Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 19 - 3 time periods

“Wow, it’s a fairy mountain.” Gu Yun picked it up on the side. He and Sun Hao almost woke up at the same time. At this time, they saw the mountain gate and began to get excited: “This mountain looks so amazing.”

Indeed, even if Sun Hao and Gu Yun did not begin to cultivate, but the naked eye can also see that the mountain is different from other mountains.

Qingmu Zong should be said to be in the mountains, but even in the mountains, the mountain view within a few dozen miles is very different from other mountains. The first feeling of the mountain is fresh, like after the rain, the mountains include trees. It seems to be transparent, extra clear and bright.

There are stone roads in the mountains, like a leucorrhea from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

In the different parts of the mountain, from the sky, through the lush trees, you can glimpse the patchwork of buildings, which should be the resident building of Qingmu. These buildings are also very particular. Even if they look down from the sky, they still do not see the destruction of the mountain environment. On the contrary, because the architecture is classical, it is just like the location of Xianshan, which makes the whole fairy mountain more energetic.

Although Sun Hao is not as happy as the ancient clouds, but the mood is also really good, smiles on the face. The first impression of the entire Aoki sect was very good.

The old man sat behind them and looked at them silently. When he thought of himself for the first time in Qingzu, he was not happy.

The white crane hovered over the circle of Qingmu Zong, as if to let the new disciple look at the entire Qingmuzong. Then, it landed in front of the mountain and landed in front of a large yard in front of the Qingmu Zongshan.

This yard is a pure wood structure, a layer, a blue tile house, the courtyard wall is made of red bricks, the upper side is also covered with blue tiles, the courtyard gate is two huge cyan boards, at this time, the top of the gate is several ancient Big characters, Sun Hao’s school is good, and soon recognized these words: “Deacon Church”

The gate of the church is wide open. At this time, it is the time when the new church is recruited. The church is relatively busy.

There was no one at the gate, and the old man walked straight with two children. The courtyard was a courtyard with a few squares. The ancient pine cypress was planted in the courtyard, but it was not dense, along the gravel road in the courtyard. Going in, there is a hall directly opposite, there is a counter with a length of more than one foot in the hall. Three middle-aged Tsing Yi monks sitting behind the counter are looking through a thick account book.

Seeing that the old man came in with the children, several monks stood up and snored at the young and old: “Uncle Shi, you are back, this time recruited two new disciples.”

There are not many words in the old age, nodding slightly, no change in the face, directly confessing to the situation of two children: “Gu Yun, Lanlin Town people, fill the heavens to get the fairy edge to raise wood; Sun Hao, Lanlin Town People, I have sent them to here.

After that, Qing Lao turned and said to Sun Hao and Gu Yun: “I will bring you here. Below you will let these brothers help you arrange the entry into the mountain gate. Well, you will practice in Qingmu Zong in the future.”

After that, a few middle-aged monks were slightly bent, then turned and walked outward.

A few monks said Qi Qi: “When the uncle is busy, the uncle is good to go.”

When Sun Hao saw it, he also said to Qinglao: “Thank you, Master, I must work hard to prevent the teacher from disappointed.”

Gu Yun also cleverly prayed to the old man: “Thank you, Uncle Shi, thank you for your uncle.”

The back of Qinglao soon disappeared into the eyes of Sun Hao. However, Sun Hao’s ear once again sounded the cold voice of Qinglao: “Kid, do it yourself, remind you again, supplement the things in the sky, except yourself. Don’t tell anyone.”

Sun Hao felt the concern of the old and the old, and the heart was filled with gratitude. This serious old man is actually a very enthusiastic person. On the face, Sun Hao did not change anything because of the confession of the old man. Instead, he turned to a few middle-aged monks and salutes: “My name is Sun Hao. This is my brother Gu Yun. The two brothers of ours have to trouble a few. Brother,”

The oldest of the three brothers saw Sun Hao Shi Li and nodded. “This is our business. My name is Qin Hai. You call me Qin brother. I am the jade brother, the hand over there. It’s Cheng’s brother who takes the book, and the jade brother is responsible for arranging the place for you, becoming a brother, and entering the information for you.”

Sun Hao and Gu Yun also called together: “Jade brother, become a brother”

The two brothers looked at them and nodded. Qin brother said, “A lot of things, after you enter the mountain gate, you will gradually come into contact. In my place, before you enter the mountain gate, you will only know one thing, and it is Let me know before you officially enter the mountain gate.”

Sun Hao looks positive: “Sister please talk”

Qin’s brother’s face is square and looks very decent. He looks like a sinister look. He said that the credibility is very high: “When you get here, you can only count half a Qingmu sect.”

After that, he stared at the two children with his eyes. Sun Hao was so sullen, waiting for his following, Gu Yun was a little anxious, and Xiao Qiang tightened Sun Hao’s clothes.

Noticing the small movements of Gu Yun, Qin’s brother’s mouth is full of laughter and continues to say: “After you enter Qingmu Zong, you must keep in mind the three time periods. For the progress of cultivation, Qingmu Zong has clear requirements. If the time period is not met, Will be cleared out of Aoki

It turned out that there was a requirement for the progress of cultivation. Sun Hao knew the location and nodded. This should encourage the disciples to step up their cultivation.

Brother Qin continued: “The first time period is that you must enter the refining period within one year. As for what is the refining period, you will know immediately after you start practicing in a few days. If you can’t do it within a year, Feel the aura, can not guide the spirit into the body, then the Aoki sect had to send you back to the original”

It is the first requirement to feel the aura and guide the aura into the body within a year. Sun Hao understands the nod.

Brother Qin continued: “Before the age of twenty, you must enter the middle of the refining, that is, the four layers of refining. If you can’t, Qing Mu Zong will let you leave the Zongmen station, go out to be the Zongmen care industry, or you will join the WTO. Family is also OK”

Speaking of this, Qin Shixiong explained: “In fact, entering the refining period is already a Qingmu sect, but the personal qualifications are different, and some of the monks are too poor. To a certain extent, how can they not cultivate, in fact, At this time, choosing to join the WTO can be said to be a good choice. Not only can you enjoy the prosperity of the world, but also Shou Yuanyuan is more than ordinary people. The living gods in the eyes of the world refer to these enlisted monks.”

Obviously, this Qin brother has some understanding of the situation of Sun Hao and Gu Yun. Personally, most of these two children are the materials to join the WTO. When they talk about this second period of time, they will explain a few extra sentences.

Of course, Qin brothers continue to explain the third time period according to the usual practice. This is something that every disciple must know. Even if they do not meet the requirements of the third time period, it is necessary to know that, in fact, the vast majority of Aoki The disciple did not meet the requirements of the third time period but knew the time period as well.

“This third period of time is a monk who must build a foundation before the age of 100, can not build a foundation, and arrange a certain position for the sect.” Qin said that it is not very high, and he feels awkward.

The age of the three deacons is not small, but there is still no foundation. Seeing that Xianlu is hopeless, what is it?

At this time, the brother who entered the information was intervened in a timely manner: “You are the unlucky four-character monk in the mouth of the Yellow Brothers? It is a five-line round of determination. It is really a profit, it is better to have a remedy or a casual one. What are the instruments?”

The jade brother also laughed and patted Sun Hao’s shoulder: “Little teacher, are you the unlucky one? But don’t be sad, many fairy tales are like this, so I don’t want to use it. I thought I had a guide.” However, just enough for me to enter the refining period, it is not the same.”

Sun Hao looked at a few brothers who laughed and laughed, and his heart was awesome: “The five elements of the wheel are so famous?”

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