Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 319: Interitus And Cleobis (V)

There was. Aloud screech as the earth itself seemed to quake with fury. Rezar and Screet made a hasty retreat as the spot they once occupied blasted outwards in a shower of her and debris and six meter wide jaws looking for the flesh of the undead to consume. This thing was big, and normally Rezar would have wondered how the members of the theocracy were able to get past it, but seeing that it had similar features to the wyvern that was nothing more than dust outside of these ruins, Rezar would and could dummies that it was made as a result of corpse stitching. Even as someone that could be practically called Death class royalty, the idea behind corpse stitching was fucking disgusting.

Quentin was a Doom Knight, sometimes Rezar tends to mix them both up, but actually Quentin was a Doom Knight. Something a whole lot scarier than a death knight, and due to the nature of how he came to be undead, he was more like vampires than other undead. Je was turned as a living being, and he was extremely strong too, way above what Rezar would have been able to muster at that moment, not to mention incredibly skilled in combat, and the current best in Morte Bianca since Priest refused that title.

While Rezar and Screet scrambled back for their lives, Quentin moved with a flourish that was almost ethereal. Movements like that was something vampires could do, or probably elves or fairies or any other race that had really good agility. However this was a trained warrior, Quentin was totally in his element as the teeth feet tall earth worm with four rows of teeth and a body littered with multiple eyeballs, roared out at him with every menace it could muster. Rezar found the entire thing interesting if he had to be honest as it was quite a conundrum how that monster could see or focus with that many eyes.

It was a thing of horror as it's skin was a patch of a thousand others. The leather hide of deers, the spotted hides of cheetahs and the stripes of tigers, not to mention the different shades of human skin that accompaniment it. Beyond that were the extremely creepy eyes, no two eyes were the same as it became ever obvious as the seconds passed, that those eyes were made from a combination of hundreds of creatures, in much the same way the earthworms' body was made; corpse stitching.

It was twenty feet tall but half of it's body was still buried underground, but that was not an immediate problems as it twisted it's fork in the air and rushed towards Quentin, Jaws outstret6 with a kind filled with bloodlust. Quentin pulled out a broad sword from his back, one of the seven weapons he carried around with him all the time with not a single one ever missing. He sliced down, releasing a grey beam of light that rushed forwards and showed into the body of the giant corpse stitched earthworm.

However just as the beam was about to smack onto the earthworm's' body, a grey tile of light appeared over it's skin and defended it from the strike. 8t was unexpected development no doubt, but there was enough power in the studio to divert the earthworm from it's. Urgent course of action as the force and the main forced it to turn it's head in another direction. Unfortunately this direction was the one Rezar and Screet had chosen to stand back at to watch the fight between Quentin and the earthworm.

"I guess nothing ever goes the way we plan it, does it Screet? "

Rezar asked as they both watched the incoming giant worm bear down in them like an internal your from hell. But regardless of what it is, they were ready and we'll prepared for it. Screet moved forward and stamped his staff on the ground, an illusory green shield sprang to life between them and the incoming monster, which had no intention of slowing down, even with an obvious barrier in front of it, it still surged forwards until it smashed it's face into the barrier with a loud crash.

"The shield lasted just longer enough before breaking apart under the weight of the worm, much for us surprise of Rezar. But it was stable long enough for Quentin to leap Into the air, his body framed by a red ball that seemed to glow in intensity as he fell back from his 60 foot drop, his broad sword looking extremely menacing as it fell onto the body of the giant worm.


The work. Inclined it's head to the left again, this time smashing against the rubble's and ruins of an old guard tower that stood close to the city gate. It's body was barely attached to each other as Quentin had almost cleaver it in two. It for just a few took of a second, just as the work was trying to reorient itself, a swarm of black beetles with a red band running from the top of their head for the bottom of their shelled bodies came out of the rubble. It was barely a second, and in that second the beetles rapidly began to devour the injured earthworm. Rezar felt cold from the soles of his feet all the way to the crown of his head as he watched that.

It was an extremely horrifying and scary sight to say the least, and the rest of them were frozen in shock at the dramatic turn of events. The work let out painful shrikes for five whole seconds before it's vocal cords was eaten through, and soon it too was nothing more than a pile of dust and dispersed souls. Rezar shredded as he turned to Screet who in turns turned to his master at the same time. It was incredibly unsettling and fascinating to watch as the giant earthworm was eaten down to it's very bones. Elysium really had some weird shit going on.

"Master I believe it would be in our best interests to keep away from any building within this ruin… .at the very least unless we're sure that it doesn't have any of those bugs we just saw in it." Rezar nodded his head and then moved forward, making sure to keep his distance from the guard towers and any other building as he moved forwards.

Quentin and Screet quickly followed. Shine as they moved through the ruins. This place was coated in dust and there were corners that shadows that were deeper than normal. But be that as it may, the blood ore or whatever the fuck they call it gave the ruined city a soft of ambient glow. It seemed alive as it vines was snaked and wrapped around every inch and corner of the colorful city. All of these buildings, built with blocks made of precious stones were almost intact, at best they all were missing their doors, but the building itself was still standing, and that was saying something.

The vines came from a massive black building at the center of the city. The building itself seemed to be made of equally precious materials of it's own as the black blocks seemed to shine in the glow of the vines that sowed forth from it. It was still at a distance but the damn thing was so huge that Rezar felt it would take him a second to walk to it rather than the hour or hour and. The half his mind was estimating.

But getting there wouldn't matter much, because at the moment, Rezar began to notice the dead bodies. Society monsters twisted and deformed behind what anybody would consider normal littered their path forward. But not just them, there were humans, and fauns, and elves, all clad in the uniform of the theocracy. They seemed to have been in a fight with the monsters Rezar just noticed, but he wasn't exactly sure if the theocracy had been able to deal with these things.

"Master these monsters are powerful. There are only two of them here, but there are eleven dead from the theocracy. And from the tracks that are spread all-over the place, I think need things were at least half a dozen, yet it took eleven men to take down two of them. The theocracy didn't win a fight here master they fled. Which means we might have to face these things or something worse the deeper we go in and get closer to that building. I can feel a sort of death energy from here, and that seems to be the nexus points of a lot of strange and unfamiliar scents… … I think that building is a dungeon your majesty."

This was a worrying thought, but Rezar really wasn't shaken. Sure they might have to face and deal with no where stronger than anything they have ever faced, but ultimately if it comes down to it, they could always run away. Because even if they couldn't fight, Rezar was a thousand percent sure of their ability to escape, so he had no fear.

"Well then Screet, maybe I should have listened to you and brought some armor along; but I digress…let's just go kill some monsters and conquer a dungeon…again!"

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