NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 65: Luxurious Village Manual

He kept laughing, while he enjoyed being alone here in the main square of the village. After a few minutes, he started to collect himself, thinking rationally and seriously about these quests!

Any player quest wasn't that hard to achieve, he himself was aiming to topple the mainline story quest of the game. dealing with this quest had become far rewarding for him, and much more interesting!

"Let's see, in a village full of NPCs, I can only select quests regarding them, right? Let's select this merchant caravan quest, I'm the agent of dark forces after all, and I need money, hahaha, gimme money, hahaha!"

He only laughed as he selected the steal a merchant caravan quest. Once he did, he received system notifications, one after another.

"System alert: Player has chosen one quest from his secret class quests."

"System alert: Player has chosen the steal a merchant caravan quest.

Steal a merchant caravan quest: Grade green quest. Quest description: You are an agent to the dark forces in a world of light. You are asked to raid on a merchant caravan in a day.

You are the agent of the dark forces, and you need money! Earning money legally isn't our code of dishonor, so work hard and steal the money from others, be a good dark lad.

The caravan must be heading or exiting from the village, the steal must occur inside the village vicinity, and you mustn't be caught! Things stolen from the caravan must be in your possession for twenty four hours.

After that, you are free to do whatever you want from them. Doing any of these deeds will grant you quest success, and according to your evaluation, you will be rewarded.

Quest condition: don't' get caught, don't get seen, be silent, be hidden, be sneaky and villain."

"System alert: Player will receive notifications for any caravan moving in or out the village in the next twenty four hours. Each hour, the player will have the caravan places marked in his map in red, flashing for five minutes before vanishing."

"System alert: Player has chosen his first quest ever in his hidden class quest. Finishing this quest will make the loot doubled by the game."

"System alert: Player has to scout, gather intel, steal, and escape on his own without any help from the system. Player has to stay alive after the steal. Player has to keep the loot for twenty four hours from the moment he took the loot. Player can't stay in the village at this time, or else his stay here won't be calculated as part of the twenty four hours period."

Bloom glanced at all these alerts in daze, as he didn't imagine the system would help him. He hurriedly opened his map, and on it he found four caravans marked, two red, two green. He hurriedly selected them and soon he understood the meaning of these marks.

"So, the red means they are very risky, heavily guarded, and the green means they are very safe, with few guards accompanying the caravans," he softly muttered as he was walking in the village streets.

"But the weaker the caravan, the less beneficial it was! I bet these two red ones had some treasures hidden inside them, and I want these treasures."

he had the title of NPC nemesis, and thus he didn't plan to steal, he planned to attack and hijack the caravan.

The issue here was the reinforcement sent by the village to rescue the caravan! That meant he needed to select a caravan he could rapidly kill!

"Sigh, I have to depend on the shade doppelganger skill to kill them fast, but my Lu stat had only one point currently, and I have still long hours before the death souls of the day expire. I only have to level up at least two levels and add all the points to the Lu stat."

He then stopped walking, as he was initially aimlessly walking in the empty streets of the village. the decision of leveling up here wasn't that easy to accomplish, especially in less than a day!

"I have to go and buy the village manual first," he muttered, before he started to return towards the wide square again.

There, he glanced at the buildings here until he found one with the sign saying: Players' Affairs office, and he headed towards it.

In any village, the general players' requirements like maps, tickets of the village to return to, and manuals of the information regarding the village were all sold here in this office.

He entered the building, which was simply of one story, red brick building, and found one NPC standing in front of him doing nothing but looking at papers in his hands.

"Excuse me, I want to buy a village manual please," he said, attracting the attention of the NPC.

"Oh, a player," the NPC's eyes shone like he found a fat sheep, "sure, do you want the normal one or the luxurious one?" he asked, with a grin on his face.

Bloom didn't know why this NPC was acting like that! After all, the manual was known to be sold by one gold coin. "What's the difference between the two?" he asked.

"The difference is huge, after all the luxurious edition is only limited to the first ten players buying it in the village," the NPC warmly replied, before taking out two books and putting them in front of the counter, "this one is the basic manual of the village. it cost only one gold coin, however this one is the luxurious edition, and it cost fifty gold coins."

Bloom's eyes twitched, as the difference in price between the two was so huge. He didn't ever hear about this luxurious edition in his past life, which made him doubt he was getting scammed here! he, the one who should trick others, was getting tricked! How ironic!!

"What's the difference?" he asked, while pointing towards the two.

"The basic has the general description about the village, its building, and the general distribution of leveling up map outside it. however the luxurious has all these items in details plus a list of monthly exclusive quests and details about how to acquire them.

Acquiring it also will help in adding more information to your current quests, and also provides tips regarding how to accomplish them. it's a must to take an item, I wouldn't waste this precious chance if I was you."

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