Naruto’s Strongest Gentleman Training System

Chapter 281

Chapter 285:

Hehehe! Wuyue looked at Index’s dissatisfied little expression, her face seemed to be swallowing a sip of heat.

“No Moon and No Moon, this is for you, you will be beautiful if you eat more fruits.” Index held a red apple in her hand and raised her face, this Wuyue was vaguely reluctant.

“Although you are already very handsome, if you don’t want to eat it, you can give it to me.”

What does this mean, the corners of Wuyue’s mouth twitched slightly, such a distinct fossil was given to him!

Jishen Qiusha followed closely behind Wuyue, and there was not much emotion on his face.

“God Ji.” Wuyue asked indifferently, “Don’t you have anything you want?”

A ray of light flashed in Jishen Qiusha’s eyes, and he looked around, and his slightly low eyes looked at Wuyue quietly.


Wuyue looked at the figure of Jishen Qiusha with a little helplessness, and just noticed that some people were following around, and now the eyes of Jishen Qiusha are more certain about the feeling in her heart.

Looking at Jishen Qiusha’s swallowing saliva, Wuyue’s heart thumped, even though she had never had the slightest doubt about Jishen Qiusha’s blood-sucking killer’s ability, but the current situation is a little strange. Unexpectedly.

“Wuyue, Qiusha, come, can we buy some fish!” Index looked at Wuyue and Jishen Qiusha standing there, and shouted excitedly.

“It’s true that Kamijou never brought Index to the supermarket?” Wu Yue’s mouth slowly drew a complicated smile, and he walked in with the hand of Himeshen Qiusha.

At the same time, Jishen Qiusha stared blankly at the hands that were crossed with Wuyue, her heart was beating wildly, this feeling has never been seen before, being stopped by someone to protect her, she looked around and looked at herself. People who are celebrating their birthday, Jishen Qiusha seems to be less heavy in heart than before.

He lowered his head and glanced at the people around him lightly, only to see their silently retreating figures, Jishen Qiusha’s heart seemed to be rising from the ground.

“Qiasha, Qiusha! We can buy this fish for the Touma stew!”

“Hmm!” Jishen Qiusha nodded heavily.

It turns out that I am the one who pays the bill! Wuyue thought secretly in her heart, a teasing smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she said lightly, “Are you two really going back to cooking?”


The smile on Index’s face slowly solidified on her face, and she carefully pulled Wuyue’s finger and said, “Wuyue, Wuyue, then you must be right!”.

Text 783 Research Value

“No!” Wuyue turned her face mercilessly, not looking at Index’s cheek.

It’s okay to pay for such a special bill. Uncle Index can’t bear to cook for Touma by himself.

“Okay then!” After getting a definite answer from Wuyue’s mouth, Index quickly returned to her own figure.

Wuyue quietly stared at her palm and Index’s small figure, with a complicated expression on her face. This is such a special way of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, crossing the river and demolishing the bridge! But not only did he not feel angry in his heart, but he felt that such a real Index was a little cute.

He seemed to know why Index’s partners, from Oreos Insard three years ago to last year’s Stile Magnus and today’s Touma, liked Index so much.

After all, being able to maintain such a heart after seeing the darkness and danger of time is so rare in this Academy City.

“Do you want me to cook for Touma? 20” Wuyue looked at Index’s figure and said unintentionally.

“Hmm, Wuyue, is there anything you can do?” Index looked at Wuyue’s eyes with small stars twinkling.

Cough cough! Wuyue coughed coldly and wanted to speak, but heard a familiar sound from the system.

Dear host, I haven’t seen you for a few days and your taste has changed again.

Please make the following choices.

One, turn on your perspective ability, and tell Index’s height measurements.

Two, turn your head and let Index take off a suit.

Three, tell Index that if she can put a stamp on your lips, there is a way.

Ha ha! Wuyue’s smile had a hint of bitterness, and it was really smart. This situation is in the supermarket, not to mention the eyes of so many people.

Even if it was a systematic choice, how could this drama of asking for a kiss in public happen to her, and such things as measurements are not suitable. After all, Index’s foreign trade seems to be really a young girl!

Forehead! In the original novel, Jishen Qiusha’s blood-sucking killer ability, the final solution, if I remember correctly, should be Index’s clothes.

Wuyue’s brain turned rapidly at this time, but she still had a faint expression on her face. Looking at the figures of Index and Jishen Qiusha, the people at this time slowly moved closer to Jishen Qiusha.

“Qiusha!” Wuyue said indifferently, “Can’t Qiusha also cook?”

“Wuyue, is this what you want?” Index stared at Wuyue gloomily.

“Yeah!” Wuyue said lightly, reached out and picked up Index’s small figure and put it in the shopping cart.

“Oh!” Index looked at Wuyue curiously, and said, “Can this kind of thing still be done?”

“Wuyue, will someone stop us and say vandalism!”

“Shh!” Wuyue glanced around nervously, lowered her voice, and said, “Do you want to be this car for 90,000 yuan, let’s keep a low profile, don’t talk anymore, okay?”

“Oh!” Index approached Wuyue’s ear and said, “Wuyue, you should have told me earlier!”

Jishen Qiusha looked at Wuyue’s figure with a little doubt, and when he saw the people around him slowly approaching, his heart seemed to be a little clear, but when he saw Wuyue’s running figure, he was even more puzzled.

“Qiusha, follow me closely!” Wuyue grabbed Jishen Qiusha’s wrist.

I saw that the eyes of the people who were in twos and threes while they were running wildly did not leave the figure of Jishen Qiusha for a minute.

“Where are we going!” Index looked at Wuyue’s face with azure blue eyes.

Stab it!

“Hello, customer, it’s not allowed to play in the supermarket!” A woman in a black uniform stood in front of Wuyue.

“It’s really troublesome!” Wuyue whispered, and swept across the black.

Jishen Qiusha looked at the people around who were chasing after him, a crack appeared on his face, and said, “Got it!”

“It’s really weird!” The black man looked at Wuyue’s back with a hint of doubt on his face, how could this guy seem to have seen it before.

“Okay!” Wuyue stopped, her long arms grabbed Index’s small figure, and said, “Ji Shen Qiusha! Change your clothes with Index!”

“Ah!” Index and Jishen Qiusha opened their eyes slightly, looking at Wuyue’s interpretation of what it means to be confused.

“Wuyue, what kind of dress-up show is this?!” Index’s big blue eyes stared at Wuyue’s cheeks.

“Yeah! Index is a little game.” Her face was not red, her heart was not beating, and the helpless Wuyue only lied.

“Let’s go!” Jishen Qiusha urged slowly.

“Oh. That’s fine, but Wuyue, you have to remember, tell me how to make fish soup.”


At this time, he didn’t even forget his own food. He was really a well-deserved snack food. Wuyue stretched out her hand to wipe the cold sweat from her forehead. This kind of babysitting is not only really physical work, but also constantly guarding against system raids.

I saw the person who was suspicious just now, slowly approaching at this time, the corners of Wuyue’s mouth twitched, I didn’t think that this kind of vampire creature really existed.

But since Jishen Qiusha is by his side, there will be more opportunities like this in the future.

However, what is the difference between a vampire and a normal human being? Wuyue’s mind slowly pondered 763. If this is to be lured back, how about a laboratory, then the secret of vampire’s longevity, and the difference in genes, etc. and many more.

The corner of Wuyue’s mouth drew a faint arc, looking at the figure, the fingers that moved slightly, alas, I really want to pack it up and leave.

Congratulations to the host.

Successful completion of the task will reward all cultivation bases for ten years, the Dragon Clan’s growth cycle will be ten years, and the gods will increase by ten.

Well, is this the end of it!

Wu Yue’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the voice in his head.

I saw that the coveting eyes around him were replaced by some doubtful cheeks.

Eyes that looked like they had just woken up from sleep, without the gleam of talent just now, it seemed that Jishen Qiusha was a very good test subject.

“Wuyue, Wuyue!” Index pulled the skirt under her feet, looked at Wuyue helplessly, and said, “Qiusha’s skirt is really too long on me!”

Hehe, Wuyue looked at the clothes that didn’t fit her figure, her face was a little complicated, and that’s why she was still choosing a set of clothes for them.

Hear the sound of crying.

“Will this be a little smaller!” Jishen Qiusha’s face turned slightly red, and the loose monastic uniform on Index was now on Jishen Qiusha’s body, only reaching her ankles, her eyes Move that touch of white just right to outline the girl’s figure. .

Text 784 is comparable to Oscar

“Ausha, are you saying that I’m short?” Index looked at Jishen Qiusha’s eyes, slowly gloomy.

Forehead. Jishen Qiusha looked at Index and didn’t know how to answer, and stared at Wuyue as if nothing.

I saw that Index’s short legs were thinking about her toes, and she slowly stretched out her hands.

“What’s this for?” Jishen Qiusha looked at the small hands on his cheeks with some doubts.

“Humph!” Index snorted coldly, her little face pressed tightly against Jishen Qiusha’s nose, “I’m asking you a question now, don’t look at others.”

“Qiusha, let me ask you!” Index’s little face gradually turned blush, and said, “Do you think I am special?”

“Eh!” Jishen Qiusha’s face showed panic, this was the first time he had encountered such a problem.

“Index!” Wuyue stepped in front of Index with her long legs, and slowly pulled away the girl who was tightly attached to Jishen Qiusha.

“Wuyue, don’t rely on your handsomeness to move me at will!”

“Really!” Wuyue squatted in front of Index, the two saw a subtle distance, Index looked at the enlarged face in front of her, and panicked for a moment.

Wuyue’s face was full of gentle smiles, looking at the believer who didn’t look like a believer in front of him, Dao, Index’s reaction, successfully mobilized the evil taste in Wuyue’s heart.

“Do you really think I’m handsome?”

Wouldn’t it be delicious to have red lips that fit together! Index slowly licked her lips, unable to restrain the impulse in her heart.

“Yeah!” The boy who looked at Index’s slightly red cheeks nodded slowly.

Wuyue was about to get up with contentment, when something suddenly came up, soft and cool, was still chewing on it.

special! Wuyue’s eyes widened slightly, seeing that Index didn’t want to stop, what the **** is this foodie thinking of his lips as something edible!

“Uh, uuuu”!” Wuyue wanted to say something, but Index nibbled at her lips tightly.

Oh my god! I didn’t expect that my Wuyue’s life would be wise and ruined by this young girl, woohoo.

Wuyue slowly stretched out her sinister hands, and slowly pushed Index, who was in front of her with big, flickering eyes, away.

“Wuyue!” There was a slight anger in Index’s eyes, “Why did you push me away?”

Why? special? Wuyue’s brain is blank at this time, how do I know why you want to gnaw on me, the wicked will sue first!

Although Wuyue’s heart was very bitter at this time, she still had a calm look on her face, and looked at Index’s serious opening and said, “Because we will cause trouble for other guests when we block the road, let’s talk about us. Don’t you want to hurry up and buy you clothes?”

Wuyue glanced around for a week, and saw a girl wearing a fan dress that Namo was familiar with. Wuyue was a little panicked in her heart, and quickly lowered her head, using Index’s figure as a target to avoid.

“Uh!” Index stroked her little head and said thoughtfully, “Yes, Wuyue, take me there quickly.”

Got it! My little princess, the servant was supporting Aijia, this thought suddenly burst out in Wuyue’s mind.

“Wuyue.” Jishen Qiusha, who came out of the dressing room, took the white thing and handed it to Wuyue.

This is what the situation is, Wuyue’s heart is alarming, after all, these two are not people who can simply think and act with their brains.

Slowly reaching out to take what the other party handed over, a trace of doubt flashed on his face.

“I won’t wear a hat!” Ji Shen Qiusha looked at Wuyue with peace of mind, and said lightly.

Got it! Wuyue looked at the strange hat and was thinking about how to wear it when a familiar figure appeared on Jishen Qiusha’s back.

“Hey! Wuyue!” Yueyong Xiaomeng said indifferently, looking at the property, “This is the clothes of a nun of the Puritanism of the yg country, let me come.”

“Uh!” Wuyue’s face was slightly complicated and handed the hat to Yueyong Xiaomeng, looking at Jishen Qiusha and said, “This is our teacher, Yueyong Xiaomeng.”

“Mr. Xiaomeng, this is my friend Jishen Qiusha!”

“Is Jishen Qiusha?” Yueyong Xiaomeng said with excitement on her face without resting her hands, “What a good name.”

“Is that so?” Ji Shen Qiusha said thoughtfully on his indifferent face, “I also like this name very much.”

“¨’But I don’t think I’ve seen this dress before.” Yueyong Xiaomeng’s eyes stayed on the huge pin on Jishen Qiusha’s dress.

“Xiaomeng!” Index stared at Yueyong Xiaomeng in a daze, and came back to her senses, her face full of smiles and patted the small broken trail, “Xiaomeng, Xiaomeng, why are you here!”

Index turned in a circle, took Yueyong Xiaomeng’s hands and said, “Does my new clothes look good?”

“Good-looking, this one is more suitable for the refreshing summer than your nun clothes.”

Ha ha! Wuyue’s heart collapsed in an instant, I saw Jishen Qiusha’s expressionless face, but at this time it was even more indifferent, what the **** is this special, woman, oh woman!

“Oh!” At this moment, Yueyong Xiaomeng seemed to finally realize something, looking at Jishen Qiusha’s light and gentle smile, and said, “Although Qiusha’s clothes are similar to yours, Xu Yan, but If you look closely, it is completely different.” Li Ma Zhao

“The white and golden patterns make the skin more dominant, and the ankles are exposed in the most slender part of the body. Qiusha, your figure is really great!”

“Haha!” Yueyong Xiaomeng looked at Jishen Qiusha with a bright forehead, and a trace of cold sweat oozes from her temples. As a woman, Yueyong Xiaomeng simply admired her actions.

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