Ninja World: I Have A Life Simulator

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Advanced Sharingan (Part 2)

【In view of your talent, Uchiha executives made Shunjin Shisui your teacher! 】

[Three months later, under Shisui’s teaching, you feel that your combat experience and the use of Sharingan have improved a lot. However, looking at Teacher Shisui’s expression, you suspect that he is not very satisfied with these improvements. ! 】[After six months, maybe because of your slow growth rate, the time to meet Shisui is less and less, but you think it should be the situation in the original book! 】[Eight months later, you meet Shisui and imply that he is careful with Danzo, but Shisui doesn’t listen! 】

【The next night, you are dead! 】

Looking at the simulation results this time, Uchiha Akira’s face was not very good.

So, the name of his genius is completely false, and it was revealed in just a few months?

In addition, this seems to be the first time that he can’t even survive the night of extermination, so he will die, right?

The first day implies that Shisui is careful with Danzo, and the second day is dead?

It seems that what he said was accidentally overheard by others.

This wave only lasted for eight months, and it seems that he did not learn any more powerful ninjutsu, so Uchiha Akira continued to choose to increase the amount of Chakra!

In eight months, my Chakra volume has increased by about 20%, which is not bad!

With my current Chakra amount, this 20% increase is comparable to the one or two years of penance!

The next day, Uchiha Akira simulated his life five times in a row!

These times, he was mainly testing whether he could use Shisui as a breakthrough to change the situation on the night of the genocide.

However, the results are unsatisfactory!

Even, in these five simulations, I have never learned any powerful ninjutsu. All of them have chosen to increase the amount of Chakra in these five simulations!

The increase again and again has made Uchiha Akira’s Chakra volume increase a lot again.

Compared to the stage of the mission with Shisui just now, this Chakra is more than doubled again!

“Forget it, Gou Yibo is still developing today. I can’t intervene in this night of extermination, even if I want to use Teacher Shisui as a breakthrough!”

This morning, Uchiha Akira opened his eyes again and shook his head secretly.

After six consecutive simulation failures, Uchiha Akira put the original idea on hold for the time being!

Follow, start your seventh life simulation!

【In view of your talent, Uchiha executives made Shunjin Shisui your teacher! 】

[One month later, Mr. Shisui was amazed at your Chakra volume, and he is actually the best in Genin. Therefore, he taught you Lightning Style-Ground Walking and Fire Style-Dragon Fire Technique to increase your attacking methods! 】[As a medical ninja, Keiko taught you a lot of techniques to control Chakra in your spare time at home! 】[Three months later, you learned to climb trees and tread water, increasing Chakra’s control! 】[Eleven months later, you know that the night of extermination is coming, and you made an excuse to take the old man and Keiko to go out to play in the village, but the old man refused, so you can go with Keiko! 】[One year later, you and Keiko learned the news of the night of extermination. Keiko started Three Tomoe Sharingan in grief and anger, and you became the rebels of Konoha Village! 】[Two years later, you have encountered many assassinations, but fortunately, Keiko of Sangouyu helped her and her superb medical ninjutsu saved you from danger! 】[Three years later, your Uchiha’s surviving family and Sharingan are too attractive, and the bounty is as high as 10 million taels, and you happen to meet Kakuzu! 】[Keiko desperately entangled Kakuzu, bought you time to escape, and died in front of you! 】[Witnessing Keiko’s death, your Sharingan has evolved! 】

【you are dead! 】

This wave of life simulations made Uchiha Akira’s heart tremble secretly!

On the eve of the night of extermination, the old man refused to leave the village. It seems that he made up his mind to live and die with Uchiha.

Unexpectedly, Keiko actually left with him!

What’s even more unexpected, the news of Uchiha’s demise actually made Keiko open the three hook jade!

Thanks to Keiko’s protection, I can live longer!

I just didn’t expect that I met Kakuzu, a financial fan!

A bounty of 10 million taels?

To be honest, this bounty Uchiha Akira has the idea of exchanging his head for the bounty!

You know, the third Hokage’s son, Asuma’s bounty is just over 20 million!

Of course, the harvest of this life simulation is also huge!

In the past three years, my ninjutsu and fighting skills have greatly improved!

In the same way, in three years, his Chakra amount must have increased to a very considerable level!

However, what caught Uchiha Akira’s attention the most was that Sharingan transformed before he died?

Ninjutsu skills are good though!

The amount of Chakra is even better!

However, in the face of Sharingan Advanced, both can be thrown! *

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