Ninja World: I Have A Life Simulator

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: What? He can also memorize texts (Part 2)

According to the usual rules, many parents have to wait until the class is completed before they leave!

Therefore, at this time, there are not only schools and teachers, but also Third Hokage and many parents on the learning playground!

Therefore, Uchiha Akira’s sudden application for graduation has attracted everyone’s attention!

“Uchiha Akira? I heard that the Uchiha clan has a new talent recently.”

Taking a look at Uchiha Akira, Third Hokage was slightly impressed.

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen has heard about such topical things as opening your eyes after a fall!

“Do you apply for graduation on the day of admission? Even I didn’t do it back then!” Uchiha Itachi also looked at Uchiha Akira and muttered to himself.

“Ming this guy…” Sasuke next to him was a little unconvinced when he heard the words.

A month ago, he was still someone who hadn’t refined Chakra, and suddenly, he was going to apply for school graduation in a month?

Have you been left behind by him?

“Who is this stinky guy?” Uzumaki Naruto, Inuzuka Ya and others next to him were also secretly unhappy!

Is this being compared before school starts?

“This kid, it’s so high-profile!” The old man next to him cursed.

However, looking at the smile on his old face, it doesn’t look like he’s really angry!

Tsk tsk, after all, as an old man, what could be more gratifying than seeing your grandson achieve success?

As Uchiha Akira’s voice fell, there was a lot of discussion on the playground.

However, Third Hokage didn’t speak up. Obviously, this matter needs to be handled by myself, the teacher!

“Ming, admission to this ninja school is not just about learning ninjutsu, but more importantly, theoretical knowledge, and the knowledge of the will of fire is also the top priority…”

Umino Iruka showed a kind smile and taught Dunton.

These words made many parents nod their heads and believed in Iruka a lot!

This teacher’s words are indeed reasonable!

The ninja school is not just about teaching and refining Chakra and practicing ninjutsu.

It is also very important to establish the correct ideological and moral aspects!

For example, the true meaning of the Will of Fire, can the people of Uchiha really understand?

If you really thought you were from the Uchiha clan, learned a little ninjutsu in advance, and won the starting line, can you apply for graduation on the day of admission?

At this time, all eyes fell on Uchiha Akira.

Yeah, Iruka brought this up, how would he deal with it?

It can be said that everyone is watching, but Uchiha Akira’s expression is still calm.

It seems that the attention of so many people is not enough to make him feel nervous!

However, Iruka’s words were something that Uchiha Akira didn’t expect!

There seems to be no such section in the life simulator.

Of course, in the life simulator, I did not apply for graduation on the day of admission.

So, after being silent for a while, Uchiha Akira said, “Actually, I’m also very interested in the Will of Fire, so I already understood it when I was at home!”

“Where the leaves are flying, the fire will continue to grow. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and allow the new leaves to sprout…”

Uchiha Akira opened his mouth and spoke out the core concept of the Will of Fire!

Then he spoke again, and recited some important ninja school texts that could be recited!

Just kidding, when ninjutsu is simulated, Clone Technique is a wave of ninjutsu, the acquisition of knowledge!

Great Fireball is another wave!

Uchiha Akira has been in the first grade of this ninja school twice. Of course, some ideological and moral texts are clearly remembered.

These words left Iruka speechless!

Indeed, the ideology and morality of the ninja school can be recited. It can be seen that Uchiha Akira’s ninja school courses have indeed been self-taught!

Immediately, Iruka’s gaze turned to the Third Hokage!

Well, the culture class has proved itself, and the will of fire can be considered to understand, even Third Hokage nodded with satisfaction!

“So, then test your ability to display, whether you have the level of a ninja!” Third Hokage stepped forward and announced!

The culture class is broken, so the most important thing is to look at the actual combat ability!

After all, ninjas are the profession of slaughter, and actual combat ability is the most important thing!

“Hyuga is in the air, you are also a Genin who graduated for two years, so let’s go and test it!” Third Hokage said to the thirteen- or fourteen-year-old boy from the Hyuga family next to him after hesitating for a while!

Follow, looking at Uchiha Akira: “As long as you can tie Shinkong, I will approve your graduation in the name of Hokage!”*

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