Naruto’s Strongest Gentleman Training System

Chapter 32

Chapter 32:

But Wuyue didn’t seem to hear the little complaint in her words, she just hesitated for a moment and said, “I’ll try it out.” The voice fell, and the person suddenly disappeared.


Tsunade was stunned for a moment, his face full of astonishment. This little **** is so sluggish? Don’t you hear you’re joking? He, he actually went, didn’t he die?

In an instant, Tsunade was filled with regret, self-blame, and even a little bit of worry. She suddenly found that when she faced the little bastard, she had already brought a little special emotion… It was by no means an ordinary master-disciple relationship.

Must stop him!

Tsunade thought so, and turned around to chase after Wuyue.

But at this moment, shushushushu, several white figures stopped in front of her. These figures are all dressed in white clothes and look weird. Some have two horns on their head, some have only one eye, and the word “door” is engraved on their foreheads, which is the finale power hidden by Chiyo – the ten people of Kinmatsu.

“Now is not the time to let you go, Tsunade Hime.”

Chiyo’s ten fingers, each with a chakra thread wrapped around each fingertip, looked at Tsunade coldly. “Before our headquarters is completely destroyed, you can stay here temporarily.”

Damn it!

Tsunade’s eyes were full of gloom, and he clenched his fists tightly. After a long while, he relaxed again and drank coldly. “Yin Seal · Release!”


The battlefield raging with tailed beasts is filled with large tracts of dust.

Every action of Shouhe was like a natural disaster, causing unimaginable damage to Konoha’s garrison and various facilities and buildings in the base camp.

However, even so, there are still many Konoha ninjas around Shouzuru who are trying to use their power to fight the tailed beast.

“Fire Escape·Hoo Fireball Technique”, “Wind Escape·Wind Cut”, “Water Escape·Water Penetrating Bomb”…

One by one ninjutsu was used one after another. Bang bang bang, it was like raindrops of various colors fell on Shouhe’s huge body, but not even a splash of water was splashed, let alone caused any damage to it.

Not only that, their attack that seemed like a tickling in Shouhe’s eyes completely angered him. With a roar of “roar”, Shouhe suddenly turned around and decided to teach these little bugs a painful lesson.


Taking a slow breath, Shouhe opened his mouth and slapped his belly.

Wind escape · practice empty bombs!

A mass of huge translucent spheres spewed out of its mouth. It contains a very strong wind attribute chakra, just like a missile, bombarding everyone at Konoha.

“Not good, run away!”

“Back! Rewind!”

The ninjas of the Konoha turned pale in shock and fled in all directions. However, several young ninjas seemed to be petrified, watching the ball smashed to the top of their heads. His eyes were full of despair.

At this moment, a small white figure suddenly appeared in front of them with a ‘swoosh” sound, and his hands were sealed.

Water Escape Water Formation Wall!


The blue water waves burst out like spring water in the center of the earth, and circled around them, forming a huge barrier that kept spinning.

083 The Showdown Between Monsters

(Gentleman Exchange Country: **)


The circular air wave slammed into the water-blue barrier, as if a boulder was thrown into the calm water, and countless splashes of water splashed out. At the same time, the air wave also exploded on the surface of the water wall, with a rumbling sound, a strong hurricane mixed with a large number of water waves, bursting towards the surrounding area.

Clap la la la.

At this moment, the entire battlefield seemed to have a sudden gust of wind and rain. The wind and rain were blowing, and everyone was swaying and falling.

“Yes, are you saved?”

“It’s Lord Wuyue!”

“Thank you so much!”

Behind Wuyue, the young ninjas who were drenched in water like a chicken in soup bowed again and again, and they all breathed a sigh of relief after escaping.

As a ninja who often works here at Konoha Base Camp, most of them know Tsunade’s beloved apprentice Wuzuki. Even knowing that he was only eight years old, and was promoted to Shangnin by exception.

“You don’t need to thank me, just step back.”

Wuyue looked at Shouhe without looking back, and said lightly: “The next battle will be very fierce, it is best not to be affected.” As soon as the voice fell, the person turned into a streamer and rushed towards the opposite side. In the process of moving forward, his hands quickly formed marks, and his cheeks bulged.

Fire Escape·Longyan Art of Singing!

boom boom boom…

Four dragon heads formed by flames spewed from his mouth. It was like four guided missiles, dragging their dark red taillights, directly hitting Shouhe’s body and exploding on it. Smoke billowed out.


An earth-shattering roar resounded.

The smoke screen dissipated, and it was obvious that Shouhe’s shoulder had turned into fine quicksand somewhere, like blood gradually falling to the ground. But in less than a moment, the quicksand at the broken place gathered again to complete its body.

“Your sister, this recovery speed is really disappointing.” Wuyue’s mouth twitched. I finally understand the practical arguments for the theory that tailed beasts are immortal.

Under this ultra-high-speed regeneration power, there are only two ways to solve the tailed beast: one is to deal full damage to it at one time, so that its ability cannot be restored temporarily. The second is the direct seal. Don’t even think about the consumption and longevity of the fight.

However, although Wuyue’s attack didn’t bring any substantial results to Shukaku, it made his originally angry mood even more violent.

It’s unforgivable that this nasty little bug dared to hurt himself!

Thinking so in his heart, its sturdy tail was raised high, like a long whip, slamming towards Wuyue.


The sound of explosions continued, and wherever the tail went, whether it was rock pillars, flowers, trees or buildings, they were all razed to the ground in an instant. The terrifying destructive power was shocking.

However, it obviously didn’t hit Wuyue in this blow. With the latter’s surpassing speed, it was obviously not difficult to avoid this slightly clumsy attack.

Using Shunpo to fly into the air, Wuyue’s right leg suddenly spun around and swept away towards Shukaku’s abdomen.

Dragon’s claws!

Here it is.

A sound burst.

The surrounding air was torn apart by Wuyue’s blow, and behind him, an illusory huge claw shadow suddenly condensed, wrapped in the momentum of sweeping thousands of troops, and directly hit Shouhe’s lower abdomen.

dong dong dong.

Under the terrifying force, Shouhe’s huge body took a few steps back unconsciously, and three scratches appeared on the part where it was hit, and the scattered fine sand fell on the ground. Even if you are far away, you can still see it clearly.


Shocked, stunned.

Everyone who saw this scene seemed to have been immobilized.

cheat, cheat, right? This must be a lie! Are you dreaming? !

Staring blankly at the wound on Shouhe’s abdomen, everyone thought so, their eyes widened and they couldn’t say a word.

No wonder they have such incredible senses, after all, the reality in front of them is so unreasonable.

Wuyue’s small body at the age of eight, compared to Shouhe’s oversized body, it was almost like an ant compared to Mount Tai. But in the scene that happened just now, the ants shook the whole mountain with a slight push! How can this not make people not surprised, not stunned? !

However, this is just the beginning. What happened next was the real subversion of their cognition.

Tianlong’s Wing Strike, Tianlong’s Broken Teeth, and Tianlong’s Strange Force Fist, as Wuyue moves are used one by one, the Shouhe in front of him is like a large sandbag, only passively beaten! A fluffy fine sand splashed out, and its body was gradually riddled with holes, looking abnormally embarrassed.


Although it felt unbelievable and unbelievable, even a group of Sand Shinobi had to admit that their tail beast was suppressed by a child who seemed to be less than ten years old.

Confused, confused.

At this moment, the sand ninjas even felt that their beliefs had collapsed. And all the ninjas of Konoha were amazed and stunned.

“Too, too awesome!”

“Lord Wuyue, is he really human?”

“In a sense, this is really not something that humans can do.”

“Monster! These two guys are real monsters!”

084 Is he a dragon? !

(Gentleman Exchange Country: **)


Wuyue’s figure fell to the ground again, like a ghost, silently.

“Damn it! It’s terrifying!” Shouhe suddenly uttered human words and let out an extremely sharp roar. “Small bug, how dare you do this to me! Kill you, I’m going to kill you!”

“Come and try…” Wuyue didn’t seem to take its threat to heart at all, and mocked lightly: “If you can do it.”


With the piercing scream, Shouhe opened his huge mouth and slapped his stomach continuously.

Practice empty bombs! Practice empty bombs! practice bullets…

Bunch of transparent air waves spewed out of its mouth like a machine gun, blazing towards Wuyue.

“Do you only have this trick?”

This time, Wuyue didn’t choose to dodge. Instead, she opened her mouth and directly swallowed all the air waves that were close to her body. Her chest gradually swelled up, as if something was brewing. “Hey, I’ll give it back to you!”

Roar of the Dragon!


In the deafening muffled sound, a bunch of huge cylindrical air pressure cannon bombed out. Wherever they passed, a strong hurricane suddenly rolled up, towering giant trees rose from the ground, and sand and soil blocks swept through them.


The huge Shukaku couldn’t dodge at all, and was instantly penetrated by the air pressure cannon. Under the terrifying impact and explosive force, half of its body instantly turned into quicksand, and countless gravels flowed down, forming a river of sand between it and Wuyue.


No matter Konoha’s ninja or Sand Ninja, they were all shocked by this scene. Looking at Wuyue, it was as if he was looking at a demon **** who had descended into the world, his face full of awe and shock.

“You, you guy…” In the face of such a serious injury, even Shouhe, who is a tailed beast, cannot recover instantly at this moment. It just stared at Wuyue Dao with its eyes full of resentment. “That wasn’t Chakra just now! What kind of power is this? What power?!”

“Guess.” Wuyue bent her mouth, revealing a faint mocking smile.

He doesn’t have the habit of explaining his c-tactics to the enemy, which is usually what the villains do. And An Yue, he is an honest person.

c_”Damn! Damn you! How dare you look down on me, look down on me!” Shouhe immediately became angry. {

What do you think it means? After being a tailed beast for so many years, I have never seen such a hanging child in front of me, which makes the beast so angry.

Shouhe, who had already fallen into a state of rage, regardless of his injuries had not fully recovered, he immediately raised his head, and the particles gathered by the chakras condensed in front of his mouth. Eventually, a huge sphere with a diameter of several meters was formed.

This is the most powerful attack of the tailed beasts – the tailed beast!


Facing Wuyue’s position, Shouhe decisively sprayed out the chakra ball that he had condensed. Dark purple, violent and terrifying energy, instantly plows out a deep ditch and gully on the ground. Wherever he went, everything turned to dust.

Wuyue raised her brows. Although the power of this tailed beast bullet is terrifying, its speed is really uncomplimentable. With his Shunpo, it was easy to avoid it. But just when he was about to perform the action, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Looking down, I saw the layers of gravel on the ground extending from the soles of his feet like vines, and quickly wrapped around his body.

This is the sand bound coffin? !

Wuyue’s face changed, and she looked at Shouhe in astonishment.

“Hey, you can’t run away!” Shouhe seemed very excited as his arms slapped the ground. “Damn little bugs, don’t think that our tailed beasts are all fools!”

“No, you’re not an idiot.” Wuyue bit her mouth lightly, and her voice slowly came out of the sand covering her body… “It’s just a bit of an idiot.”

“What did you say?!” Shouhe jumped angrily, how dare this guy laugh at himself when he is dying?

However, the next moment.


A muffled sound.

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