Ninja World: I Have A Life Simulator

Chapter 305

Chapter 305: The thief shouts Uchiha Akira who catches the thief

After Uchiha Akira captured Killer Bee, he didn’t say that he was hiding his actions, but instead carried the sealed Killer Bee on his shoulders with a flamboyant appearance!

Although it is night, there are naturally many ninjas patrolling in this Cloud Shinobi Village.

After seeing Uchiha Akira’s actions, these patrolling Cloud Shinobi dared not do it directly, but they quickly reported the news to Fourth Raikage!

At this time, Fourth Raikage was lying down, ready to rest.

However, a few confidants came directly to his yard: “Sir Raikage, something happened!”

“What happened?” Raikage had a coat approved on his body, walked out of the bedroom, and asked!

“Bi-sama, he was defeated by Uchiha Akira, and even went to the post house!” This Cloud Shinobi hurriedly spoke and told Raikage about the situation!

“What!? How dare he!?” Hearing this, Fourth Raikage’s face showed anger.

Afterwards, I couldn’t care less, and hurriedly headed towards the post house!

Naturally, as the Fourth Raikage moves, a lot of Cloud Shinobi-s follow!

“Master Ming, this is…”

In the inn, following Uchiha Akira’s dignified return, Lao Zi and the others of course all knew the fact that he had captured Eight Tails Jinchūriki, and they all said with a look of astonishment on their faces!

“This is Eight Tails Jinchūriki, and it won’t be long before the Fourth Raikage comes to the inn to meet me in person!” Uchiha Akira said with a smile on his face!

“Brother-in-law, that’s enough Haki!” Hyuga Hanabi next to him, with a look of admiration in his eyes, said with a thumbs up towards Uchiha Akira!

Similarly, Uzumaki Naruto, who was next to him, nodded in agreement with Hanabi’s words!

In Cloud Shinobi Village, he directly captured Killer Bee of Eight Tails Jinchūriki, forcing Fourth Raikage to come and see him in person.

Such behavior, more than just Haki?

You know, Killer Bee himself is the second master of Cloud Shinobi Village, so he was subdued by him? He didn’t even hear much of the commotion?

This strength alone is enough to shock people, right?

Under the waiting of Uchiha Akira and others, soon, Fourth Raikage and his party appeared and came to the post house!

“Uchiha Akira, are you going too far? In my Cloud Shinobi Village, how dare you attack my brother!” Fourth Raikage’s attitude was still very reckless. After walking in, he directly held Uchiha Akira accountable!

“Fourth Raikage is really busy enough, it’s a day-to-day affair, ah, this? Let you come back to me when you have free time, and you only have time in the middle of the night?

Regarding the accountability of the Fourth Raikage, Uchiha Akira ignored it, just said something like this, and directly changed the meaning of the Fourth Raikage to see himself this time, from asking for guilt to visiting himself!

“I’m not…” Hearing that Uchiha Akira changed the definition of his coming this time, of course Fourth Raikage refused to admit it, and hurriedly opened his mouth to clarify!

But, for this sake, how could Uchiha Akira let him clarify?

Therefore, without waiting for his words to finish, Uchiha Akira immediately opened his mouth and intercepted his words: “However, Lord Raikage came just right, are we the Konoha messenger a guest from afar? 93

“But, in the middle of the night, you people from Cloud Shinobi Village actually attacked us. Shouldn’t Mr. Raikage give an explanation for this?”

“You are talking nonsense…”

Hearing Uchiha Akira’s words that reversed black and white, a Cloud Shinobi next to him couldn’t help but open his mouth and shouted at Uchiha Akira: “It was you who attacked us, Lord Killer Bee, and now you’re fighting here?

“Raikage-sama, listen to him, the second strongest player in Cloud Shinobi Village, one of the AB groups famous in the ninja world, was defeated so unknowingly!?

Uchiha Akira ignored what Cloud Shinobi said, just looked at the Fourth Raikage and said!

“Okay, Darui, shut up!” The Fourth Raikage shouted after hearing Uchiha Akira’s words.

Immediately, he stared at Uchiha Akira with an unpleasant expression!

The facts are known to everyone.

However, since Killer Bee has already been defeated, and the defeat was unknowingly, if this matter really becomes a big problem, it will be the Cloud Shinobi Village who will be embarrassed?

“Uchiha Akira, what exactly do you mean?” After a moment of silence, Fourth Raikage spoke up and asked Uchiha Akira.

Yeah, didn’t he just hang him for half a day? To actually do something to Killer Bee?

This revenge is too exaggerated, isn’t it?

“What do I mean?” Uchiha Akira laughed when the Fourth Raikage asked himself.

This smile, as if I heard something funny!

This smile made Fourth Raikage’s brows furrow even tighter!

Uchiha Akira’s smile is really unpleasant no matter how you look at it!

“Lord Raikage, let me introduce you first! 99

Uchiha Akira’s topic turned very abruptly, and instead of rushing to say his purpose, he opened his mouth to introduce Raikage and the others!

“This, is my girlfriend, Hyūga Hinata, I don’t know the Fourth Raikage, but do you still have an impression?” Uchiha Akira reached out and introduced Hinata beside him, and asked Raikage at the same time!

“Hyūga Hinata? Hyuga’s house?” Hearing Uchiha Akira’s words, Fourth Raikage’s face became much more ugly!

Although Raikage doesn’t know Hyūga Hinata, but, the Hyuga family, and the princess of the Hyuga family, Raikage still knows this identity.

So, he also quickly remembered what happened ten years ago!

“Looks like, Mr. Raikage, you remember!” Seeing the change in Fourth Raikage’s face, Uchiha Akira knew that he remembered what happened back then!

“Back then, we went to Konoha Village at Cloud Shinobi Village to negotiate a truce and peace, but we were killed by your Konoha Village Hyuga family. This matter has already been decided!”

Fourth Raikage didn’t mean to let go, and said, still biting the original thing, it was Konoha’s fault first!


Hearing Fourth Raikage’s words, a cold light flashed in Uchiha Akira’s eyes, but with a calm expression on his face, he said, “The situation is the same now!

··For flowers…

“We Konoha Village came with good intentions!”

“However, the Killer Bee of your Cloud Shinobi Village attacked us, so what? Are you seeking revenge for what happened back then?

“I remember when Third Hokage was in power, about the killing of Cloud Shinobi Village, Konoha gave you a satisfactory answer, right?”

“Now, is it time you Cloud Shinobi Village give me a satisfactory answer!?”

Uchiha Akira did not argue about who was right and who was wrong in the original matter, but followed the words of Fourth Raikage and continued the topic!

You said that what happened back then was our Konoha’s fault, so that’s right, today’s situation is also your Cloud Shinobi Village’s responsibility, right?

Even, this action is revenge for that incident!

“Brother-in-law, Uncle Hyuga Hizashi gave Cloud Shinobi Village a satisfactory answer with his life!” Hyuga Hanabi spoke at this time, giving Uchiha Akira a divine assist!

It was Hyuga Hiashi who did it back then, but Third Generation forced the Hyuga family to give Cloud Shinobi Village an explanation for the so-called overall situation.


Therefore, since Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hizashi are Li Sheng brothers, the answer given by Konoha Village is that the hand is Hyuga Hizashi.

So, using Hyuga Hizashi’s life gave Cloud Shinobi Village a satisfactory answer.

This is a shame for the Hyuga family!

Today, Uchiha Akira is here to get justice for the Hyuga family, and of course Hanabi knows what to say!

“That’s right, Mr. Hyuga Hizashi back then gave you Cloud Shinobi Village a satisfactory answer with his own life. Today, shouldn’t this Killer Bee follow suit?”

Uchiha Akira glanced at Hanabi with admiration, then nodded and said!

After the voice fell, Uchiha Akira raised his hand, and Kusanagi appeared with the sword in Uchiha Akira’s palm.

At the same time, Uchiha Akira raised the Kusanagi sword in his hand and dropped it towards Killer Bee!

“Stop!” Seeing that Killer Bee was about to die in front of his eyes, Fourth Raikage naturally couldn’t stand by and shouted.

Afterwards, his body was dazzling with lightning, his whole body was bathed in thunder and lightning, and he rushed towards Uchiha Akira like a mad tiger!

The Sharingan of Sangouyu appeared, and Uchiha Akira didn’t find it strange that the Fourth Raikage would make a move, it was naturally what he expected!

At the same time, the grass pheasant sword in Uchiha Akira’s hand swung, giving people an indomitable momentum, and slashed towards Raikage’s fist!

With a bang, Uchiha Akira’s Kusanagi sword and Fourth Raikage’s fist collided fiercely.

The mighty Chakra broke out, but neither side retreated half a point!

In the competition of power, Uchiha Akira did not fall behind in the slightest!

You know, back then, Tsunade and Fourth Raikage smashed their wrists and competed in strength, but Tsunade lost in the end!

In terms of strength alone, it is no exaggeration to say that Fourth Raikage is the strongest in the ninja world!

However, Uchiha Akira’s sword is on par with the Fourth Raikage? Beg.

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