to one of the many seats organized in long rows here, like a church, and sat upon one of them.

"Let's see, everything is organized according to the type, price, and the time left to buy. Let's see gears first."

He selected gears, and from the menu there he filtered the search more to show up swords, and then added more details, the level should be ten, and the grade should be gold.

A short list of swords, not exceeding five, appeared instantly in front of his eyes. When he just glanced at the price needed for each of them, he got a scare!

"One thousand gold coins to the cheapest one? And it only has one skill? that's a daylight steal!!"

He angrily closed this page, as he returned back to the main interface of the auction. Items sold here were all NPC manufactured, and as there was no competition from players yet, the prices were sky high!

"Try to get this sword when the mainstream players reach twenty, if they give it to me with one gold coin I won't buy it!" he was still angry as he kept mumbling about the extravagant price of these swords.

The next moment he input the materials to look for some to buy, however he was shocked to find none! There was no single piece of material being sold in the auction currently.

"Curse it! materials are only supplied by players? that's a shame to the reputation of such a house!"

He became angrier, and to cool off, he decided to sell all his four pieces of gears and then leave towards the potion house. After selling them here and buying what he needed from the shop, he would return again to look for more gears to buy.

He hurriedly selected his four items from his inventory, and then went to the outside without giving a single glance back.

The potion shop was just across the street, so he reached there in no time. The shop was simple, only two stories tall, and around three small buildings stuffed together.

He sighed, as this place wouldn't be ever a very prosperous place, given that many players would start learning their lifestyle skills like forging and alchemy.

Thus this shop was doomed to be vacant, and that was good news for him, as that meant things inside would be much cheaper, and wouldn't skyrocket like the gears for example.

When he entered there, he found the main NPC assigned to sell here. the moment he saw him, he instantly was jolted awake, before muttering:

"Players came already to the village, that's good news."

Bloom suddenly felt bad from this unintentional comment from this NPC. "How can I help you today, sir?" the NPC asked, "Looking for a certain kind of potion?" he added, with a smug smile over his face that made Bloom more worried.

"Sure, I want stamina potions, Hp potions, Wp potions please."

He selected the main three potions he was in need for. Currently his new skill required much use of his will power points, and thus he needed to replenish them, as after all they were expendable.

As he remembered, the shade son faction would consume tenth of their will power points with each skill used, so he needed to replenish his usage, especially when he had a special, very advanced type of skill.

As for his skill exact usage, he needed to put that in test at the field first before being sure of its effects.

"Sure, do you need the village basic potions, village intermediate potions, village advanced potions, or village special potions?" the NPC asked, like a sly fox speaking to him.

"What's the difference?" Bloom asked.

"The village basic will replenish twenty percent of any stat given in five seconds. The village intermediate will give you forty percent of any stat given in five seconds. The village advanced will give you sixty percent of any stat given in five seconds. The village special will give you eighty percent of any stat given in five seconds."

"And the price?"

"Village basic is sold one gold coin per bottle, village intermediate is sold ten gold coins per bottle, village advanced is sold fifty gold coins per bottle, while village special is sold one hundred coins per bottle."

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