Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 71: The Fog of Loss Approaches!

"We have to level up here," Oya said, trying to make them feel more confident as she added, "don't worry, we will be carried along the way with these NPCs."

Her words made them feel more secure, but they were still fearful from these monsters. If just one of these monsters managed to slip past these NPCs, they were doomed.

Just before they would enter the ridge, two hundred and five appeared from far, with three NPCs acting as his personal guard.

His appearance managed to distract everyone from this place, as they started to question the identity of him. no one had ever met him before, and just from the way Oya treated him, they knew he wasn't simple.

"Finally managed to get to you before entering this place, but why are you here?" two hundred and five asked the moment he arrived here, throwing the most logical question in his mind.

He had checked the whole region and found these high leveled monsters. He also spotted the NPCs with her, but he still felt some doubts regarding her presence here.

"We are going to level up here," she simply replied.

"do you aim to breakthrough level forty or something?" he skeptically asked, while glancing at the players around her. He knew their faces and names well enough from the files he made his men prepare for the most prominent players in the Heptian domain.

"We might even go further than that," she simply chuckled, as this wasn't a far distant dream right now. the area they were going inside was filled with strong looking monsters.

For her, each dead monster could use its corpse and summon a skeleton out from it, a trick that might make her play a crucial role later in this campaign.

"So, may we go to some secured place to talk?" he asked, while pointing with his eyes towards everyone here.

"No, let's talk among all of them," she said, while directing her words to everyone here as she added, "you need to hear out these information, as they are really crucial and would change your vision for the game."

Her words managed to attract everyone's attention, while two hundred and five said, expressing his own disapproval for that:

"These info are really dangerous, we should keep it under control."

"No," she shook her head, "the whole world is going to know everything quite soon, and the earlier our top players knew the facts the better."

Her words and brief argument with two hundred and five made everyone realize how important and dangerous this information was.

"We should know, all of us here are trustworthy, and we won't do anything to endanger Oya," Slasola said, expressing her stand in support to her friend here.

"Yes, we all are close friends with Oya, so don't worry yourself, we won't do anything to endanger her," Avada also added.

Two hundred and five just glanced at them silently, as he knew these info wasn't dangerous to Oya, but to everyone who would know them. He simply sighed, as he had no say in this matter. Ibro had entrusted everything to Oya, and her words would determine everything.

"Good, let's start from the beginning then, this game isn't like what you all think it is…" she started telling the tale of this game, how it came into existence, its true nature, and it's true purpose. She said everything, starting from the truth about the game itself, jumping over the fact it went to other worlds, many of them were now destroyed by monsters, and finally she started to speak about the threat waiting for all of them.

The more she talked, the more grim their faces had become. They never thought, for even a moment, that this game was a cover up for another struggle, a struggle between humans and monsters.

She spoke about Ibro, and how he discovered this truth, how he tried to help the Heptian players to enter the game, be more prepared for the upcoming war. They all never met Ibro before, so these news about him seemed like a fairytale regarding a legendary existence.

Her words were also heard well by all NPCs here, as they interfered at some points, confirming or explaining further the situations they had in their previous games. When she finished telling them everything, a weird heavy silence had its toll on the place, as everyone had their faces ashen white from shock and fear, not knowing what to think or say.

"So, are you satisfied now for knowing everything?" two hundered and five said in a blaming tone. Sometimes, ignorance was a blessing!

"And so you want me to lead a universal move to form alliances with other nations for that upcoming invasion, right?" he then directed his words to Oya, who just nodded as she replied:

"The invasion is coming, that's a fact, and we have to stick together, as humans, to survive this hard ordeal."

Her words were right, he knew that, but they couldn't be implemented this easily, he had to admit that to himself as well. Humans were weak, controlled by their desire and greedy nature, plus not many would believe their words, or answer their call.

"I think we should plan things out based on the fact we are almost alone," he said, with a dejected realistic tone.

"I knew that, but at least the Armons can join our cause," she said, while pointing out towards the good relations they already had with Armonians thanks to Ibro.

"They might help," he nodded, "but they aren't the whole world, and their influence isn't that big as you might think," he added.

"At least one of the big G8 joining our call will be a good thing, right?"

"Might and might not," he shook his head, "this move might instigate and alert other nations, making them take the total opposite direction from us," he added.

"Let's just do our task here, and start negotiating terms for alliances," she said, before pointing out to her players, "they are the core team of my alliance, and I will push their levels to skyrocket in the next couple of days."

She then pointed towards the NPCs here as she added, "and I have a way to make NPCs be loyal to me, and this isn't a force to reckon with."

He went silent for long moments, before saying:

"Just be prepared, not many nations would welcome your rule over them."

"I don't want to rule anyone," she hurriedly defended, "I want to save everyone," she declared, with some aggressiveness.

"I know," he said, trying to show her he was on her side, "but for others, this might be eyed as a way to challenge their authority over the world. so, just be prepared to be forcibly rejected."

"Forcibly?" she asked, with confusion.

"Yes, as these nations might tend to use power to force you away from your cause," he cautiously said, as he didn't want to make her feel very pessimistic, or too overly optimistic.

"Attack us in the real world?" she asked.

"No, but they might attack us here in the game," he said.

"Can we invade other domains?" Mila suddenly joined the talk, as she added, "that would be awesome, but how can we do that?" she asked.

"Ibro once told me this is possible, and he also said it will happen. if he was so sure about it, then there might be a way to do that," he said, as he recalled the distant chat between him and Ibro.

That Ibro was a real puzzle to him, he was like a prophet, knowing what would really happen long before it did. for him, for a man who always lived on facts and real things, he never understood him, or found a reason to justify his deep knowledge of everything like this.

"Alright, let's just stop wasting time here, and you will go back and start contacting everyone. Don't tell them anything major, but try to suggest the idea of a global alliance in the game. anyone who agrees, just tell them my account name, and make them contact me here and we all shall organize things from inside the game," she said, ending this discussion, and setting things to motion.

Oya's words put an end to this discussion, as two hundred and five exited the game after returning to Ihnasia city. staying here would be quite dangerous if he exited the game and then rentered it.

As for Oya's team, they entered the ridge zone, and were now facing off the first monster group, leveled forty five scaled crocodiles, with long thick tails.

"Let's start attacking them," Avada said in such an enthusiastic way, but the moment he and others used their skills, the damage popping up above the heads of these monsters made them all speechless!






The level difference between the two sides was massive enough to make their damages cause these insignificant numbers and many misses! They glanced at each other, wryly watching the monsters roar as they started to head here.

"Oya save us!" Salsola shouted at her, asking for her to help. She knew Oya had a legion of skeletons, and using that legion seemed to be the right way to save them.

However Oya did nothing, as her army of NPCs acted. A barrage of skills fell upon the group of fifty monsters. Causing massive devastation at them in mere moments.

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