Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 30 - Several are not calm

The change of mindset brings about the improvement of cultivation. In more than 20 days, Shang Qingqing has risen to a small rank, and to his current realm, cultivation and improvement means that Shouyuan has increased sharply and the comprehensive combat strength has been greatly improved.

The mentality is good, the cultivation is improved, and the mood is good. The papaya face before the old age has a faint smile. The Qingmu sect who is familiar with the old age is secretly swearing. Is this old thing not going to glow in the second spring?

After receiving the voice of Sun Hao, Shang Zhiqing stunned a little. According to his calculations, Sun Hao’s stable cultivation takes at least one to two months. It takes only one to two months to practice the concentration. According to the truth, Sun Hao should give him a voice for three months. However, now only twenty days, this kid, what is the matter?

With a trace of doubts, Shang Qingqing vacated and soon fell to the south courtyard, and the knowledge of the south was lower. It was discovered that Sun Hao was sitting in the practice room and apparently waiting for his arrival. Looking at Sun Hao’s appearance, there is no such thing as an exception. However, Shang Zhiqing feels that there is something wrong with it.

Shang Zhiqing entered the Sun Hao practice room silently and silently. He did not disturb anyone in the South House. He was waiting for someone to scream more than one person. When he saw it, he immediately got up and bowed: “Master.”

Shang Zhiqing nodded, with a faint smile on his face. I am proud of my heart. This disciple is the fastest disciple in the history of Qingmu Zong. If the news is known to the elders of Zongmen, I am afraid that I will be competing for income. It is very likely that the Sovereign will also be moved. Fortunately, I have been secretly Concerned, the eyes are fast-moving, and the top pick. Proud.

Ok? A layer of refining? Thinking of this, Shang Zhiqing finally found out that it was wrong. Sun Hao was already a layer of refining. However, when the gods swept through it, this kid was as ordinary as a person, and it was like a smoldering fire.

what happened? The heart of Shang Qing is not calm. Did you practice your scorpion?

God once again swept Sun Hao, this time, paying special attention to Sun Hao Dantian situation, immediately found that Sun Hao Dan Tian is a fierce fire, just how, full of Dan Tian’s fierce fire, and how this spirit is a bit reiki The meaning? A little bit of signs of innate transformation, half-step congenital warrior?

Just kidding, knowing that Sun Hao has been refining the first layer of the old man, of course, will not believe that Sun Hao will become a half-step congenital warrior, this kid’s Dan Tian has a flaw. Knowing that there is a problem, the old man once again glanced at Sun Hao Dantian. I finally found Sun Hao’s instinct that was hidden by the convergence technique.

Suddenly realized that my grandmother’s original income is conquered. This kid is so tightly hidden that he almost gave him a pass. The founding of the roots of Shang Zhiqing smiled: “Sit down, Xiaohao, tell me about the cultivation situation carefully.” After that, with a smile, a calm face sat down in front of Sun Hao.

“Yes, Master,” Sun Hao also sat down, thought about it, organized his own language, and began to tell Master about his cultivation.

Shang Zhiqing just sat down and almost jumped up. Although the face is calm, but my heart has already turned over the river, it is not calm, how is this possible? What is your own repair! What is Sun Hao’s repair! However, if he did not remember correctly, just Sun Hao’s concession, he actually cheated him!

This is still the weight of his own decision! Although this convergence is good, although the first glance is very casual, it will not be too far offensive to deceive a big step, and my heart is not calm! Even if you are in the middle of the move, it is estimated that no one in the entire Qingmu Zong can see through this kid’s interest.

Shang Zhiqing’s face is even more smiling.

Sun Hao simply reported his achievements in this period: “Master, disciples according to your instructions, this time mainly cultivates the annual ring wood, the five elements of the wheel, and the interest rate, although the progress is not fast, but also achieved Some of the effects, first of all, the annual ring wood, and the disciple’s ascension to the ten rounds of wood repair, should meet the requirements of Master’s steady cultivation…”

Shang Zhiqing’s face is red, and she can’t help but cough twice. What? Ten rounds of wood? I haven’t seen a horse running and seeing horses grazing. Although I haven’t cultivated the annual rings, I still know how the ten rounds of wood are going! Ten rounds of wood, conventional, equivalent to ten years of wood repair, this is only a few days, ten rounds of wood, isn’t it? God read the sun and the instinct that Sun Hao hides.

Rely on, this true gas quality, this true gas concentration, can be stronger than the general refining layer!

In my heart, I turned to the sea and said in a faint voice: “Yes, good…”

Sun Hao looked at Master’s face and smiled. He realized that his master’s performance should be quite satisfactory. He was a little proud of his heart and continued to report his cultivation status: “Then is the practice of the five elements of the Lingbi, which has basically mastered the year. The invigorating and fierce fire in the body can barely control them to reach a balance. In addition, the five elements of the wheel have a very good effect on the annual ring wood…”

what? Master the infuriating operation and reach a balance? This is not the third layer of refining, is it practiced when practicing spells? It’s no wonder that this kid’s concentration can be mastered so well, it turns out that he has begun to control the infuriating. Although I understand the reason, how does Shangzhiqing feel so weird, think about it, and find that it is mainly time to make him depressed. This kid, in more than 20 days, has made so many famous people.

The heart is not calm again, but the mouth is still light and said: “OK, okay…”

Sun Hao thinks that Master’s evaluation is still good. Although it has not been well praised, it is not too bad. I continue to report on my cultivation: “In this time, I practice the annual rings and the five-wheeled coffin every night. But once in the daytime, I feel that the meridians are painful, so during the day I am practicing the infuriating control…”

I used to practice the infuriating control during the day. Although it was a little short in more than 20 days, it was also possible to practice the infuriating control. No wonder this kid can be refining.

Just, rely on, the pain of the meridians! This is the reason for the saturation of cultivation. Generally, the monk on the first layer of refining is not able to satisfy the infuriating amount of cultivation at 12 o’clock all the time. How can this kid go on a night, Shang Qingqing is still cloudless: “Well, you can, don’t force cultivation after the meridians have a feeling of fullness. You are so reasonable. Right, Xiaohao, you feel when you practice. Very strong?”

Gas sensation? Sun Hao thought about it with his head tilted. If he answered, “I only feel that the fire is aura, and the temper is not very strong. Right, after I enter, I can see that there are four color spots in the air. Every time I practice, the cyan spots will be According to the annual ring wood running route into the body, is this a sense of temperament?”

Four-color light spots, fire is a sense of anger! Shang Zhiqing’s eyes jerked and he frowned and returned to normal. This kid’s entry level is not low! Doesn’t it mean that the more lingering the spirit is, the harder it is? This kid’s four Ling roots can actually feel the four-color light spot. Isn’t it true that it is difficult to create a sense of anger without the roots? This kid does not have a fire root, but he can feel the fire aura.

Subversion! Sun Hao did not know that he completely subverted Master’s cognition and continued to report: “The light enters the body, and the fire enters the five-line round of the coffin bubble, and then the light points to squeeze the fire, part of the burning, compression, refining… ”

Shang Zhiqing:……

Sun Hao looked at Master and found that Master still had a smile and felt that he should be good. He continued to report: “The two auras are running fast in the body, I don’t know how, one night of cultivation, it is a ten-round wood…”

Ten rounds a night?

Shang Zhiqing:……

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