No Time

Chapter 61

After Xingxing turned into a zombie, my life pretty much collapsed.

If he didn't like me, I could live with that and try again to make me look better in his eyes.

But since he was now gone... that couldn't really happen.

And zombies couldn't be turned back into regular human beings. It was tried and failed. And there wasn't much research yet done on zombies with powers, but that would probably go the same way.

A few days after we returned from the outing, Xingxing's family came to the door.

Yu Ge was out and even Xiao Bing was out to teach others martial arts and stuff.

Xingxing's father looked tough but was actually reasonable and kind. His mother was a flattering person who liked being the center of attention but wasn't scheming. His sister was a friend of Xiao Bing who read a certain type of genre and hyped over it with her.

They all came together and asked where Xingxing was.

It was awful of me to think that I would be the one grieving the most when I wasn't even his family.

But I told them the truth anyhow.

His mother got mad and tried to choke me. His father held her down but also looked very distraught and angered. And his sister... She just fell to the floor and cried.

If Xingxing was here, I would've wanted to tell him, 'Your family loves you.'

Xingxing's father took the now family of three away silently as the two women of the family were weeping of sorrow.

I didn't tell Yu Ge about what happened that day. I don't intend to tell him in the future either.

He supports me even now and more during the hard times but doesn't expect anything back. He may look cold and indifferent but he really was like a mother and cared for me most.

I couldn't be more of a burden to him than I was now.

Over the next few months, I did all I could. But I still stayed at home.

One day, Yu Ge was out to interview some more interns with his secretary, Mr. Jing.

But on this particular day, Little Blue was over at our house. He was especially adamant about staying and playing with Yu Ge. But Yu Ge had to leave, so the little tyke had himself wrapped around Yu Ge's leg.

"Take me to work with you! I want to go too!"

Yu Ge refused and the kid started to tear up.

"It's going to be very boring and your parents told me to not let you outside. I know, why don't you go call some of your friends here and play with them? I promise I'll come back in a few hours and make you snacks."

Little Blue immediately took back his tears and held out his pinky with a pouty face.

Yu Ge smiled gently and hooked his pinky around the little boy's.

...After Yu Ge left, the house became a party place.

Everyone from the school was called over and Little Blue somehow knew all of them.

He had deep and wide connections, this kid.

Some of the students who came were space ability users and they brought pool tables, cards, and all that other gambling stuff too.

What do adults teach their kids nowadays?!

The last to arrive was some kid in a slightly oversized letterman sweater.

What intrigued me about this kid was that he had beautiful eyes. His left eye was a gem like red while his right eye was a shocking icy blue. His limbal rings were very dark and his eyes also seemed to have a trace of gold in them.

When he came, everyone cheered.

Little Blue came up to him and frowned.

"You're late!"

The heterochromia-eyed boy smirked mischievously and said, "Well, I've got to make a flashy entrance, don't I?"

Little Blue broke out into a smile, "Alright! Win for me!"

Meanwhile, I was confused.

What was about this boy that Little Blue seemed to be more familiar with him than others? And why did everyone cheer for the kid when he came in?

Technically, it was Little Blue's party. He knew the gimmicks of this mansion better than me, seeing how he pressed some buttons that were behind the cabinet and made music blare out while the ballroom practically became a club setting.

But even if it was his party, this was my house.

So, in the end, I had to cater to others and bring out food and drinks. Little Blue threatened me to dress up into a waiter's outfit. He said that if I didn't do it his status would crumble and that Yu Ge would be sad. But we both clearly knew the hidden meaning: Little Blue would tell Yu Ge that I was mean to him.

...Sly brat.

I had gotten used to serving up food and drinks by the end of 30 minutes.

I even used some fancy tricks, such as the pyramid of wine glasses stacked with over a hundred glasses.

Everyone cheered as I poured practically bucketfuls.

After being handed out the drinks, the older kids had expressions of sorrow while the younger kids were happily drinking what they thought was champagne.

Hehe, it was sparkling fruit water.

If I let them drink anything, I'd be in trouble. And if it was from Yu Ge's stash of wine and other drinks, I'd be in bigger trouble.

I don't know how, but Little Blue got drunk on that sparkling water.

I set him on a couch and covered him with a blanket.

Taking care of this kid was seriously tasking.

Wandering through the dancing, gambling, and whatever else-ing crowd, I acted as a host would do.

It all snapped when someone slapped my butt.

I instantly grabbed the culprit's hand and snapped their wrist. As a plus, I even elbowed their guts and threw him to the floor backward.

A shriek rang out louder than the already booming music.

Everyone turned towards me and the mangled body on the floor.

Some screamed and others looked disturbed, but anyways, they all backed off, leaving plenty of space around me.

A few older kids came forward as a group.

One kid, -well, all of them were older than me but whatever- yelled and charged at me. Presumably, he was a friend of this body.

He had a body strengthening ability, but he didn't know how to use it. Really, what a musclehead.

I just swiped at his leg and he came tumbling with a crack. The result was a dislocated knee and broken shoulder for him and me, still in my fabulous form without a wrinkle on my clothes or a break of sweat.

The music came to a stop.

I gritted out, "This is my place, act properly you brats."

The two broken bodies were thrown out and the ballroom finally had some peace and quiet.

Nobody moved, everyone looked like a child waiting for punishment from their parents, scared and stiff.

I clapped once and they all flinched. This was fun!

"Mmm, what's going on?" Goddamnit, that brat woke up.

The kid saw that the party had come to a stop and accusingly looked at me.

"What'd you do Shui Lai?"

I could feel a vein pop up but I smiled flatteringly.

"My, why are you looking at me? Everyone's playing a game! Don't you know? That game called Simon Says! Do you want to play?"

"No, that's a kids' game. I want to play cards." This brat had no tact.

The party resumed but the atmosphere had died down.

A lot of people left and there were barely half left. But there was still a lot.

Most of the people who stayed behind were the gambling people.

The atmosphere near the gambling tables was high and curses and hoots rang out.

In the middle of it was the kid with pretty eyes.

I asked Little Blue, "What's with that kid?"

He looked at me strangely.

"Don't you know him?"

I didn't remember him. Should I have known him?

"He's Secretary Jing's son. He was there at Shui Jing's wedding too."

I was shocked.

Secretary Jing was a kind and very straight-cut gentleman.

I couldn't imagine a young kid who was already gambling at this age to be his child.

"I couldn't tell. But now that I see, he does resemble Mr. Jing somewhat."

"Yeah, he acted a lot like his dad too, but after his abnormal ability was determined, he turned like this," Little Blue scoffed.

"What's his abnormal ability?"

"You don't know? Wow, you're really behind on times! It was a really big deal a couple of weeks ago!"

I gritted my teeth and asked him once more, "So what is it?"

Little Blue frowned and looked enviously towards the direction of Secretary Jing's son.

"It's the power of luck."

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