National Fantasy Family: The Only Ancestor, Hundred Times Rewards

Chapter 67

Chapter 67 Slaughter Feast, Destroy Ding Qiuchun, Evil Sect Resurrection! (Subscription Required)


Zhang Chuxuan’s voice came from afar, to everyone’s ears, to the town.

But for a while, no one acted.

“Unexpectedly, this once-in-a-century medium-sized beast tide is actually man-made.”

“It seems that only in this way can we explain why the Vietnamese government and army have not taken action, or even passed on the message.”

“It turns out that everything is an emergency!”

“Who is it! Who is so heartbroken!?

Everyone did not act immediately, not because they had an opinion on Zhang Chuxuan’s words, but after absorbing a series of news, they were too angry in their hearts to contain themselves for a while.

In everyone’s hearts, boundless anger welled up.

“Sincerely, Jin Xin, pity, each of you will lead a team of people up to join Qin Long, Qin Hu, and Li Cheng and occupy the front seat.

“Strictly carry out my father’s orders!”

At this time, a group of people rushed out of the west gate of Lingxia Town.

At the head of the crowd were Zhang Jinxuan and other second-generation disciples of the Zhang family.

Behind Zhang Jinxuan, there were Zhang Yanmo and other three generations of Zhang family disciples, and then the members of the Zhang family’s guard.

Shortly after Zhang Chuxuan left home, Nangong Muxue sent these people out.

No matter what he said, Nangong Muxue was most worried about Zhang Chuxuan in his heart.

On the contrary, Zhang Mansion, only needs her to guard the town alone, and by the way, she can take care of the three of them.

The townspeople of Lingxia Town were a little slow and hesitant, but the Zhang family would not.

“Yes, a team of people come with me!

“Second team, follow me!”

Under Zhang Jinxuan’s organization, the Zhang family guards immediately took action.

The whole team was divided into four, three of which met with the Zhangjia Town Guards, and Zhang Jinxuan himself rushed to the middle with a group of people.

The number of people in the Zhang family on the scene suddenly filled.

“Everyone, take a hundred steps back!”

“There is no need for you to die together with Lingxia Town, take a step back!”

“Back off, my Zhang Jiawei is on the front line, if you also want to fight, you can wait behind us, there will definitely be a chance.” 5

“Step back in order and act strictly according to the orders of our Zhang family master.

“If you want to live, obediently, everyone cooperates!35

After the Zhang family took the lead, the town guards and family guards subordinate to the Zhang family immediately came to life and began to cooperate with Zhang Chuxuan’s orders and organize people to retreat.

“Leave me alone, it’s death to retreat anyway!”

“Mo Laozi, I want to kill the murderous beast, even if it is death, I will kill a few more fierce beasts.” 39

“Zhang Fu Gaoyi, I must cooperate!

The performance of the warriors on the scene was strange.

Some people thought of Zhang Chuxuan saying that the six-winged purple thunder lion could not stop the beast tide, completely desperate, and the whole person seemed to have lost his soul, standing in place and unwilling to cooperate.

But there are also people who are aroused to be bloody in their hearts after despair, and their words are fierce to rush to the front line, and they fight desperately with the fierce beasts to kill one more than one.

There are also people who roll their eyes, seize the time to retreat to the rear of the people for the first time, with a small calculation in their hearts, and want to secretly run away when the Zhang family is in the front.

The appearance of all beings, under this boundless tide of fierce beasts, first appeared.

But no matter what, under the joint organization of the Zhangjia City Guard and the Escort Team, the crowd began to retreat in an orderly manner in the direction of Lingxia Town.

More and more warriors wearing the uniform black clothes of Zhang Fu began to gather at the front line of defense of the warriors.

It’s just that this speed is a little slow.

At this time, countless people in the town climbed to the head of the city, ready to resist the impact of the beast tide at any time.

They had a panoramic view of the scene in front of the city gate, looking at the long black stream at the front of the crowd, and a strong sense of security suddenly emerged in their hearts.

“This is: ~々”

“Zhang Fu Guard!

A strange look appeared in the hearts of countless people.

And this is one of the effects that Zhang Chuxuan wants to achieve.

But now, he didn’t pay attention to these, but glanced at the situation in front of the moat with a frown.

The number of the Zhangjia city guards and escorts is not small, but when placed in front of the civilian warriors, it is much worse.

With so many people, a hundred steps is not so easy to retreat.

And many of those fierce beasts that pulsed out of the fierce beast mountain had already rushed into the river, passed through the central area and began to attack the shore.

Some of the fierce beasts that rushed into the moat had even rushed across the bridge and came to the opposite bank.

In this way, the warriors would be chased by the beast tide if they retreated less than fifty steps, and they suffered heavy losses.

“Although fifty steps is enough, but with so many fierce beasts, it is best if the area can be larger.”

“It seems that I still need to take action myself.”

Secretly calculating in his heart, Zhang Chuxuan stretched out his hand and patted the head of the six-winged purple electric lion: “Go to the middle of the moat and exert the five-thunder method with all your might.” ”

“Yes, master!99

The six-winged purple electric lion flashed its wings, and its figure swept through the air, and it was directly above the moat bridge in the blink of an eye.


As the six-winged purple electric lion triggered the spiritual energy and connected the heavens and the earth, there was immediately a black cloud on her head

Formed quickly, mixed with lightning and thunder.


When the lightning is bred to a certain extent, the six-winged purple electric lion guides it to fall and bombards vertically directly below.


“Boom! Boom! 35

In an instant, thunder rays thicker than a bucket fell one after another, bombarding the moat, bombarding the river, and blowing up deep pits.

This kind of power that seems to be able to destroy the heavens and the earth, ordinary fierce beasts are completely powerless to resist.

The lightning light falls on the water, blowing up huge puddles and spreading out, forming a dense grid on the water.

The ordinary fierce beast suffered an electric shock, and immediately convulsed, foaming at the mouth and falling down.

Of course, there is still a steady stream of fierce beasts attacking the direction of Lingxia Town.

But these fierce beasts are only a very few, even if they are lucky enough to cross the river or rush across the moat, they are all injured and in a sluggish state.

There were also a few fierce beasts with strong strength or good luck that were safe and sound, but they would immediately become the key targets of Zhang Jinxuan and others.

Zhang Jinxuan and the others are now all peak martial artists of the Ten to Eleven Levels of the Refining Body Realm, and after exerting their means, their combat power can be comparable to that of a Gathering Spirit Realm cultivator.

A very few fierce beasts were in front of them, completely unable to hold on for too long.

With the six-winged purple electric lion making a move, the pressure on the retreating warriors was greatly reduced for a while.

Soon, all the staff completed the retreat.

At this time, Zhang Chuxuan also made the six-winged purple electric lion stop the attack.

If it continues, the lioness should be hollowed out.

“Raise the knife!99

Zhang Chuxuan ordered.


All the members of the Zhang Jiawei team took action, and everyone raised their long knives in their hands, their faces heavy.

The atmosphere became solemn.

In the face of the oncoming beast tide, the Zhang Jiawei did not show the slightest timidity.

Many people in the rear were affected and also raised their knives.


Zhang Chuxuan’s voice fell.



“Everyone follow me!

Zhang Jinxuan shouted loudly and rushed out first.

Zhang Jinhao, Zhang Jinchen followed, surrounded by Zhang Qinlong, Zhang Qinhu, Li Cheng and others.

After that, all the members of the Zhang family’s guards.

Thousands of people rushed out in an instant, killing the beast tide without fear.

The countless people who watched this scene were stunned again.

Not defensive… Or rush straight up to do it?


Zhang Jinxuan swung down with a sword and easily split a Yellow Rank early stage fierce beast into two halves.

His expression was stunned.

Behind him, Zhang Jinhao and the others had the same expression after solving the first fierce beast.

Thousands of members of the Zhang Family Guard, at this moment, are like the possession of the God of War, all of them are swung out with a knife to solve a fierce beast.

Regardless of the strength of that fierce beast, the result is the same.

This doesn’t feel like killing a beast, but it looks simpler than killing a pig!

“We’re getting stronger?”

“No, it’s that the fierce beasts have all become weaker!”

Zhang Jinxuan and the others’ eyes changed slightly, and they were suspicious in their hearts.

But that hasn’t slowed them from moving on.

In front of the west gate of Lingxia Town, a strange scene soon appeared.

A thousand people in the Zhang family can cut down a fierce beast without taking a step forward.

No matter what the original strength of these fierce beasts is, even if they are yellow-rank fierce beasts, they can be stabbed by a martial artist in the middle of the refining realm.

This scene stunned everyone! (Nonozhao)

“I lean on∼”

“Is the Zhang family so fierce? 39

“No, it’s that the fierce beasts have become weaker, they all feel like human-level junior fierce beasts, and their defense power is very low. 35

“How so?

“Still need to say?! It must be Old Man Zhang’s means!35

“Don’t talk nonsense, rush, rob the monster, this Nima is all fierce beast meat!!!

The warriors in Lingxia Town are crazy!

A one-sided feast of slaughter, begins.

At this time, Zhang Chuxuan came to Ding Qiuchun.

Seeing Zhang Chuxuan sitting down with the six-winged purple electric lion, Ding Qiuchun grinned and sneered: “A small town-level family, the pit hidden is really deep.” 5

“But don’t think you’ve won.

“I’m the Soul Eater of the Earth Demon Sect.”

“The Earth Flame Sect is a six-rank sect, do you understand what this means?”

“You can’t, and don’t dare to kill… Uh bottom!”

Halfway through his words, Ding Qiuchun’s eyes suddenly widened, and his mouth was full of disbelief.

He looked at Zhang Chuxuan and seemed to ask, “How did you kill me?”


Zhang Jinxuan shook the blood on the knife, his eyes full of disdain.

“Ji Fu Sect?35

“Evil Sect? 35

“You’re giving me such a big gift!

“I thank you!”

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