NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 306: Fighting At Two Fronts Is Really Hard

Bloom read this long list over and over again while feeling amazed by all this. "I now understand the reason for Sharel and her boss panic," he muttered before finding an option to check the current number of forces stationed in the fort by now.

"Regalis fort military stats: number of total forces currently are five thousand armed men. The total capacity of the inner zone is twenty thousand men, and the total capacity of the outer zone is fifty thousand men. The total capacity of the fortress is ten thousand men, and the total capacity of the area around the fort and surrounded by the sentry posts is two hundred thousand men."

"Damn!" he couldn't help but suck cold air of breath, "how can I get such forces!"

Yet this alarmed him of another dilemma, the army that would come at him wouldn't be simple. "Such a fort must have been protected by a grand army," he thought before starting to explore more options.

"Fort income: the fort main income is from two sources: the taxes over the passing goods and the goods sold inside and outside the fort through stores. The stores are all rented and they pay monthly rent directly to the fort plus twenty percent of the total income of each store as taxes.

The current wealth inside the fort: one hundred million dark points. Daily income equals one million dark points, and the monthly rent equals one hundred dark points."

"Fort expenses: the total expenses are calculated on a monthly basis. If the end of the month came and there wasn't enough money there for the fort, the fort owner would gain five days' allowance to pay the expenses or else the fort grade would be demoted one grade.

The current expenses: seventy million dark points each month. To see the full expenses report please choose the corresponding icon."

"Oh, they left this wealth behind," the eyes of Bloom shone before he realized the reason, "they never expected me to come for the fort, hahaha."

He checked and there was still half of the month remaining. "If I can't protect the fort then no need to care about the expenses," he started to check the mercenary guild for the prices of the dark forces he could hire.

"This…" he stopped in front of the large numbers in front of him, "is this a steal or what?"

"Level fifty one thousand dark NPCs legion: costs one hundred thousand dark points each day."

"Level sixty one thousand dark NPCs legion: costs one hundred and fifty thousand dark points each day."



"Level one hundred one thousand dark NPCs legion: costs five hundred thousand dark points each day."

"Damn! So to hire a thousand level hundred dark NPCs for a month then I'll have to pay fifteen million dark points? Ten thousand will cost one hundred and fifty million dark points?!!"

He was shocked by this simple math and suddenly he felt himself too poor. It's a regret that I can't take my fallen agents to the fort," he shook his head while recalling the very cheap price of these forces.

"That explains why there are only five thousand men inside the fort at the moment," he realized the reason behind such a low number despite the large capacity of the fort itself. "I can't let the fort be left unprotected like this… what is this count down?"

Suddenly he noticed a black clock with a countdown for two days. "Is it for the war?" he chose it and instantly froze when he read the content.

"Time left for the monthly monster tide is: one day, twenty-three hours, and fifty-two minutes."

"Monthly monster tide?" he was amazed by this phrase and when he said the name a new window popped up in front of his face.

"Monster tides: each fort in the battlefield will have to be challenged on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. Each monster tide will bring different sizes of monster armies to the doorsteps of any fort. Prepare yourself big boy, as monsters don't have a mind to reason with except with fists."

"Monster tide one day after the fight with her… that's simply ridiculous!"

Bloom was deeply shocked while thinking about what to do. "Monster tide on such a scale would be impossible to fight after such a brutal war," he thought before suddenly a solution popped up in front of him.

"She doesn't know about the monster tide at all," he didn't notice the presence of that dark clock until minutes ago, "and that means… I can trick her, right?"

He hurriedly returned to the option of the protection granted for the fort and selected to activate it.

"System alert: Regalis fort is already under one day protection. Does the player mean to extend the duration for another day?"

"Hahaha, sure, do it now," Bloom couldn't help but laugh before receiving the next system notification.

"System alert: player has less than two days for the monster tide. The protection period will just expire one hour before the start of the monster tide."

"Hahaha, it's simply perfect," he couldn't help but laugh when he read this alert. "Like this I can lay out the perfect trap."

He still lacked a lot to know about the fort and the real state of the battlefield. "Should I ask him then?" he thought of that stingy mayor before dropping the thought. "He would ask for more if I asked him to defend the fort with me."

Bloom suddenly felt overwhelmed with all these tasks. "First thing first," he muttered to himself, "I'll hire the mercenaries tomorrow just before the fight and now I should start amassing the gold coins for the war here."

Having to fight on two fronts wasn't something pleasant yet he felt blessed for being backstabbed by Sharel's boss. Her greed helped to serve such a gold mine to him.

"I have many ways to get income from that fort," he thought about that crop bonus and ore bonus, "but first I have to make the fort in my possession for now."

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