Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 321: The First Tribe (V): All Life Is Sacred

Lenore stepped forward and stabbed her rapier through the throat of the death class user, splashing his blood onto the face of the leader of the first tribe, the sudden turn of events shocked him as he widened his eyes and stepped back, falling onto his ass as he scrambled backwards completely caught off guard. Lenore flicked her blade as the blood splashed onto the ground while the death class users gurgled and choked on his own blood. She shrugged as she moved forwards, her steps even as Kari went behind the leader, her own Katana placed on his neck, ready to cut his head off at the slightest movement from him.

"Why? We already surrendered, there was no reason to take his life! I thought it was not the way of Morte Bianca to take the lives of those who have surrendered. So why do this?" Lenore did not feel the need to answer, but she was inclined to let him know why he was about to die. She looked into his eyes and for the first time she saw it, she saw fear. And unlike the pleasure and sense of satisfaction she usually gained from causing fear within her enemies, she couldn't bring herself to enjoy this. Not after the massive amount of destruction that she had just visited on an entire race.

"I apologize for what you are about to go through, because frankly speaking I was only under orders to scare you and your people a bit. So that you can think of doing something else rather than marching into our kingdom. Sure quite a few of you would have been alive in the process but you would still be alive to lead your people. However, you just had to go and be a death class user, which is annoying since you guys were never so common. Either way by mandate of the goddess and very personification of death itself; Darkness all death class users below the age of fifteen must be killed for they have tainted this world and are no longer allowed on it."

"But that's impossible! Why! Why! If we have to die, then who's going to kill Rezar! Why is she favoring him rather than the others who have chosen to serve under her banner, why?" he asked, his gaze furious and filled with despair as he no longer cared for the blade that was hanging on his neck. His eyes glistened with unshed tears, he had so many questions, even ones that he probably wasn't supposed to be asking her, but there really wasn't much that could be done. He was now realizing that even if he didn't act like a total, pompous and arrogant ass to Lenore, she was still going to kill him due to the very obvious fact that he was a death class user.

"The reason why Rezar was exempted from this is because…. He is her son."

"What!" he asked out loud with his eyes opened wide in shock at the sudden revelation, whatever it might be he never expected it was something as crazy as this. It was impossible, how could he be her son?

"Indeed. Rezar Deathwind, King of Morte Bianca is known as the son of death not just because it is a title, but because he really is the bloody son of the concept that is death. And you and everyone else that has thrown covetous eyes on what belongs to him, on the boons and gains of his sweat, blood and tears are all incredibly stupid and arrogant. You do not know your place for you are unworthy of his attention, it seems his mother has gotten annoyed at you trying to bring an end to her beloved son. So go on to the next life knowing that you died, not because you went up against a man, or a vampire or an advanced kingdom you never had any hope of beating or conquering in the first place. But because you went up against a force of nature you could never hope to understand, even if you could harness it. You fell and failed because you decided to fuck with death!"

She gave a swift nod to Kari who didn't hesitate to swing her sword, relieving the young leader of the first tribe of the wild tribe race of his head. it was quite unfortunate that his journey was cut short, and that he had to take down so many of his people along with him due to his arrogance, but there was nothing she could do about it. There were consequences to going up against Morte Bianca, and usually those consequences end up with someone or a lot of people dead.

"What about the rest of the wild tribe, don't you think we should have finished the job, to make sure we take care of the problem from the roots. Because honestly speaking not killing them would be a bad idea, because now that we have slain their leader, we have made him a martyr. What's left of his people would probably decide to keep coming and keep constantly trying to bring Rezar down. We can see a thousand people coming and be able to come up with contingencies to deal with them, but what can we do if its five assassins or two, we shouldn't leave any stone unturned." Kari said as she turned to face the stragglers of the wild tribe, her tails poking out from her waste as her visage took on a more animalistic form.

"We've done enough Kari; look at them. there is no spirit left in them, they're lost and broken and it will take a significant amount of time before they would be able to pull themselves back together again. But it's not as if what you just said is wrong, but does Rezar seem like the kind of person that can be killed by assassins. And even they do decide to come after him, you8re seriously underestimating the scope and power of Morte Bianca. I'm not saying you're wrong, a lot of things can go wrong, and a man with a knife and vendetta can cause more damage to a nation than even the power of the danse Macabre, however, it is a fundamental rule of Morte Bianca that we do not kick our enemies when they are already down, all life is sacred... let them have what's left of theirs."

And with that said Lenore turned around to head in the direction of the danse Macabre, with Kari taking a few seconds to look on at the death and destruction they had left behind. Tears fell to the scorched earth as wails raised up to the sky, letting the wind carry the songs of their sorrows to mall corners of Elysium. Something terrible has happened today, and it was an act that saw both innocent and guilty alike paying the price for greed and ignorance. There was nothing left of the once glorious and illustrious first tribe, Morte Bianca had firmly and with a resounding order snuffed out whatever light these people had to carry on.

The stories to come would probably tell of the evil that was Morte Bianca, of the horror and destruction the wrought on this day. But it was not as if Morte Bianca gave a shit about how the rest of the world viewed them. they fought and built and tried their best to move forwards on their own terms, never being one to go looking for trouble, but always ready and willing to meet it in kind when their enemies come knocking on their door. They had power but they did not abuse it, they minded their business, and because of that theirs was a land that was prosperous not just because of the territories it sat on, but because of the hard work put into it day after day by brave men and women who are hoping for a better life.

So when people who can't appreciate the value of working hard for a bright future begin to covet the sweat and tears of the millions in Morte Bianca. Bianca would respond in kind and take everything from them, even their lives. So yes this was horrific and would be a story that the history books will never forget, but what happened today was not from the evil of Morte Bianca's heart. This destruction was brought forth upon themselves. Morte Bianca never starts a fight, but you can be damn well sure that they end it.

Kari turned around with a huff walking back towards the Danse Macabre. She was a whole lot different from the kitsune princess Rezar had met and fought beside to deal with invading NPCs from another dimension. It was crazy just how much she had changed, but she was the Shogun of the samurai division, the fiercest of the Biancan army division and she had no room for mercy. There was a reason why her division only answered to the Butcher of morte Bianca and to the king himself, they left nothing behind. Which is why as soon as she had returned and can get an audience with the king, she would be back here to make sure... that no roots were left behind; because she really hated weeds.

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