Naruto’s Strongest Gentleman Training System

Chapter 37

Chapter 37:

“Request denied.”

Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at him blankly. “I don’t doubt your strength. It’s just that personal strength is not enough to become a ninja on your own. Go, I have sent someone to inform your teammates, tomorrow morning at nine o’clock on the fourteenth Assemble at the training ground.”

The so-called No. 14 training ground is actually near the East Street of Konoha.

However, because it is relatively close to the homestay, it is not so much a training ground for ninjas as it is a playground for the elderly and children.

Watching these people gather together in twos and threes, drinking tea, chatting, and playing shogi, and the children in the distance are still playing with each other, Wuyue always has a sense of sight in the park.

As an Anbu team, in modern society, it is a kind of existence of special agents, and it is really right to choose such a place where people come and go as a connection point? .

Hey, look at the child’s eyes, he obviously noticed himself!

Wow! She is here, she is here! His eyes flashed with excitement and novelty, because he wore a fox mask on his face? Don’t get too close, okay, children are really troublesome!

The whole face under the moonless mask was already full of helplessness, but the child opposite him obviously didn’t realize it, two chubby little hands raised, and said loudly: “Wow! It’s a flying fox, you are really a flying fox. myself?”

What the **** is a flying fox, the protagonist of which children’s book? I only know Lena Fox!

With such a spit in her heart, Wuyue deliberately said in a hoarse voice: “It’s not a flying fox, I’m a nine-tailed demon fox! I specialize in eating cute little loli!”


Without any warning, the little loli cried with a “wow”, causing everyone around to look at her.

Gee, this is too scary. When you were your age, my brother was in and out of Meixi’s house seven times, so even if he was stripped naked and played JJ, his face wouldn’t change!

Wuyue didn’t feel guilty at all for making Little Loli cry, looking at her crying little face, she couldn’t help but want to reach out and squeeze it twice.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was a girl with a fox mask on her face and emerald green hair pulled back in a ponytail. She was about two centimeters taller than Wuyue, and the skin on her neck and arms was unusually fair. Even if she can’t see her face, Wuyue feels that she looks pretty good for the most part, she should be a beautiful woman.

wrong! Now is not the time to think about it, she is probably her teammate, right? !

Shaking his head, Wuyue was about to come forward to talk. The green-haired girl touched the little loli’s hair and said softly, “Tian, Feitian, the contract of the fox! Follow me to destroy all evil in the world!”

The voice is clear and crisp, like a yellow warbler coming out of the valley. But what he said made Wuyue a little unbearable to look directly at her! Is this girl a lover of children’s books? Squeeze into the same channel with that little loli!

Little Loli was still sobbing, but she asked with wide eyes, “Big sister… Are you the real flying fox?!”

“Flying foxes are incarnations of all things, and they are everywhere.” Crouching down, the green-haired girl said, “I can’t cry anymore. Flying foxes don’t like crying children. If you stop here, my sister will give you a kiss.”

Little Loli really stopped crying, and looked at the green hair in front of her with anticipation. The latter also slowly took off his mask, revealing his pretty, young face.

As Wuyue thought before, this girl is indeed very beautiful. About fourteen years old, she is a standard beauty and girl.


The girl’s mouth and ba lightly touched the little loli’s forehead, this picture is really quite beautiful. Even the people around were smiling, looking at the girl with admiration in their eyes.

However, Wuyue’s face suddenly turned red at this moment, and there was an expression of incredible stunned expression on her face.

Team 096, formed!

Choose, dear host.

One, scolding loudly: Let Lumao let go of that loli, what is coming for you!

Second, tell Lumao that is your loli, and kiss loli’s little mouth as proof.

Third, hold Loli and Lumao together in his arms, lamenting that the family is finally reunited.

Yes, **** it!

Wuyue gritted her teeth fiercely, full of resentment for a system that created such a moth again.

You know, this is in the public eye! Either option will inevitably attract attention! Moreover, it will definitely be regarded as a pervert!

This scumbag is not happy if you don’t see yourself making a fool of yourself? Sooner or later I will kill you! Ahem, just kill it in a simple sense, not something weird! Absolutely not!

Thinking so, he raised his head and took a deep breath. “Let go, let go of that loli! What’s the matter, come at me!”


Hearing his words 820, everyone cast their gazes over, showing surprise and stunned eyes.

“Congratulations to the host for completing the options, rewarding various cultivation bases for ten days, and the dragon’s growth cycle for one year.”


Although her cheeks were flushed by the eyes of these people, Wuyue was relieved when she heard the system prompt, and she was lucky. Fortunately, I have an Anbu mask on my face!

The green-haired girl was also a little overwhelmed by Wuyue’s words, and she was about to say something hesitantly when an intriguing voice suddenly came. “Oh, oh, what an incredible declaration of perversion. Is this person our captain? He seems to be the hero of Konoha?”

Not good!

Wuyue’s heart is full of warning signs. Why is this voice so familiar? ! Turning his face away, his pupils shrank suddenly.

What caught my eye were two girls between the ages of eleven and twelve, one on the left and one on the right, somewhere between a loli and a girl. Also wearing Anbu’s silver-gray costumes, the masks on their faces were thrown to the side of their heads, revealing their beautiful faces.

The **** the left is the speaker, with black shoulder-length hair and bangs covering her forehead. The corners of her eyes rose slightly, giving people a rather strong feeling, and her gray-white pupils were staring at Wuyue playfully.

It was the super poisonous loli, Hyuga Saori, whom Wuyue saw at a riverside a year ago!

But Wuyue subconsciously ignored it, staring at the one beside her. Long straight black hair, a cold face, big eyes, scarlet pupils.

Seeing this familiar and beautiful face, every bit of the two of them getting along with each other instantly hit Wuyue’s mind, making him cry out involuntarily. “Sister Yui…”

“Long time no see, Wuyue.” Yui’s eyes also flashed with the joy of reunion after a long absence.

This made Saori Hyuga on the side feel a little incredible! In her impression, Yui Uchiha can be said to be a girl who is so cold that she underestimates everything. There are still such emotional fluctuations?

Is this kid so attractive? ! Obviously it’s just a changing, state reptile!

Looking at Wuyue, Hyuga Saori’s mood can be said to contain displeasure and resentment.

She will never forget the scene in front of her when this disgusting guy like maggots in her eyes humiliated herself! More importantly, he actually dared to ignore himself now!

I don’t know why, seeing the two people’s expressions, Hyuga Saori felt unhappy in her heart. Even the tone of voice became nasty. “I said, how long do you have to watch the maggots in the sewers? Didn’t you still have estrus with a strange girl just now? Why don’t you continue?”

“Fa, what the **** is estrus!” Wuyue was stunned for a moment, and then retorted: “Who would be in estrus with a strange girl! I was just joking! Just kidding!”

“Haha.” Hyuga Saori let out an inexplicable laugh. It was like looking at some kind of dirty creature with contempt for Wuyue.

This guy is still as vicious as ever, and he doesn’t seem to have changed at all!

Wuyue’s mouth twitched.

At this time, a certain forgotten green hair also came over and said softly: “Are you all future teammates? My name is Rina Sawacheng, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“My name is Yuri Wuyue.”

“Uchiha Yui.”

“Hyuga yarn weaving.”

In the face of such a polite girl who is older than them, everyone did not show a cold face, and reported their names one after another.

“There is no moon in the evening?” Rina Zecheng was stunned, and said with admiration: “You, you are the Tianlong of Konoha? The hero who reversed the entire war on the Western Front?”

“It’s not that powerful.” Wuyue scratched her head and said embarrassedly: “It was too exaggerated by others, I just did what I was supposed to do.”

“Humph, like asking for fat times?” Hyuga Saori sneered.

Nima! Why does she even know this!

The complexion under the Moonless Mask instantly changed, and it was extremely red.

“Saori, that’s just Wuyue-jun’s personal hobby, there’s no need to take the initiative.” Yui seemed to be defending Wuyue, but what she said made people even more misunderstood.

“Pfft. With such a personal hobby, it is definitely not an ordinary human being. It should be classified as a kind of creature.” Hyuga Saori smiled maliciously: “Right, our Lord Tianlong.”

“Eh? Lord Wuyue turned out to be a pervert?” Rina Zecheng reacted with some hindsight.

“It’s not a change, a state! I am a serious person, a serious person!” Wuyue retorted fiercely. At the same time, I secretly sighed in my heart, this team is really not easy to lead, can they be replaced?

(Gentleman Exchange Country: **)

097 Centipede, Carp and Fox

Rain, Turkey border, a vast hilly area.

Strictly speaking, this place is still within the territory of the Land of Rain, but it has the characteristics of the Land of Earth. All that comes into view is a small hill connected to one another. The raindrops fell on this area, giving a sense of desolation and desolation.

In a rather secret cave, a faint flame rose.

Three Konoha Anbu ninjas wearing various masks surrounded the fire, looking intently at the roasted dry food on the bonfire. In the harsh environment of the Land of Rain, where there are three days of light rain and two days of heavy rain, if the dry food for the army is not roasted before eating, it will be like cement that has just been stirred and cannot be swallowed at all.

Da da da.

There was a rhythmic sound of footsteps. Their fourth teammate walked in, staring at the wet hair, took off the mask on his face, put it in the ninja bag, and sat directly by the campfire. “The centipede report found no trace of the two targets.”

Moonless nodded. The time they arrived at this target location was a day earlier than in the information, so it was normal that they did not find the situation. “Thank you for your hard work, Shazhi… Centipede.”

There is an unwritten rule in Anbu that it is not allowed to use the real name when acting. Most of them communicate by code name.

But Wuyue always felt that the names of these teammates were a bit too strange.

For example, Hyuga Saori, a poisonous girl who hates bugs very much, gave herself the code name of a centipede. The opposite Yui-senpai is called Carp… And the green-haired girl Rina is the “Flying Fox”. From this perspective, she really likes that children’s book. I’m already at the age of junior high school, and I’m still interested in this kind of children’s stuff. Is it really okay?

Sure enough, compared to these problematic teammates, his own codename is more normal.

“Perverted captain, are you thinking of something bad again?” Saori’s voice interrupted his thoughts instantly.

That’s right, my code name is…

“Wait, who’s a pervert!” The corner of Wuyue’s mouth twitched in response, and she turned her face away and said, “How many times have I repeated it, my code name is Frost!”

“Not very image.” Saori shook her head negatively.

“It doesn’t sound good.” Rina said eloquently.


“I don’t like it.” Yui expressed her opinion coldly.

“You three guys.” Wuyue took off her mask, and a blue vein burst out on her forehead. “Compared to your weird taste, what’s wrong with the word frost! Hurry up and apologize to me like frost!”

“Yes.” Saori lazily took out dry food from her backpack and stuck it on a branch beside the fire. “I’m so sorry for insulting your unicellular aesthetic.”

“Doesn’t matter, you want to make trouble, right?!” Wuyue felt that she had to show the majesty of the captain.

“Oops! The perverted captain is so angry that he plans to unspoken rules for his teammates!” Hyuga Saori shivered while pretending to be afraid. “Is he going to stick his fingers into the girl’s body again? It’s scary!”

“Captain, don’t do this.” Yui immediately stood up and said blankly, “If you really have such a need, please come to me!”

“Hands, fingers sticking into the girl’s body?” Rina’s eyes widened, and the cheeks under the mask showed an unbelievable expression. “Then…isn’t she pregnant?”

“God can get pregnant!” Rubbing his cheeks fiercely, Wuyue said: “I really don’t know where to start complaining about you! Please, can we be like a team of real Anbu ninjas? This painting The wind is really not suitable!”

Saori pouted. “Ah, there is a perverted captain after all.”


Yui’s eyes were flat. “When facing Wuyuejun, you will always give up your ninja identity involuntarily.”

Rina was full of energy. “Everyone is amazing, and I will work hard!”

“No, you’d better stop working hard.” Wuyue waved her hand in a sullen mood, only to feel that it was all boring together. “This time the mission is over, I decided to disarm and return to the field. The ancient Buddha of Qingdeng, for this life.”

“Cheer up, Wuyue-kun.” Yui seemed to see the exhaustion in his heart, stepped forward, took out an item from the ninja bag and handed it to him. “This should restore your vitality.”

“Senior sister…Although I am very grateful for your concern, this one really can’t restore vitality!” Wu Yue looked at the little monkey face fat times in her hands with tears streaming down her face, and choked out.

The green-haired girl seemed to have misinterpreted what he meant, and said in a low voice: “Isn’t Lord Wuyue not enough? Well, mine can also…”

“Humph.” Saori folded her arms with both hands, and a sneer of unknown meaning came out of her mouth. I was wondering if I was being too mean to him.

Although it’s just a perverted and lecherous reptile who likes to bully girls, but it seems a bit pitiful? Or, give him your fat times too? Just treat it as a charity! That’s right, it’s charity!

“Okay, don’t talk about it, you are all good girls! I am a pervert! Stay away from me.” Wuyue fell into a state of self-loathing, and began to doubt life.

At this moment, a rough voice suddenly came from a distance: “Lord Zangjie, there seems to be a cave where you can shelter from the rain!”

(Gentleman Exchange Country: **)

098 Instant kill, torture

“There are four people in total.” Hyuga Saori, who opened his eyes, said softly: “According to the amount of Chakra reserves, there is one upper ninja, one lower ninja, and two lower ninjas.”

“Put on the mask and put out the bonfire.” Wuyue’s eyes suddenly became solemn, and she no longer looked weak and vulnerable before. In a cold voice: “Don’t make too much noise, try to ensure that one hit is fatal.”


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