NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 330: The Real Goal Behind The Attack

"No," she sharply said, "I couldn't risk bringing it back, or even know of a way to do it in the first place."

"It's in the game then," Bloom could only heave a sigh of relief, "Is it well hidden?"

"Without me… they won't be able to get a glimpse of it."

He suddenly recalled something. "Those bastards… Don't tell me you are hiding it inside a game warehouse!"

The look over her face told him she did. "What's wrong? Warehouses are the most secure places in any game."

"Not here," Bloom took a deep breath before coming closer to her, "listen to me… there are many things going on in the game that you don't know about."

"Really?" she said in a mocking way while crossing her arms around, "like what genius?"

"Like the fact that many town mayors are now betraying the game and working for the dark camp," he said before holding her arm firmly as he added, "nothing is safe inside a town ruled by a filthy mayor. And even if it's a good man, the town won't be safe if it gets attacked by dark camp forces."

"Stop daydreaming," she shook his hand off her arm, "what were you taking? Drugs?" she shook her head in denial, "nothing can touch a town, not monsters, not a dark force or even those wielding strong powers in the game."

"I conquered a town just hours ago," he pointed to the direction of his room and capsule, "and I did that alone!"

The shake over her face was priceless. "I did it and got hold of all the belongings in the town. Any warehouse, any merchant store… Hell, even anything inside anyone's inventory belonged to me. I got the mayor's safe and got away with it…"

"H- W-… How did you even do that?!!!" she still kept the same priceless look while trying to wrap her mind over what he said.

"Not the time to discuss this right now," he said, "tell me which town are you hiding that thing at."

She turned around before saying, "seriously? Can't you doubt that someone might be hearing our little talk here?"

He glanced around and realized he was carried out with adrenaline. "Alright, add me to the game and let's speak there."

"Speaking of which…" she suddenly stopped him.

"Don't mind about these corpses, I'll let my butler handle them."

"I'm not talking about that," she shook her head before pointing to the rearrest place in her new room, "my capsule is damaged."

"What?" he turned fast to glance at the direction she pointed at. There he saw a capsule, or remnants of a capsule with many pieces thrown everywhere around.

"Sh*the curse when he saw this, "I'll make Antoan bring you a new one. But I'll have to go."

"Wait!" she stopped him, "they attacked you using that gas bomb, right?"

He glanced in question at her before she sighed. "Idiot, this gas isn't only meant to kill us, but to damage our capsules as well."

"What?!!" this time he was totally shocked before realizing the tight schedule he had. He had many war preparations coming on and only less than a day before grouping with his allies and moving to his fort.

"Don't tell me…" he turned his gaze around, "this was all intentional to stop me…"

"What do you mean?" it was her turn to be intrigued by his words but he raised his hand and stopped her.

"Antoan…" he hurriedly moved, running so fast and crossing the entire mansion in less than a minute.

"Wait," she kept shouting at him until the two finally reached the room of Antoan. She was panting for breath, clearly not having any stamina points inside her stats.

"You need to add more points to your stamina," he said before watching Antoan moving from a corner in the room.

"Are they all dead?" he asked in a dark face and frustrated tone.

"That's not the point now," Bloom said before hurriedly asking, "I asked you to buy capsules for our own forces before… Tell me you've got them."

"Well…" the look over Antoan's face changed slightly while not knowing what was that even related to what happened here, "I've ordered them but y'know… having a capsule these days requires long time."

"Sh*t!" Bloom even hit the wall with his fist out of anger, causing a slight tremor in the entire mansion.

"What's wrong?" it wasn't only Antoan asking this but also Liza. Both glanced at him while he weakily said:

"We are doomed," he only said this before suddenly a flash of light appeared in his eyes. "Nara… she can help," he darted without warning outside and even hit Liza's shoulder while getting out.

"Is he… was he injured?" Antoan pointed to the place Bloom was at just now while asking.

And Liza could only shrug without a clue to what was going on.

As for Bloom, he hurriedly searched for any working device he could use to contact Nara.

"Sh*He threw down a damaged device which was filled with bullet holes. "They were here to stop me," he clenched his fists before glancing fast at the watch in his hand. "There is time… I just need to go and find her fast."

Just as he was about to leave, Antoan and Liza appeared and stopped him.

"What are you doing?" Liza asked with a loss look over her face.

"Are you alright?" Antoan was worried about his health.

"There is no time to explain," Bloom pushed through the two.

"It's dangerous to get out alone at this time," Antoan tried to stop him.

"Take me with you, I can help," Liza firmly said.

"No, you two stay here," Bloom firmly said before adding, "try to find a way to contact the CEO board. Get that old man by any means possible."

"For… what?" Antoan didn't know what was going on.

"For a capsule for god sake!" Bloom shouted in impatience while darting as fast as he could towards the outside.

The two he left behind were standing there in daze while the look of doubt was over their faces.

"Damn it! Even the cars as well!!" Just as he went to the garage he was met with the dead bodies of his own personal guards and servants. The cars were ruined, their engines were filled with bullet holes."

"This is bad," he glanced at the direction of the bustling city in the distance, "but this won't stop me!"

He didn't stop there for a single moment and started to run. He knew this would deplete his stamina but he had no other option.

At least until he got himself to the main road, he could then hijack one vehicle and go to Nara's place. He had only one thought in mind, one clock ticking, and one goal to achieve.

"Screw you bastards! I swear if I had even to burn this city to the last brick I would!" he said in fierce determination while running all the way in between long empty roads at this late hour of the night.

He decided… that fort war would be won, and he wouldn't even stop at just one fort.

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