Ninja World: I Have A Life Simulator

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Itachi’s Faith Shaken (Part 1)

“No, at that time, Ming informed me that Shisui was in danger and asked me to go save people together!” Uchiha Itachi shook his head and replied.

This answer made Third Hokage’s eyes flash, and he asked, “Then, why did Uchiha Akira know about Shisui’s attack at that time?”

“At that time, Ming didn’t explain, the situation was urgent, and I didn’t ask!” Itachi shook his head and said!

In fact, this question, itachi also finds it strange.

Brother Shisui was attacked, how did Ming know?

At that time, I thought, maybe Shisui learned about it by chance by chance? So, did not go to the bottom of it!

“Looks like Itachi, you don’t understand Uchiha Akira’s abilities either!” Third Hokage said after seeing Uchiha Itachi’s answer!


Uchiha Itachi looked at the Third Hokage suspiciously, did he not understand Ming’s ability?

Could it be? Is there anything else you can do that you don’t know about?

“Uchiha Akira, it is suspected that he has the ability to predict the crisis, and he can predict the crisis in advance. This ability is extremely rare in the ninja world!”

Not intending to hide, Third Hokage followed!

“Prophecy!?” These words made Itachi’s face change a lot!

The words of the Third Hokage were completely unexpected by Uchiha Itachi!

What’s more important is that Ming has such an ability, he doesn’t know it, and even Shisui doesn’t know it!

“Before, Uchiha Akira and his party returned from Cloud Shinobi Village and were attacked by Orochimaru. They warned Might Guy a day in advance that they would be attacked by Orochimaru!”

Looking at Uchiha Itachi’s expression, Third Hokage could see his doubts and explained it!

“Is that so!?” Hearing this explanation, Uchiha Itachi suddenly realized!

Uchiha Itachi has no doubts about the words of the Third Hokage.

Moreover, this kind of thing, just ask anyone to know!

It’s just that Ming actually has the ability to predict?

Thinking about it like this, thinking about his contact with Ming, Ming’s actions, and his words, for a time, Uchiha Itachi felt that he was terrified in many places!

At the same time, Uchiha Itachi’s heart also suddenly realized!

No wonder Ming knew that Shisui had been attacked. So, was this what he predicted in advance?

So, remember when I said clearly that Sasuke’s talent is No. 1 in the ninja world?

Why did he say that then? There is no explanation!

Now it seems that it is also a prophecy?

In this way, Sasuke’s future achievements may shock himself!

It seems that Ming is so sure of Sasuke’s talent that only the ability of this prophecy can explain it?

However, if Ming really had such an ability, his firm beliefs would be terrifying to think about!

I and Shisui firmly believe in Konoha and love the village! Third Hokage, they are also Isshin for the village!

However, Ming said that the upper floors of Konoha are rotten!

Was his opinion based on the power of prophecy?

If so, could it be? Your own and Shisui’s ideas are too idealistic?

For the first time, Itachi’s belief in himself and Shisui was shaken a little bit!

“Itachi? Itachi? What are you thinking?”

At this time, Third Hokage called Itachi several times, and finally brought him back to his senses!

“Third Generation, I was just surprised because Ming had the ability to make such predictions, and I lost my mind for a while!” Itachi, who had come back to his senses, explained.

Third Hokage nodded, knowing for the first time that Uchiha Akira has the ability to prophesy, it makes sense that Itachi would lose his mind!

“Itachi, I have a mission for you now!” With a straight face, Third Hokage said to Uchiha Itachi!

Uchiha Itachi’s face has also become more serious, and there is no expression on his face!

“You go to investigate Uchiha Akira’s predictive ability. The more detailed the information about his predictive ability, the better. If this ability is used well, it will be of great significance to the entire village!”

The Third Hokage opened his mouth and gave an order to Uchiha Itachi!

“Yes, Third Generation!” Uchiha Itachi nodded earnestly and responded!

Immediately, he turned and left the Hokage office!

After leaving Hokage’s office, Uchiha Itachi felt a little confused, a feeling he hadn’t felt in a long, long time.

As a near-ceiling existence in the IQ of the ninja world, Uchiha Itachi knows exactly what he wants, so he also knows very well how to go in the future!

But now, facing Uchiha Akira’s situation, he feels a little confused!

The power of prophecy? If this is the case, many things, if you think about it carefully, can deduce a very amazing truth!

Looking at the sky, Itachi thought for a moment, and then came to Uchiha Akira!

“Ming, go to the ninja school with me?” After seeing Uchiha Akira, Itachi invited me! *

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