National Fantasy Family: The Only Ancestor, Hundred Times Rewards

Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Could Someone Come From The Sky To Save You? (12,000 Flowers Plus More)

Inside Muxue Valley

Nangong Muxue and ten dark guards were confronting Fu Qing and the two.

Not far in the middle of the two groups of people is the dying Xuan Bing Python.


Somehow, Nangong Liu felt that he was getting hotter and hotter.

Her gaze casually swept over the dark guard beside her, and she noticed that the situation of the ten people was not quite right, with a strange pink on their necks, constantly secreting sweat.

“Not true!”

Nangong Liu suddenly reacted, and looked at Fu Qing with sharp eyes: “Shameless, you actually poisoned!” ”

“Hasn’t Madame ever heard that the soldiers are not tired of deception!” Pay off and smile triumphantly.

He fanned his fan lightly, without denying it.


Nangong Liu was very angry.

She was angry and shameless!

I was even more angry that I was actually plotted.

If the eyes can kill, they have died thousands of times.

Beside her, the ten dark guards were also very uncomfortable, their bodies were weak, and they could only rely on running qi and blood to maintain their standing.

But the more this happens, the faster they feel that the strength in their bodies is lost.

Seeing this scene, Fu Qing did not rush forward.

He is cautious by nature and has enough patience for playing with women.

Until Nangong Liu and others have a complete toxicity, they will not make a move.

But if people don’t go up, it doesn’t mean they can’t speak.

“Since I covet your body, how can I let you go?”

“When I opened the folding fan just now, I had already laid the poison down.”

“Give you time to think about it, but just wait for the drug to take effect.”

“By the way, the poison in you is not deadly, it will just make you gradually lose strength, and somewhere it will become more and more itchy, eager to fill.”

“This is Ben Gongzi’s unique secret recipe.”

“Even a chaste martyr, when it comes to the end, will be obedient like a!”


Paying off used a mind attacking plan.

If the poisoned person is unstable, it will speed up the aphrodisiac.

“You fart, do you mean you’ve been a?”

“I said you, how can you look like this dog!”

Nangong Liu replied directly, not suffering a loss at all.

Her eyes were still firm and clear.

If there really was a situation like that, she would definitely commit suicide with a complete innocence.

No matter what, never embarrass Zhang Chuxuan!

But she didn’t despair.

Luck is still on her side.

The earth gushing ice spirit spring in Muxue Valley has the title of washing water, diluted and swallowed, can wash the whole body of filth.

It’s a good solution.

The biggest problem now is that Nangong Muxue is frozen on the side of the ice spring.

Nangong Liu thinks that Nangong Muxue is a hundred times more beautiful than herself, and if she lets Fu Qing find out, she doesn’t know what disgusting things she will do.

So you have to solve this side first.

In fact, it is not difficult to solve the problem of paying it off.

The difficulty is the floating cloud old man.

After all, the cultivators of the Gathering Spirit Realm were different from the martial artists of the Refining Body Realm, and Nangong Liu was not sure if the thunder bombardment could play a role.

This is the hole card left by Zhang Chuxuan.

Until the last moment, she didn’t dare to use it indiscriminately!

“It’s really hard-mouthed!”

Fu Qing’s face froze.

Nangong Liubiao’s fierce speech, Rao is very thick-skinned, and he almost didn’t hold back.

This also makes him want to spur on the other party more and more, revenge!

“Accept your fate!”

“There is no point in resisting negatively.”

“Isn’t it good to experience the joy of fish and water?”

“Or do you think that someone will come down from the sky to save you like Young Master Ben?”

Fu Qing’s heart was hot, and he continued to speak out to stimulate Nangong Liu.


Nangong Liu’s face flushed strangely, and he staggered back a step.

She felt that her body was getting hotter and more uncomfortable.

I couldn’t help but think back to the battle with Zhang Chuxuan.

“No way!”

“I can only detonate the sky thunder and try it first”

“No matter what, at least pay for the explosion!”

Nangong Liu’s heart was ruthless.

But the next moment, a certain sense of familiarity appeared from the bottom of her heart and changed her decision.

“You’re right!”

Nangong Liu showed a bright smile and raised his head to look at Fu Qing.

So beautiful!

Fu Qing was amazed by Nangong Liu’s smile, and his eyes were confused for a while.

But immediately, he came to his senses and frowned in doubt.

Got that right?

What is the correct answer?


How do you feel a little cold on the top of your head?

Pay off and look up.

Vaguely, it seems to see a large silver bird.

“Young Master be careful!”

The floating old man’s angry voice sounded.

Fu Qing hadn’t seen the situation clearly above his head, but he only felt that he was pulled by a huge force, and his body flew out uncontrollably.

Then he saw a large knife fall from the sky and land where he had just stood.


The big knife smashed the ground into a large pit.

Pay off the pupil shrinks.

If it weren’t for the floating old man pulling him at the critical moment, he would have been split in half by now!


A figure landed on the ground after the long knife, emitting a shock.

Then, Fu Qing saw a pair of eyes that could not be forgotten by reincarnation and rebirth.

“The last person who thought about my wife didn’t even have a grave.”

“You’re very nice!”

Seemingly praiseworthy words from Zhang Chuxuan’s mouth.

But paying it off was a cold shiver all over.


Zhang Chuxuan pulled out his long knife, and the ground was suddenly covered with cracks.


Zhang Chuxuan cast a snake step to pay off slightly, and at the same time slashed into a knife.


Fu Qing only felt a flower in front of him, and Zhang Chuxuan, whose eyes were cold, had already come to him, and at the same time stabbed out.

Before the knife arrived, the three-foot blood-colored knife qi appeared, and it had already touched Fu Qing’s head.

“I’m going to die!”

Death shrouded him, and Fu Qingxin felt powerless, and even forgot how to breathe.

“What a dare!”

At the critical moment, the floating old man flew a long sword towards Zhang Chuxuan’s back.

Encircle Wei to save Zhao!


Zhang Chuxuan turned around and blocked the sword with his long knife.


With a bang, Zhang Chuxuan flew upside down and came to Fu Qing’s side in the blink of an eye.

“Got you!”

Zhang Chuxuan grinned and reached out to grab Fu Qing’s neck!

Pay in full:……..

PS: Friends, the author Jun Jia is more ~

After taking a look, I found that there is no need to add more tomorrow.


The author, Jun Ku loves to add more.

I beg you readers to satisfy me.

Cast the flowers so that we can continue to add more tomorrow~*

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