Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 317: Dark Elves (IV)

Contrary to what she expected being underground wasn't musty and drab, but it was cool and quite breezy. This was definitely an upgrade from back when she was in the stygian mines as a slave and Lenore was the forewoman in charge…. those were terrible times to say the least. But right now she had an entire kingdom of dark elves to deal with, and after going past the first outpost she knew her arrival had already been announced. It was like a whole other world down here, and they're were currently traversing past an underground gorge with a lot of twisty bends and bright bioluminescent fauna and flora, and just as they turned around a bend she came face to face with an arrow coated in darkness.

Gynaika caught the arrow out of the air, a small smile on her face as she waved at the army of dark elves and giant spider ladies right in front of them. there was woman sitting in an ornate carriage that was being drawn by six hefty men. They were well muscled and beefy and were all about seven feet tall. And more than that all their heads were tightly encased in a tight and bulky helmet that had no place being on anybody's head. this was probably the dark elf queen, Gynaika had found out they had scouts that had been hiding in the forest when she had subdued their raider squad, so the dark elves knew she was coming, but be that as it may they wouldn't stop what was going to happen.

"They seem overly serious your majesty, what did you do to them? the hate in their eyes, it looks delicious." Samira spoke with a chuckle as she came from behind Gynaika, making sure to take the arrow that had dug a groove into Gynaika's palm as she caught it out of the air. Samira flipped the arrow over her palm, smiling as she inspected the craftsmanship attached to the projectile, then she twirled it around her finger and sent it flying back to the person who had just shot it. There was absolutely no resistance and warning as the arrows went through her skull as she fell to her knees dead.

"I don't know what she told you, or how your encounter with the queen in waiting has been so far, but let me tell you this. By the time I am done with you all, you will be willing to serve! You will bow or you will bleed, you will surrender or you will die. For my queens, for my kingdom and above all else, for the glory of my King! His Majesty Rezar Deathwind King of the Bone Horde!" a clamor was raised behind her as the other daughter of the eclipse that came here with her raised their voice in a frenzied cry. Samira was a caster and hardly ever uses a weapon, but she had a dagger that she carries around with her that's ornately made. She threw the dagger in the direction of the dark elves as if to say; Your Move'.

The gorged opened up into what was a wide and expansive field, this literally was the perfect place to have battles and on both sides there were strategic positions to be held. The gorge opened up, but with how twisted its path was, Samira, Gynaika and the other vampires could set ambushed for the dark elves in much the same way they set for them. but the field that the gorge opened up into went upwards at a steady incline giving the dark elves the higher ground in this fight. If this was a normal battle, both sides would worry about having their enemies follow them so that they could use the terrain to their advantage and set a trap. But these were vampires... this fight was over before it even began.

"You all disgust me! I cannot believe you will allow you ennobled body to be befouled by the touch of a man! They who are not worthy to even look upon your face, not needed for anything but breeding and licking the dirt of your feet. They are dogs! Cattle and slaves to our whims yet! You all serve a king, and you! Woman! Is a queen to him? You have brought us great shame, and for the glory of Arachne, I cannot in good faith let shames to out divine gender like you exist. So my daughters will spill your blood today, and we shall dance and feast on your remains!"

Samira turned to Gynaika with a raised eyebrow and an amused look on her face. Even Gynaika felt the need to let out an exasperated but still mocking laugh. This was just ridiculous, or a normal day she would absolutely dig the whole amazon vibe, but what was with the fanatical cult like approach. That just turned her off on a whole other level, and given how influenced she's become due to Rezar, when she sees things she doesn't like, she tends to go on a murder spree.

"I will give you all a choice, because there is only one way this ends. Either you submit willingly and become a part of Morte Bianca, serving right besides Samira here; the Night Mother of the Daughters of the Eclipse. Vampires, Immortals, eternal unto the night and more powerful than anything you can possibly imagine, or half or more of you die in this conflict and the remainder are forcefully turned by me or Samira in the most unpleasant and excruciating way possible.

So it's either you all drop you weapons and agree to be turned to the glorious cause and vision of Morte Bianca, or fall and what is left will be taken into servitude for a king you will not be able to hate, and be completely unable to betray. So live and serve or resist some of you die and what's left will still serve, on my word as Queen in waiting I can either guarantee you a happy life, or an incredibly painful one."

There was something Hypocritical in the air, though no one was going to; point it out, not even the dark elves that were about to have their throats ripped out. Gynaika and Samira might have a problem with the fanatic cult like behaviors of the dark elves, but frankly speaking they had something similar in the way they were loyal to Rezar and Morte Bianca. And it was even the stronger for this two due to one very simple fact…. they were both vampire turned by Rezar himself, one of the first. In fact, Samira was the second person after Lenore to be turned. Their attachment and loyalty to him was without question, and they were both willing to go any length to further his ambitions.

"The time for talking has passed, I can see that you both have been wholly possessed and warped by the wiles and bewitchment of a lowly man. There is no saving you, so you have to die." Samira just shrugged fatter the dark elf queen finished speaking.

"Fine with me, now why don't you die first."

As soon as she finished he threat, her form burst into a flock of bats that flew into the air and rushed towards the dark elf queen in a stream of screeches and black wings dotted with red eyes. The queen was caught off guard, they were just as isolated as the wood elves, with the wood elves actually being the ones with limited contact with the outside world with their irregular and rare trades with Morte Bianca and other forces, and knowledge of vampires were only now coming to life after thousands of years of being hidden. But up until now they had no idea just what they were dealing with, they had no idea just how scary and completely unstoppable a vampire could be.

Streams of flames, lightning, arrows, darkness and mana blasts assaulted Samira's form as she was shot out of the air, rolling on the ground for a few meters, her form raising up dust before coming to a stop in front of the dark elf queen who had a smug look on her face. The entire battlefield fell silent as she raised her head with valor and pride and said to Gynaika with all the contempt she could muster.

"I see the foolishness you all have does not just stretch to you blind devotion of a stinking Man! But also to knowledge and tactics on the battlefield. Serving a man has devolved your brain from free thinki9ng smart women you are all supposed to be, to a bunch sniveling simpletons begging and whining for cock! You too will fall, just as woefully and without honor as your ally here, laid out at my feet! For my dogs to feast upon! I-!"

"For a queen; I have to say you talk a lot, and I really, really don't like it. But never the less queen, Bon Appetite!"

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