Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 1 - peaceful

The smog faded away, and the first yang spit out the morning sun from the horizon. The faint white spots dyed the dark night sky. Before dawn, it was silent, standing on the hills of the town, taking a deep breath, overlooking the sky, quiet and long.

Lanlin Town is affiliated to Xiaguonan County. It is a border town. The location of the three places makes the restlessness around the town. Feilongzhai is only one place away from the town. One horse is only a day away. Lanlin Some villages or towns around the town have given the practice of flying dragons to the village, but Lanlin Town is an exception.

Lanlin Town is a martial art, Lanlin Shuangqiang Township Gu Guqiang, blacksmith Sun Qiang are well-known martial arts heroes, especially the blacksmith Sun Qiang, the family of fierce fire, can melt gold wrought iron, in addition to good inheritance of the family blacksmith craftsmanship In addition, Feilongzhai is also very taboo. Ten years ago, Feilongzhai raided Lanlin Town. Sun Qiang was a hammer and smashed into the flames of the Dragon.

The township folks discovered that the old blacksmith, who was usually awkward, was a personal tyrannosaurus.

No matter what the situation is, the early morning of the town is always very quiet, the fresh air touches the human heart, and the breathing of people gradually becomes long and far-reaching.

Winter practice three nine, summer practice three.

The pile is very tired and very boring, but after Sun Qiang, more than twenty teenagers stretched out their hands and stood in a horse, trying to keep their breath. Every child’s heart actually had a hero’s dream, Sun Qiang. Tell them, want to become stronger, start from the pile, because he just stood there that year.

The piles in Lanlin Town have been in existence for many years, and Gu Qiang Sun Qiang stood behind the elders like these teenagers.

Lanlin Town Station piles also have rules. Every generation of teenagers will have a head pile, that is, a teenager standing next to the elders. This young boy is definitely the most popular among the young Lanlin teenagers. The longest time, the most standard of standing pile posture, of course, the most important thing is to play the most.

Sun Qiang took a deep breath and slowly stood up straight and broke the tranquility of the town: “Well, stand here today, other people are practicing boxing here, Sun Hao, you go back to practice ironing with me”

“Okay, Dad,” the head of Sun Qiang, a teenager about eight years old stood up straight, straight and straight, and the voice should be.

The other children cheered together, and the town was over, and immediately thrived.

“Strong uncle, Hao Ge slow away”

“Hello, let’s go to Nanshuiwan for a while?”

“Hello, do you take me with me today?”


Obviously, Sun Hao is very influential among these teenagers. Some children who seem to be significantly older than him are called a good brother. The purpose is very simple, that is, to play together.


Sun Hao also brought a big smile on his face, and he followed his father to go home, and he greeted his companions kindly.

Sun Qiang’s appearance is sturdy, except for the strict requirements when standing. When practicing boxing, the children are not afraid of him. Of course, the agreement on the house is not the one in Sun Qiang.

Sun Qiang’s home is a courtyard, but the family blacksmith shop is not here. It is a drug shop. The reason is very simple. Sun Hao’s mother, Wu Yuhe, is the only doctor in the town. Seeing that Sun Qiang and his son came back, Wu Yuhe was not a particularly beautiful face, and a happy smile appeared: “Haoer, eat something first and then practice boxing.” On the one hand, hand an egg.

Sun Qiang watched his son put the egg into his mouth, and after a few mouthfuls of eating, his face showed a thick smile on his face.

Wu Yuhe handed over to his son a cup of soy milk with his own medicine and watched his son drink into his stomach. Then he smiled and turned and said to Sun Qiang: “Strong brother, let Haoer practice boxing here. Let’s go in and say something.”

Behind him, Sun Hao took a breath, slowly set the posture and began to practice boxing. The air seemed to become dignified and hot, mixed with the sound of smashing.

With his wife walking inside, the ears are swaying, Sun Qiang, his face reveals a more splendid and more generous smile. His son’s understanding and qualifications of martial arts can be much stronger than himself. This is only eight years old, but he is 15 years old. At the age of six, the repairs were made, and the firepower had already been completed. The old Sun family was a successor.

Sun Hao began to make troubles at the age of three. From that time on, life began to be extremely regular.

In the morning, after getting up, I stood with my father and then practiced boxing in the yard. In the morning, I learned the iron-handed craftsmanship in my father’s blacksmith shop and took in the fire. In the afternoon, I followed my mother to learn grass and medicine at home, and followed my mother after dinner. Learning an hour to understand the word, then follow the father’s professor, meditating and practicing the fire.

Inherited the father’s honesty, the mother’s Wenliang, Sun Hao’s character is a model in the eyes of all the children of the town, obedient, diligent, eager to learn and learned, and earned income, young age, not only defeated him more than three The four-year-old child became a leader, and he also became a rare child prodigy in the town. He was well-educated, exported, and wrote a good word.

Of course, in the eyes of the children, Sun Hao is also an out-and-out hero. In addition to the advantages of his parents, what makes them more convinced is that under the leadership of Hao Ge, they can not be smashed and touched. You can touch it. The most amazing thing is that Sun Hao can always lead you to find delicious mushrooms on the mountain, catch the rabbits that are alive and kicking, and even the roasted hare can be served with delicious spices…

After practicing the boxing, Sun Hao wiped the sweat on his forehead with a towel. He said to the mother who had opened the door in the front yard and started to operate the drug shop: “Mom, I am going to hit the iron.” Wu Yuhe “hmm”, reminded: “come back to dinner at noon”, and many families in the town only eat two meals a day, Sun family three meals a day is extremely regular.

It is said that Sun Hao’s mother, Wu Yuhe’s family, was born. The ancestors used to be a generation of great Confucianism. Later, they fell into the Sun family. Everyone has a lot of rules. Of course, there are also great knowledge in the eyes of the villagers. Sun Hao followed his mother, not only learned literacy, medicine, but also, according to the mother’s request, every day before and after practicing the firework, he would cultivate a piece of work that seems to have no use at but can quickly calm him down. The hundred words “Qing Xin Yu”, Sun Hao is not too troublesome, anyway, it is a hundred words, every day to recite a few articles does not bother, and feels calm, the effect of practicing the fire is better.

Sunjia Tiepu is about two hundred meters away from the Sun family. There is still a small shop on the main street. In addition to the boss of Sun Qiang, there are two apprentices and two apprentices in the blacksmith shop. When Sun Hao enters the blacksmith shop, The stove has been burning up, and the helper pulls the bellows and yells: “Xiaohao, you are in good spirits today.”

Sun Hao said hello to the apprentices while saying to his father, “Dad, I am here.”

Sun Qiang nodded, didn’t talk, picked up the hammer in his hand, and an apprentice, you hammered me with a hammer, the naked upper body, the bronze skin shimmered with red light, like the fire and iron in the stove. The flame on the juice was absorbed on him.

Sun Hao stood on the side, quietly watching his father hit the iron, his father told him to learn to fight iron, to learn to observe, observe the rhythm of hitting iron, focus on what, the most important thing is to experience the fire of home when the iron is hit with iron. Linkage, that is, to absorb the fire, after the fire is done, it can be immersed in fire, the feeling of the flame is unprecedented, and can greatly improve the grasp of the iron when the iron is greatly improved.

The reason why Sunjiatie is famous for several counties is that the source is still a family fire.

Sun Hao looked at it for a while, went to the side, picked up his own small hammer, first closed his eyes, gasped Shen Dan, carefully realized the charm of his father playing iron, and then looked at one side, said to one side of the helper: “Li Uncle, give me a piece of iron juice.”

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