National Fantasy Family: The Only Ancestor, Hundred Times Rewards

Chapter 61

Chapter 61: Water Beast Frenzy, Extinction Scene, Flying Sword! (First Order)


“This, this is also too big!”

The middle-aged fisherman was so frightened that he completely forgot to think.

The thing on the river in the distance had a head bigger than his fishing boat, eyes the size of half a person, a huge body larger than the gate of the city, and the part that rose above the water looked like only a part of the neck, about five meters.

After living for so long, he has also entered the Fierce Beast Mountain Range, but he has not even seen this half-big fierce beast in the past!

There are also scales like black iron Xuanjing, shining with the cold glow unique to cold weapons under the light of golden crow, looking like a mechanical beast.

“This… What the hell is it?”

The giant beast was amazing, and the middle-aged fisherman was so frightened that he trembled and was speechless.

“Black crystal worm!”

“No, it’s a quasi-black crystal worm!

“What an unexpected joy, what an unexpected joy!

“Hahaha, even God is helping me!

“Today, the town of Lingxia will be destroyed!

On the back of the blazing crane, Ding Qiuchun let out a burst of laughter.

Snake into python, python into worm, this is the road of snake into dragon.

There is not only one species of snake, so there is naturally not only one type of python and worm.

The black crystal worm is transformed from the black crystal snake and is the natural king of fierce beasts.

Under normal circumstances, only after the dragon is transformed will it evolve into scales in the whole body, but the black crystal worm can initially have scales when it evolves into a dragon, and its defense power is amazing!

It is well known that crickets like to live in water.

But Ding Qiuchun did not expect that in this section of the river in front of the city gate of Lingxia Town, there happened to be a black crystal 04 worm.

Although this black crystal worm is still in the python transformation stage and is a quasi-black crystal worm, as a fierce beast king, it is still in the water, and its strength is comparable to that of a great cultivator of the Spirit Realm.

Lingxia Town, may someone be able to get rid of the Great Cultivator of the Transformation Spirit Realm?


What’s more, this black crystal worm is not a lone ranger, and it also rules a bunch of water beast brothers.

The beast tide has not yet broken out, but just because this black crystal worm has brought about a crisis, there is no one in Lingxia Town to solve!


The black crystal python didn’t know that someone was excited about his appearance, and raised its head to let out a cry full of anger.

At this point, it feels very irritable.

It had a premonition that it would cross the thunder calamity in the next few days.

He has already survived the thunder robbery once and has experience.

In order to completely transform into a black crystal worm, it has been sleeping at the bottom of the river for the past few days, accumulating strength.

But just now, a foreign fragrance wafted in, making it feel very hungry.

The bloodline instinct in the body told it that as long as it swallowed the thing that emits a foreign fragrance, it will definitely be able to survive the thunder calamity and complete its transformation.

It swims to the surface, looking for the smelly food.

But as soon as it reached the surface of the water, it found that the foreign fragrance had disappeared.

Someone must have eaten that strange delicacy!

It’s angry!

There are people all around.

Could it be that these people robbed it of its food?

The foreign fragrance has not disappeared for long, as long as these people are eaten, the medicinal effect of that heavenly treasure can still remain.

It doesn’t matter if it’s not these people.

Human beings, just blood food.

Swallowing just helps to prepare qi and blood, and will not kill wrong!




The idea of the black crystal python is not unique.

All the water beasts that appeared on the river one after another made the same decision.


All kinds of beast roars appeared on the surface of the river for a while.

“Run away.

“Hurry up, escape!

At this time, many people finally recovered from the shock brought by the collective appearance of water beasts and the black crystal python.

With a shout from the person who was the first to react.

In an instant, the entire river exploded.

All the fishing boats began to sail towards the shore on both sides.

And on the shore and moat, all those who saw the water beast begin to land on the shore were also panicked and began to run wildly.

There are also some self-possession of force value to rise to the challenge, but only a few.

Most of the people who seek a life by the river are just ordinary warriors who stop at the early stage of the refining body realm and have no adventures for life.

“Damn, why do water beasts attack in a pile, run away!”

“Waixifang City has been built for more than ten years, and this kind of thing has never happened, hell!

“It’s terrible!”

“Run, there are so many water beasts, we can’t resist at all!”

“Especially that big guy, it’s terrible, I have weak legs when I look at it from a distance!”

On the bank of the river, everyone was shouting.

Living by the river, or by the river of the Fierce Beast Mountain Range, there will always be people who accidentally die from the attack of water beasts.

But these water beasts will soon be solved by the town guard.

This time the pile came out, so that countless people lost their square inches!

Someone was calling friends and family in the water to hurry up and get ashore.

Others are because of fear.

The people on the shore are still so anxious, then the river is naturally more urgent.

Especially some people who found that there were sea beasts not far from them directly paralyzed on the boat,

“No, I can’t escape!”

“Water snakes, water monkeys, water leopards, Xuanshui rabbits…. Haha clam, run away!

“God, why do this to me!

“Woo~~ Help, who will save me!”

It was a disaster, sudden, without warning!

The fishermen were the first to suffer, screaming in terror.

There are people who want to escape, but there are too many water beasts, and the speed of coming is too fast, and they basically cannot succeed.

Fishing boats were besieged by water beasts, sunk and broken.

One by one, living beings have become blood food in the mouth of water beasts.

The entire river was quickly stained with blood.


On the other side of the river, a beast roar was faintly heard from the fierce beast mountain range.

The mountain ground was shaking, and it seemed that fierce beasts appeared on a large scale.

But these, for the time being, no one has the energy to find out at all!

“What happened!”

“It seems that there are powerful water beasts!

“No, I saw it, there are large-scale water beasts going out!”

“How so!? 35

“I heard that sea beasts occasionally attack the city in seaside towns, how can it be on our side?”

“Something must be wrong!” 9

The news soon spread to Waixifang City.

There are many warrior mercenaries here, but they are not afraid at all, but some people rush towards the river after talking about it.

“Captain Qin Long, Captain Qin Hu, hurry up and save people!”

“The water beasts in the moat have collectively come ashore and are frantically attacking humans!”

“Many people have died, go and see”

Someone brought the news to Zhang Qinlong and Zhang Qinhu.

At the behest of Zhang Chuxuan, the two dismantled and reorganized the Zhang Family Mercenary Regiment and the Zhangfu Outer Court Guard Corps, and formed the Lingxia Town Guard Regiment, serving as the regiment and deputy commander respectively.

Fang City in the Outer West District is now the first line of defense between Lingxia Town and the Fierce Beast Mountain Range, so it is natural to pay close attention to it and has guards patrolling it.


“These water beasts are simply looking for death!”

“They must be wiped out!

After Zhang Qinlong and Zhang Qinhu learned what happened by the river, boundless anger suddenly appeared in their eyes.

Lingxia Town has just entered the era of the Zhang family’s rule.

The result is something that has never happened before.

What does this make the townspeople of Lingxia Town think?

“Pass the order, all unite!35

“As many of these water beasts come, we will kill as many as they want today!”

Zhang Qinlong ordered furiously.

At the same time, on the moat!


After looking at the masterpieces of his subordinates for a while, the black crystal python finally began to act.

It opened its lantern-sized eyes and locked on the nearest fishing boat.


The river parted under the pressure, and the black crystal python swept towards the fishing boat.

Although its body is huge, its moving speed is not full at all, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the fishing boat, opening its mouth wide and bloody to the middle-aged fisherman……. A teenager around him.

“Li’er !!!”

On the shore, the middle-aged woman let out a mournful cry.

990 From the appearance of the black crystal python to the appearance of other water beasts, all this happened between electric light and flint.

No one on the surrounding fishing boats could react, and many had already been killed.

Pedestrians on the surrounding shore and on the moat did not react.

Only the middle-aged woman who was the first to shout and even caused Zhang Yan to infect Zhu Yi was the first to notice everything.

The black crystal python attacked the fishing boat, which was her family’s fishing boat.

The man and teenager on the fishing boat were her man and son.

These two men are everything in her life, and she has naturally been concerned about observing.

That’s why she was the first to notice something huge under the river approaching her fishing boat, and she shouted frantically.

But the middle-aged fisherman and the teenager didn’t hear it at first.

By the time I heard it, the monster under the surface of the river had surfaced!

It’s too late for everything.

Seeing that her son was about to be swallowed by that monster, the middle-aged woman cried bitterly, and was close to fainting,

“God, save my man and child!

Middle-aged women yearn for miracles.

Such begging, in this huge fantasy world, is happening every minute.

But God never listens.

But this time, it seems to have changed its mind!

“Alt….!! 55

For a moment, time seemed to stand still.

Countless people saw that a black knife-like streamer shot from far away from the direction of the moat bridge, and came to the black crystal python in an instant.


The black knife-like streamer hit the black crystal python’s neck.

After a metallic grinding sound that made people sour their big teeth, a pop appeared, accompanied by black smoke.


The black knife-like streamer shot backwards, turning into a long black knife that was constantly spinning.

And the momentum of the black crystal python pounced forward, and the huge head fell backwards!

Someone flew out of the big knife and blocked the black crystal python!

“Who is it!?”

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