NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 347: Getting Shocked By The Fort

Bloom glanced at the king's face. He seemed not to be surprised of some to ditch the fight and escape.

"You knew it all along, right?" Bloom couldn't help but ask.

Yet the king gave him a long glance that Bloom felt it was a warning to him. That moment he turned to check the many mayors around.

'Some are traitors!!' he couldn't believe how the king knew that and remained all silent about it.

If it was up to him then he wouldn't hesitate to expose and kill them.

"Let's go now," the king didn't flinch when he asked to go to the fort. If there were no other forces at the fort then Bloom wouldn't dare to invite traitors to his fort.

But he had an army already stationed there. So he easily opened the portal towards the fort before saying:

"Follow me inside."

He moved through the portal before the scenery changed. The fort appeared again as he stood on top of one of the walls of it.

The grand scene of the fort welcomed his eyes once more. "This is a scene no one can grow tired of," he smiled in content while moving his eyes in wide scope, scanning everything around.

The forces he left here before leaving had already got accustomed to many war tools here. He even saw some pointing at the great trachebults as if they couldn't believe their eyes of their sizes and numbers.

"Oh," the next moment the king arrived and he seemed shocked to see others standing here in the fort, "I never saw this coming."

"Disappointed?" Bloom calmly asked and the king kept his long face for a few moments before laughing.

"How come? It's going to make things much more interesting for us."

The forces behind kept pouring in batches. The mayors once appeared started to examine the fort with widened eyes.

However Bloom stood beside the king while the two kept scanning the faces of those mayors. It seemed the king himself didn't know who was the traitor among them and who was a loyalist.

That explained to Bloom why he didn't dare to say anything about traitors being in his forces before.

"You came."

From far a silhouette appeared leading a small group of strong looking NPCs.

"Who is he?" the king leaned over Bloom as he asked in interest.

"He is Tony, Blossom town's mayor," Bloom simply said, "he is our ally."

"Oh," the face of the king changed slightly when he heard the name.

"Do you know of him?" Bloom couldn't keep his curiosity and asked.

"Who doesn't?" the king shrugged before without warning he hit Bloom on the back with his thick arm, "I never expected for you to know such a VIP figure."

"VIP... how? Cough!" The hit was so strong that it made Bloom cough in the middle of his words.

Yet before the king could answer him, Tony arrived and he seemed a bit surprised to see the king here.

"Wow, you even invited the arrogant Regatos king here... that's quite unexpected!"

Bloom stood silently moving his eyes between the two. He didn't know what history the two had, yet he was sure it wasn't a big deal.

After all, the king didn't know Tony until he introduced him earlier.

"I'm also surprised to see an old friend here," the king grinned that he even showed off his white teeth.

"Oh, since when were we friends?" Tony said in an amusing way while crossing his arms over his chest.

"I guess no one would refuse to befriend me," the king slowly said, "or you."

"Arrogant as your reputation," Tony couldn't help but shake off his head, "but I'm fine with that."

"And you are too modest for your reputation, fierce tiger," the king said this nickname and without any warning the eyes of Tony flashed in cold light.

"Don't say that name again," one of the mayors standing on the side of Tony said in an aggressive and warning tone.

"Please," yet before Bloom could intercept and stop any friction from going on, Tony calmly said to the king, "please keep that name only to yourself if you can."

"Sure," the king shrugged as if he didn't intend to say that. Yet Bloom felt he definitely intended mentioning that nickname just now.

"What do you think of the fort then?" the king shifted his attention towards the fort.

"What do your eyes see?" Tony moved slowly to stand beside the king while Bloom also moved to stand in between the two.

He also stood a couple of steps in the front, giving the clear impression he was the leader here.

"I see my twenty-five percent shares thriving to no end," the king said with a grin. He seemed quite excited about this fort and its future potential.

"Oh," Tony seemed surprised before turning to Bloom, "I only gained twenty-percent."

Bloom gave the king a blaming look. "At least you two have equal seats in the fort," Bloom tried to evade any demands for increasing the shares.

"He has one seat as well?" the king seemed not to see this coming, "really worthy to praise as your reputation goes."

Tony wasn't feeling any content about getting fewer shares compared to the king. Yet he hastily overcame his dissatisfaction before saying:

"This fort is really something," he said before pointing to the castle outside the fort, "it oversees five main roads linking the inner and outer battlefield together."

"F- Five!!!" the king exclaimed in deep shock while Bloom couldn't see why he reacted this way. "Hey, from whom did you take this fort?" he instantly turned to Bloom as he asked in a serious tone.

"I was also curious about the answer to such a question," Tony also turned to Bloom who felt being eyed by two ferocious beasts at the moment.

"Oh, it's no one," Bloom tried to evade the answer yet the king pressed on by asking in more serious tone:

"A fort controlling five main roads isn't nothing! This must have belonged to some powerhouse in the dark camp. And you must know his or her name, right?"

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