Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 74: Reaching A Lava Hound Ground

"No, come back, come back here, stay away from that!"

Her master shouted, hysterically shouted as she thought Oya was going to sacrifice herself in that fog.

"Stay there, I'll be fine, but not you," Oya shouted back, trying to calm them with her words. they never believed her, as they planned to go and grab her back to safety, however they were far, and they moved extremely late.

"No!!!" Many NPCs screamed in agony and shock when the fog swallowed Oya, thinking she was already dead.


Suddenly, a massive rumble like thunder erupted in the whole world. In the next moment, thousands, tens of thousands of the mighty bolts of lightning that erupted when they crossed the bridge, happened just above this enormous cloud of fog, descending from the sky to hit the fog, like they were punishing it.




They all stood on the bridge, unable to move a single muscle forward anymore, as the mighty dreadful lightning kept hammering the cloud of fog, while Oya was inside it!

"Is she really going to be ok?" Ela asked Oya's master.

"I- I really don't know anything about this girl," her master just muttered these shocked words, shaking her head helplessly, as every time she thought she had understood Oya, she realized she knew nothing at all about her!

They all stood on the bridge, unable to move a single muscle forward anymore, as the mighty dreadful lightning kept hammering the cloud of fog, while Oya was inside it!

"Is she really going to be ok?" Ela asked Oya's master.

"I- I really don't know anything about this girl," her master just muttered these shocked words, shaking her head helplessly, as every time she thought she had understood Oya, she realized she knew nothing at all about her!

"Is she really going to be ok?" Ela asked Oya's master.

"I- I really don't know anything about this girl," her master just muttered these shocked words, shaking her head helplessly, as every time she thought she had understood Oya, she realized she knew nothing at all about her!

As for Oya, things were quite different than others were thinking. The death fog cloud she entered was made over endless years from one game to another, collecting the death energy occurring in any environment around it.

For endless years, this cloud condensed the death energy, purifying it, making it so pure that it could be sensed with bare hands. however, it wasn't suited for anyone to use, or even sense.

This was only made for the necromancer generation to come here, left as a present from Rioneed, the one who was behind all this.

The moment she entered this cloud, she didn't feel any pain or anxiety, like every negative emotion was expelled outside, and now she was in one of her best moments in her entire life.

The death energy here was really beneficial to her, as her body breathed it in, and never let any speck of it out. As for her system, it went silent, as it started to madly absorb the death energy concentrated here, trying to get the most out of it.

What remained were her skeletons, which started to absorb this energy, changing their bones, adding obvious thickening to them in a naked eye. Every minute here was equal to a year out there, and the amount of this cloud was really enormous, so she, her system, and her skeletons needed hours to finish absorbing everything here.

Oya's mind was getting purer, as if it was gaining some benefits from this. Her mindset started to change, and suddenly some distant buried memories of her past self started to resurface again.

She stood there, closing her eyes, motionless, while her body was benefiting from this energy, and her mind was starting to view these long locked memories of her.

The first memory to unlock was about her first meeting with Ibro, a memory she could vaguely make details out of it, covered in extreme thick fog, clouding it from her eyes.

However she could see herself, and she could see Ibro. He was older, stronger, more confident, and had some air around him, making her even feel astonished and attracted to him.

In this memory, she spoke and laughed, despite her not hearing any word of this. She was happy, inside and outside the memory, and that made her realize how much she loved Ibro, even long before she met him here in this game!

"So, we were lovers in our past lives?" she softly muttered, before seeing this memory fade away into a cloud of fog. She sighed, before not long, another memory appeared, silently as the previous one.

Unlike the first memory, this memory was full of pain, as she saw herself standing inside a very horrible place, moving into it like it was her home. She suddenly felt some fear, as she never ever questioned her past self.

���Was I living in such a horrible place?" she muttered, with a weak voice from her shock and doubt. She watched herself enter a room, full of many monsters, where they started yelling and shouting at her. The shapes of them were blurry, but she could make certain they were monsters.

Such ugly and scary monsters kept shouting at her, and even one of them slapped her face, pushing her to the side, while darting outside the room, while she was crying in agony and regret on the ground.

This memory was painful, really painful, as the couple of memories that followed it. in them she was held captive, subjected to torture and suffering, while these monsters kept screaming silently at her.

Oya couldn't take it, but she had no say in this matter. These memories just kept floating one after another. She never imagined her past self to suffer this much, to be humiliated and tortured like this.

The next memory to appear was a giant war, where she was standing, stranded, on a brim of a balcony, with endless monsters down this hideous disgusting castle, and a human army was fighting up front.

She was screaming something she couldn't hear, but when she noticed the horizon, she could finally see him.

He came to save her! He came with his own army to rescue her, to put an end to such suffering. She, standing in her place, watching this memory, felt a warm touch of hand over her heart, his touch, his hand, making her heart shudder, and her eyes welled up with tears, falling endlessly on her face.

Ibro came to fight these monsters, to just rescue her. However the memory ended abruptly here, as another one kicked in. This one was a trial, a group of older men and women, humans, monsters, demons, gods, and strange slim creatures were standing around her, Ibro, and ten other women.

"Are they my rivals?" she muttered, while wiping her tears. In this memory, everything was blurry except for him and her. She couldn't hear anything, but suddenly she felt her face twisted inside the memory, as if she had just heard the cruelest judge ever!

Ibro hugged her, before hugging everyone else in his harem. She felt some pain when she was all these women beside him, sharing him with her. She knew how special he was, but she had some regret that she wasn't enough for him, or she might be somehow late to meet him.

"Death Dao!"

Suddenly this voice came from inside the memory, making her soul shiver inside her body. this voice had crushed this memory, turning it into shreds, while the whole world around her ushered under extreme silence.


A soft sigh appeared, before everything returned to normal again. Oya felt the beginning of this, but she didn't recall what happened next. When she looked for the memories she just saw, she found none in her mind. She could perfectly recall them, but she couldn't really find them.

"How weird!"

She muttered, before finally opening her eyes, to find the whole cloud of fog was already gone, and she was now surrounded by a very terrifying army of skeletons, her master, Ela, two hundred and five, Salsola, Avada, and others.

"What happened?" she asked, as she found herself sleeping on the ground, not standing like before. What was there around her startled her even more, as the ground wasn't in one pieces, it was now inside a depression in the ground.

A depression that wasn't there before!

"We don't know," her master replied, "we just came here after the for dissipated, to find you sleeping here with your skeletons around you," she added, while she glanced at the ground around them.

The ground wasn't like this when the fog came, and she had seen this fog many times already, it never left something like this behind it.

'What just happened here?' she muttered to herself, while Oya tried to stand, to feel her head so heavy, and her body so weak. "Please rest then," her master instructed, before adding, "I think you exhausted yourself fighting this fog."

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