Ninja World: I Have A Life Simulator

Chapter 286

Chapter 286: Four consecutive draws of qi and gold, and found a way to deal with Ōtsutsuki’s dismissal! (Chapter 4~)

: After getting 1 million detonating charms, Uchiha Akira came to the Hokage building and gave 200,000 detonating symbols to Hokage Fugaku! Of course, Fugaku didn’t mean to default on Uchiha Akira’s debts, and approved 200 million funds for him. After getting these two hundred million funds, Uchiha Akira’s face showed a smile! That’s it, for the next half a month, I don’t have to worry about the problem of insufficient life simulation funds! I have two hundred million After that, Uchiha Akira thought about what he was going to do next, and then started the life simulation! – Tens of thousands of people disappeared in an instant, and then, the life simulator started. [A week later, Konoha Village formed an elite force to attack the Akatsuki organization, and you stayed in Konoha Village!) [Half a month later, a battle broke out between the Konoha Village elite troops and the Akatsuki organization, Jiraiya died, and Might Guy fought Died, the rest of you are more or less injured!) [The Akatsuki organization almost collapsed, Nagato died, Obito escaped, and other members of the Akatsuki organization suffered heavy casualties!] [After returning, Erzhuzi successfully transplanted Uchiha Itachi’s Sharingan, thus Unlock the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, and the strength has soared!] [Two months later, Sasuke found out that “June 43″ had traces of Ura, and you and Sasuke went to deal with Ura and seal it!] [Wait for you to return to Konoha Village , found that Hinata had been taken away, and Hanabi’s white eyes were taken away too!” [You know that the person who took Hinata must be Ōtsutsuki Shiren!) [You go to the moon to recapture Hinata!) [You are dead!” In this life simulation, Uchiha Akira’s brows furrowed tightly, and at the same time, his face also collapsed! So what? When I went to deal with the Akira organization, I deliberately stayed to protect Hinata, and Ōtsutsuki Shiren did not appear. On the contrary, after waiting for two months, when I went to deal with Ura-style, did Ōtsutsuki Shiren attack Hinata? “It seems that the Ōtsutsuki Shiren attacked Hinata, not fixed when to do it, but waited for me. Did you do it when you left Konoha Village?” Seeing this second life simulation, how could Uchiha Akira not understand what was going on? This made Uchiha Akira’s heart sink in secret! Taking Hinata away can be seen as a coincidence! Then this second time he deliberately waited, he didn’t show up, and he appeared again when he left Konoha! Didn’t he deliberately wait until he left before doing anything? Ghost? Don’t believe it! And the situation of this second life simulation made Uchiha Akira feel even worse! As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves! If you want to do it, you are not afraid, just do it with him. As long as he doesn’t turn on Tenseigan, I’m really not afraid of him! After all, it can be seen from both the original book and the life simulator that Ōtsutsuki Shiren has to win Hanabi’s eyes before he can turn on Tenseigan! So, no Turning on Tenseigan’s Shiren, there is nothing to be afraid of! In this way, Uchiha Akira is sure that Ōtsutsuki Shiren was waiting for him to leave Konoha Village before attacking! So, after taking another day off, Uchiha Akira changed his angle again, A life simulation! This time, Uchiha Akira decided to attack Akira with the people from Konoha Village. But what? Uchiha Akira brought Hyuga Hanabi with him! With the addition of Uchiha Akira, the Konoha Village’s elite troops did not die and defeated Akira’s organization! Of course, the most important thing is the situation on Hinata’s side! Etc. When Uchiha Akira returned from Akira’s organization, he found that Konoha Village was still attacked. Ōtsutsuki attacked Konoha Village, seriously injuring many Konoha Village ninjas, and even Hokage was seriously injured and dying. He was injured himself, but he succeeded in taking Hinata away! In the end, the life simulation was over, and watching the development of this situation, Uchiha Akira realized that he had underestimated the power of Ōtsutsuki! Maybe it was not turned on At the time of Tenseigan, Ōtsutsuki Shiren did not have the confidence to defeat him, and did not dare to come to trouble him.

However, this means that his strength is poor!

Going alone in Konoha, can seriously injure many ninjas in Konoha Village, including Hokage Fugaku, and successfully capture Hinata?

Such strength, at least not weaker than Obito and Nagato?

Therefore, Uchiha Akira shook his head secretly, followed, and continued to change the way he dealt with it.

With that, the third life simulation started!

This time, Uchiha Akira left Sasuke behind, only to tell him to guard Konoha, fearing that after he left, Uchiha would take the opportunity to attack Konoha!

Under his own strong request, although Sasuke felt that several Jinchūriki had left Konoha, Uraishi should have no reason to attack Konoha.

But at his own insistence, he nodded and agreed and stayed in Konoha Village!

In this way, Uchiha Akira led Konoha’s elite troops and Hanabi to attack Akira again!

This time, the Xiao organization was still defeated.

However, Konoha Village didn’t die in battle, and Akatsuki’s organization just lost a Uchiha Itachi!

Uchiha Itachi’s Sharingan was successfully transplanted to Erzhuzi!

What matters is what happens after Uchiha Akira and others return to Konoha!

Or while he was leaving Konoha, Ōtsutsuki’s family attacked Konoha Village!

In the case of Sasuke’s slight injury, in exchange for Ōtsutsuki’s injury and fleeing for his life, Hinata was successfully protected!

This time the life simulation, the result makes Uchiha Akira satisfied!

Fortunately, after simulating life three times before and after, I finally found a way that is barely a solution!

In this way, after several life simulators, it was only about half a year, and all of them chose to extract Chakra, which only increased the amount of Chakra by about a thousand points!

Although it took half a year to increase the amount of Chakra by a thousand points, such an increase is not weak.

However, in terms of the current Chakra base of Uchiha Akira, the super Kage-level is more than 100,000 Chakra. This thousand points has only increased by less than one percentage point. The increase is naturally not large!

In this way, after simulating several times of life, Uchiha Akira had an exact method, and according to the plan on the life simulator, Uchiha Akira asked Sasuke to stay and guard Konoha Village..

And he led Jiraiya and Tsunade, their elite group of Kage-level powerhouses to attack the Akatsuki organization!

Sasuke was injured, but he was not able to leave Ōtsutsuki behind. It can be seen that he still underestimated his strength.

There is a great possibility that Ōtsutsuki’s strength has also reached a super Kage-level!

On the day of departure, on the marching road, Uchiha Akira performed a wave of life simulation again, and soon, another 10 million taels disappeared, and Uchiha Akira’s life simulation started!

“You left Sasuke to guard Konoha, and you took Hanabi and his party to attack Akatsuki!”

[Five days later, a war broke out between you and the Xiao organization!]

【Both sides are damaged, you succeeded in taking part of the two-tailed Chakra, but Uchiha Itachi fought desperately, and the two-tailed beast was taken away again!”

【Uchiha Itachi was killed in battle, and it is difficult for you to pursue the Akatsuki organization, so you can only retreat!)

【Sasuke successfully blocked Ōtsutsuki’s attack!】

(Erzhuzi successfully transplanted Uchiha Itachi’s Mangekyō Sharingan, opening the eternal Mangekyō, and his strength has risen greatly! 】

【You left Konoha with Hinata and settled in the Snow Country!】

[Xiao organization makes a comeback and collects tailed beasts, you stayed in the country of snow and did not dispatch! 】

【Half a year later, Sasuke, Boruto and others fought against Urashira and successfully eliminated each other, but you didn’t take any action!”

[One year later, Akatsuki successfully collected all the nine big-tailed beasts, Uchiha Madara was resurrected, and transformed into the form of Six Paths!)

【Hinata finally couldn’t help leaving the country of snow and came to support the ninja world. You don’t worry about Hinata, so he left the country of snow!”

[On the battlefield of the Fire Nation, Uchiha Madara locked you in at a glance and shot at you! 】

【You died under the Tomb of the Wheel Prison!)

【Please select the following three items as promotion items】

This time, Uchiha Akira played his own way again.

Whether it was shooting Uraishi or Akatsuki organizing the collection of Konoha Village’s tailed beasts, he didn’t mean to leave, the purpose was to live.

5.6 Unexpectedly, the final situation turned out to be like this, Hinata couldn’t help but go to the ninja world to help!

Naturally, he could only follow.

But what I didn’t expect was that Uchiha Madara locked himself in at a glance and wanted to do it with himself!

Perhaps the ultra-Kage-level Uchiha Madara has the confidence to fight him for hundreds of rounds.

However, if it is Uchiha Madara of the Six Paths class who is doing it, it seems reasonable that he is not his opponent?

However, after so many times before, it only took half a year to add up. This time, after so long, I successfully obtained a year of cultivation time, which is not bad!

Uchiha Akira chose to increase the amount of Chakra, this year, his Chakra increased by more than 2,000 points!

Not bad!

The practice of Chakra is like rolling a snowball, the bigger the snowball, the more snow you get when you roll!

In the early stage of practicing for a year, the increase in the amount of Chakra was only a few dozen points.

Now that I have cultivated myself for a year, I can increase by more than 2,000 points, which is equivalent to the amount of Chakra of a Jōnin.

Such a growth rate is quite satisfactory…

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