Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 58 - Cultivation of flying grass

Flying grass is harder to learn than wooden armor. This spell is fundamentally different from the other three spells Sun Hao has learned. The difference is that the three spells that Sun Hao has learned only need to mobilize and control the ingenuity of the wood in the body, and then use a specific running route and a specific mouth to achieve the effect of casting.

But flying grass is different, this spell not only needs to mobilize the infuriating body, but also needs to communicate with the aura of the heavens and the earth, communicate the aura of the wood in the aura, and then form an interaction, and finally the spell is successful.

In principle, the communication of heaven and earth aura is used by the monks after the foundation is built, but the flying grass has a shortcut, and this step is practiced during the refining period, which can become the pre-sale of the wood-based signature raft. It is not without reason.

However, because of this, the difficulty of cultivation of flying grass has increased exponentially.

Originally, this flying grass technique was only contacted at the end of the Qingmu sect at least in the refining period. In general, the monk training in the late refining period was very difficult. In this situation, Qing Lao did not say to Sun Hao that Qing Lao’s confidence in his disciple was overwhelming, and he believed that Sun Hao’s possibility of flying grass was very high.

In the middle of the refining, mastering a body-like spell that requires communication of aura, this has absolutely greatly improved the survival ability of Sun Hao, which is why the old-fashioned costume does not understand. Let Sun Hao give it a try, no learning and no loss?

Moreover, the flying grass technique is known as the pre-soul of the hibiscus technique, but in the history of the Aoki sect, there is no disciple who realizes the hibiscus technique from the flying grass technique. If Sun Hao can master the flying grass technique in the middle of the refining, then the long-lasting cultivation Does body odor have extra effects? The old man is full of expectations. In fact, the flying grass technique was also secretly put on by the old man. It was originally not possible to contact Sun Hao’s current cultivation.

Qing Lao knew that his disciple had a high vision and put on a flying grass technique, and he was chosen by his disciples. This incident, Sun Hao was only known a long time later, after knowing it was quite moving.

Qingla knows more about Sun Hao’s cultivation status. The reason why he put the flying grass on it is also based on one reason, that is, Sun Hao’s entry level is very high.

Qingla clearly remembers that after his disciples were settled, they could feel the blue light. And this cyan spot is actually the aura of the wood.

This is the premise of practicing flying grass.

If you change your disciple, if you can’t feel the wood aura in the aura of the heavens and the earth, there is no way to talk about flying grass.

However, although Sun Hao can feel the wood is infuriating, but in the process of actually practicing flying grass, it is not easy, the reason is very simple.

The cultivation of flying grass can not be in the state of being settled. When the state is set, the wood is infuriating, and the cultivation is over. When the spell is started, it is not so easy to feel the aura of heaven and earth. These are two different concepts. For example, when the night is quiet, the needle can be heard, but if it is during the day, can the needle be smelled?

The first problem in cultivating flying grass is that you must feel the aura of wood in the non-cultivation state. Of course, unlike the rafting technique, this feeling does not need to feel the light spot as in the cultivation. The requirements for flying grass are lower, and you only need to feel the aura of wood.

There is a second difficulty in cultivation of flying grass, that is, while feeling the aura of wood, it is also necessary to control the ingenuity of the wood in the body and the interaction of the heavens and the earth, and the use of hibiscus to mobilize the heaven and earth aura is different for me, flying grass The technique only uses the aura of heaven and earth to increase the effect and sustainability of the infuriating body. Allows the caster to fly in a certain range, the speed is very fast, and the whereabouts are difficult to control.

The secular light-powered grass flies on the ground, and the foot can not stand on the grass. The magical flying grass technique is a great and powerful version of the grass flying. The flying grass technique can be trained to reach the standing wood, which is shaped like a ghost, and it is difficult to make a person.

After carefully reading the flying grass, Sun Hao began to practice.

Qingmu Zong is in the middle of the mountain, the grass is fine, the wood is very invigorating, and the cultivation of flying grass does not need another place. It is the garden of Sun Hao’s Nanzhongyuan, and many plants have been planted.

In the South Central Hospital, I chose a site, told the housekeeper, and took out the array. I arranged a simple confusing method around me. Sun Hao stood up and stared at the heart of the flying grass, and began to feel the world. Reiki.

In the past, I felt that the aura of heaven and earth were sitting cross-legged. After the deep set, now, the first time I stood and felt the aura of heaven and earth, the difficulty was not small.

Sun Hao stood up and stood for a long time. He couldn’t feel it at all. Instead, he was upset and couldn’t stand.

Thinking about it, Sun Hao walked a few steps in the yard. You can’t practice, you have to find a way. So, is there any way to strengthen my ability to feel the aura of heaven and earth?

There is no doubt that the effect can be achieved, but after all, the monk cannot cast spells in the state of being settled. However, Sun Hao thought that he was in the state of being in the first time. It seems that the “Qing Xin Yu” that the mother passed to himself is very helpful to enter the state of entry. Then, “Qing Xin Yu” feels the wood aura in the state of not entering the state. Is it helpful?

Clear heart, this can be, try it later.

Then there is the Mu Dan who is in the state of the Sun Hao in the body. According to the book, the true gasification of the body of the monk is built, and the true gas after the chemical liquid will absorb the aura of heaven and earth. Sun Hao’s infuriating body does not have chemical fluid. However, the wooden dan in Sun Hao’s body still has the effect of absorbing wood aura. So, will this Mudan help the wood aura?

Mudan, this can also be, and I have to try it for a while.

In the end, it is the unpredictable five elements of the wheel, which is a tradition of inheritance, and it is a magical practice that has been unraveled from the ancient times with the promotion of Sun Haoxiu, on the path of Sun Hao’s cultivation. , has always had a strange auxiliary role, do not know whether the cultivation of flying grass has a additive effect.

Five lines of the wheel, this also has to try.

After a few laps, I combined all the favorable factors of my cultivation and flying grass. Sun Hao once again stood up and began to practice flying grass.

Standing firm, slowly closing your eyes, starting with “Qing Xin Biao”, “cultivating forgiveness, forgetting, and meditation; not knowing what to do; seeing the ancestors, no matter what else…”, for many years, meditation “Qing Xin” let Sun Hao develop A good habit, a few times clear heart, the original irritating mood calmed down, although because it is still standing, did not enter the state of admission, but this mood has been calm.

Under the state of no sorrow and no joy, Sun Hao began to use his own gods to remind the wooden Dan in the body to start turning.

The wooden Dan in Sun Hao’s body is very strong. Sun Hao can’t completely command Mudan to act according to his own orders, but it is still okay to push him to turn.

With the rotation of Mudan, Sun Hao’s body seemed to have a breeze, and the woods began to gather at his side to form a small whirlpool. Then, under the perception of Sun Hao’s thoughts, the faint The aura of heaven and earth is coming up.

I am overjoyed in my heart, and it is really effective. It seems to be the right way. However, the feeling of joy comes up, and the perception of the wood aura immediately disappears.

Sun Hao opened his eyes and flashed joy in his eyes. Although the road to cultivation is still far away, at least the right direction has been found. With the direction, efforts will not be in vain.

By the way, there are still five elements of Ling Ling who have not tried to see if this auxiliary method has any help.

Once again, I stood up, and my heart was clear, Mudan was running, I felt the wood aura, and I was not in a hurry, urging the five elements of the wheel.

The five elements of the round of spirits rushed to open, and the five elements of the round of the spirits of the Wannian gongs began to have a movement.

But this movement is very strange. The bubbles are in Dantian, they don’t turn, they don’t flow around with the infuriating, but they jump in Dantian, jumping like a heart.

Hey, hey, hey… Beats very rhythmically.

Sun Hao’s attention immediately shifted to the bubbles of the five elements of the round, and this beating helped him to feel the wood aura?

After carefully listening to the buzzing of the bubbles, after listening to the game for a while, Sun Hao suddenly realized that the buzzing of the bubbles and the meditation of his own meditation began to resonate with each other. Every word bubble was like a heart beat, and this beating produced Peculiar rhythm.

Under this strange rhythm, Sun Hao felt that he had entered a peculiar state. One did not enter, but it seems that there is no sadness and no calm, very calm state.

Sun Hao opened his eyes, his ears, the strange rhythm is still beating, the heart is clear, the wooden Dan is running, his eyes are open, but in the mind, the feeling of heaven and earth aura still exists, although Not in the blue light spot, but in the blink of an eye, Sun Hao really felt the most difficult step of the world’s apocalypse flying grass, Sun Hao reached this.

Sun Hao does not know what state this rhythmic state is, but he feels the great benefits of the rhythm state. In this state, the spells are like the same super calculator. Every casting detail, every method of casting is always in the heart, and the mentality is very stable, not flustered.

It is in this state that Sun Haofei’s grass technique is advancing rapidly, and ten days have passed. Sun Hao actually mastered the flying grass technique. Originally, I wanted to come to Qinglao. Even if Sun Hao could learn to fly grass, it is estimated that it would not be successful for three or five years. By that time, it was estimated that Sun Hao’s repair was close to the late stage of refining.

But Qingla will never think of it anyway. In just one month, Sun Hao actually mastered the flying grass technique. Moreover, the time spent actually practicing flying grass is only more than ten days.

If you know this news, it is estimated that the old age will once again sigh, people are more dead than people.

Of course, Sun Hao’s preparation time for the use of flying grass is still relatively long, and this requires constant practice. Moreover, Sun Hao will only be able to display flying grass after entering this strange rhythm state. This state has not been tested in actual combat, and it is not known whether it is practical.

However, in any case, Sun Hao finally learned to fly grass. The rest is the actual practice of being proficient and used for trials.

After learning the flying grass technique, Sun Hao began his own practice of retreating the last method of the law, “Thousands of thousands of thoughts smashed the sacred spirits of the gods,” the difficulty of this method of cultivation is, in a sense, higher. Flying grass. This is another big challenge for Sun Hao.

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