Naruto’s Strongest Gentleman Training System

Chapter 275

Chapter 279:

At this moment, the sword glowing with cold light emitted a dark red light on the tip. As time went by, not only did it not dissipate, but it became more and more intense.

“This is the charm of the real Gregorian chorus!” Steele Magnus said indifferently.

“Excerpted from the seventh chapter of the eighth chapter of John’s Revelation, the first angel, the sound of destruction of the wind instrument in your hand, please reproduce it before us.”

Spell Bombing!

If I guessed correctly, the current Hime God Ayusha, Index, and Aureos Isard are all inside.

But even if it was the Holy Spell bombing by the Gregorian Choir, with Oreos Isard in it, it shouldn’t be a big problem.


The surrounding was originally a peaceful night. At this time, with this loud noise, it was a dark night sky, and a large number of dark clouds gathered in an instant, lightning and thunder, and the direction of the click was a building in front of him.

Stab it! Stab it!

Among the small lightning bolts, a huge dark red beam of light suddenly shot out.

With the calmness of Yu Wuyue and Stiylmaknus, Kamijou Touma looked at the sudden change in front of him, and said in a panic, “Hisami Akisa and those innocent children are still inside.”

It was still a dark building just now, but under the influence of the huge red beam of light, the moment was like daylight, and this huge impact was only heard.




The crisp sound of glass breaking has been constantly filling the eardrums. Except for the falling of glass fragments, this huge building is shaking slowly.

Is this the effect of the holy spell bombing?

“It’s going to collapse!” Kamijou Touma looked at the unreal all in front of him in disbelief.

I saw that the building that was about to become flat was slowly returning to its original appearance. Kamijou Touma’s eyes were full of doubts, and he said, “It has recovered like a rewind.”

“Golden training!” Wuyue replied faintly.

“This is the true strength of our enemy, Oreos.”

Even the building that was on the verge of collapsing after being bombed by the holy spell was slowly recovering as before, only a little bit of starlight flickered, and after the dark clouds shrouded it disappeared for a while, the land was calm as if nothing had happened.

It’s really interesting, at this time, after witnessing such a scene, the curiosity in Wuyue’s heart reached.

Kamijou Touma stared blankly at the calm building in front of him and said, “¨’With such a powerful ability, can we have a chance of winning?”

A faint voice sounded in his ears, with some slight doubts, Wuyue slapped Kamijou Touma’s shoulder seriously for a while, and said coldly, “Touma, don’t underestimate your ability, it’s time to show your true strength. .”

“Ah!” Kamijou Touma didn’t seem to have returned from the shock just now, his mouth opened slightly, and he stared at Wuyue in a daze, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Ah! Wuyue Meifeng raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Kamijou Touma in disbelief. This is the right arm of God who can’t find his opponent in the original book! Even Accelerator didn’t get a bargain in front of him, it was definitely his way of opening it was wrong!

“Forget it.” Steele Magnus frowned slightly and said, “He will take the initiative to attack, and the sows will climb the tree.”

“Ha!” Kamijou Touma waved his fist and said, “Then you don’t have to take me with you if that’s the case, and I don’t want to know anything about your church.”



Staring blankly at the small familiar figure, a crack appeared on Touma’s face.

“Isn’t this a Sphinx?” Kamijou Touma’s tone was slightly puzzled.

The thing under the Sphinx’s feet was slightly familiar, the golden pattern.


“Index’s hat!”

“Ah!” Stiyl Magnus turned his head indifferently at this time, frowned slightly, and said lightly, “Index, how come you are here!”

Even if that child appeared in this place, it wouldn’t be as dangerous in public as they were.

Steel Magnus slowly frowned at the thought of Aureos Isard.

It’s getting more and more troublesome! .

Body 770 Invincible existence

blah blah blah!

There was no one in the building in the dark, only the steady footsteps of three people echoed in the corridor.

Kamijou Touma looked around anxiously, swallowed, and chased after the silhouettes of Steele Magnus and Tsuki, “Silent night, is it the eve of the decisive battle?”

“I think too much.” Wuyue had to admire her friend’s unrestrained imagination that day.

“Would you feel at ease if there was chaos now?”

“Uh!” Kamijou Touma opened his mouth and had no rebuttal, but he was unwilling to let Wuyue have the upper hand.

“You abandoned my results, and found any favorable value.”

What’s the matter, can I say that, in the current situation, after all, there is no definite result, Stiyl Magnus still has to guard against the existence, Wuyue coldly put aside Kamijou Touma and did not make a sound .

Stiyl Magnus touched his head, glanced lightly, and said, “Do you think I’m just hanging out in the building?”

“But then again, what he said can come true?” Kamijou Touma clenched his fists thoughtfully, and said angrily, “Damn, how do you save Ji Shen.”

360 “Like the new and hate the old! Young man!” Wuyue’s mouth curled into a faint smile, and said, “Not only Jishen Qiusha, Index seems to have also come over.”

“Even if that kid accidentally came over, he wouldn’t be in danger like us!” Steele Magnus, faintly spitting out a smoke ring, was originally an indifferent face, and it seems to be even more people at this time. Unconsciously want to stay away.

Ha ha!

With a sneer in his heart, Stiyl Magnus is probably eating the vinegar of Aureos Isard.

Even if he’s jealous, shouldn’t it be that Kamijou Touma’s is fresher and more flavorful?

“Wait a minute.” Wuyue flashed, it turned out to be the case, it turned out to be such a thing. I really follow a group of pig teammates, and my current IQ is obviously not enough.

“Stiyl, how much do you know about Aureos Isard?”

“Yeah!” Steele Magnus looked at Wuyue suspiciously, and said, “The secret recorder of the Roman Orthodox Church, Index’s partner three years ago.”

“Detailed!” Wu Yue silently rolled her eyes.


Everyone knows this basic situation, and it is obviously inappropriate to make your own inferences based on these situations.

“Yeah.” Stiyl Magnus thought for a moment, raised his head, and said indifferently, “The reason why he is called an alchemist is only because of his magical talent, and he is simply weak in other aspects. Even with a wealth of knowledge reserves, he is still not good at actual combat.”

“Compared to me, Oreos Insade is a rare alchemist. There are not dozens or hundreds of magic items, and there is no such thing as Xiao trying to defeat me.”

I am so special! Wuyue quietly listened to Styr Markus pretending to be forceful, and the relaxed smile on his face slowly solidified.

“What exactly do you want to know!” He frowned slightly, looking at Wuyue’s increasingly indifferent expression, the aura emanating from his body was somewhat similar to the last time, and Styr Marknus’s face flashed instantly. The time was a little flustered, and it was well hidden.

“What’s the reason?” The corner of Wuyue’s mouth slowly curved, and the smile really didn’t reach her eyes.

“Why, even if Index accidentally broke in, she wouldn’t be in danger like us.”


Stiyl Magnus touched his nose and looked directly into Wuyue’s eyes, those dark eyes that wanted to see through his own heart.

The alarm bells in my heart are really loud, and it is indeed under the influence of the aura that spreads around the boy’s body, and he doesn’t seem to know how to refuse.

“Three years ago, he came to “Yg Country”, a country called “Magic Country” where he thought witches were the most evil, where Aureos met Index by accident and became a His partner, or a partner.” There was a hint of loss in Stiyl Magnus’s tone.

“So what?” Wuyue raised her eyebrows and asked back.

Oreos Insard seemed to have realized the fact that Index could never be saved by writing the magic book, and then disappeared. ”

“Then it appeared three years later, and became an alchemist.”

“Oh!” Steel Magnus’s eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he suddenly realized, “So it is!”

“Since he has disappeared for three years, it is no wonder that he does not know the evolution of the world.”

Uh huh! Wuyue raised her eyebrows slightly, did she finally understand? It was a waste of time.

“Since you already have the ability to become an alchemist, why do you still rely on Jishen Qiusha’s ability, instead of being able to summon vampires at any time with your own ability!” Kamijou Touma scratched his head and asked what was in his heart. Confuse.

“It’s finally!” Wuyue’s mouth curled into a faint smile. “Your brain can finally be used normally once.”


“Probably think from the bottom of my heart that Intik can never be redeemed.” Steele Magnus said indifferently, “Alchemist’s words have the effect of turning a stone into gold, and there is no such thing in the bottom of my heart. Believing that your words will come true, mixed with distracting thoughts will naturally not achieve the desired effect.”

“Then that means, Leos Insard is not an invincible existence.”

“From the current point of view, it is like this!”

the top of the building.

A man with green hair looked at the **** the table with gentle eyes like water.

“It is natural, if there are faults in the world that cannot be corrected by any belief or technology.”

“Then there is no need to hesitate if you want to deviate from the right path.” There is indeed a firmness in the faint voice that cannot be ignored.


The door in front of him opened quietly, and Jishen Qiusha slowly entered Aureos’ field of vision.

Not as furious as Aureos thought, Jishen Qiusha’s gentle voice contained some doubts, “Is that her?”

“It is natural that you will eventually be liberated from grief.” Aureos slowly turned around, and the gentleness on his face followed the movement and slowly disappeared into the night sky.

“And now the time is at hand, call them from the end of darkness, and attract vampires with the sweet smell of blood.”


Jishen Qiusha’s pitch-black eyes stared quietly at the girl lying on the table.

No one will be hurt, never again. .

Body 771 Little brother is so handsome

The whole building was silent as if the heartbeat could be heard.

Jishen Qiusha looked at the girl who seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

blah blah blah!

There was the sound of rapid footsteps in the corridor.

“Index!” Kamijou Touma looked at the girl’s familiar voice. At this time, he was lying on the table without saying a word, as if his heart was suddenly cut by a blunt weapon, and a cold sweat broke out behind him.

Unconsciously, he squeezed his hands tightly, his eyes were bloodshot, and he shouted coldly, “Damn!”

“It’s really nice to meet again!” Wuyue calmly stopped Kamijou Touma’s angry figure behind him.

“Happy!” Aureos Isard raised his head, his eyes were a little indifferent, and a trace of anger flashed as he slowly moved up, and his white and slender fingers slowly moved from Index’s face away.

“Unfortunately, you can’t accomplish your purpose.” Stiyl Magnus, slowly moving his figure, fought side by side with Yue.

“Humph!” Oreos Isard snorted coldly, “Have you really noticed my intentions until now?”

Leisurely took a step forward, stood directly in front of Stiyl Magnus, and said, “Then before the official start, you should sigh at your own powerlessness, and be anxious because of jealousy.

“If I can really succeed, it’s fine for me to be anxious.” The teasing smile on Styr Magnus’s face slowly became serious, and he said, “But you can’t save the child just once.”

“You can’t save Index!”

A crack appeared on Kamijou Touma’s face. “Save Index.”

“It’s just that you didn’t succeed at the beginning, but I will definitely succeed.” Aureos Isard’s indifferent tone was not shaken by Styr Magnus’ doubts.

Turning his head, he saw Index’s face behind him appearing in front of him, as if it could heal all the wounds in his heart, all the sharpness in his eyebrows and eyes touched Index at the moment, all of them were hi No, it was replaced by gentleness.

“I will save this child. She has 13,000 magic books on her back, and she absolutely cannot break free from this bondage. Even so, he still accepts his fate.” Oreos Isard thought of the first time he saw the man in front of him When this girl was so thin, she seemed to have experienced that kind of pain in her heart again.

The slender fingers slowly covered the girl’s slightly wrinkled brows, and her gestures were full of tenderness, and said, “Moreover, she hopes to make others happy rather than her own misfortune.

I am so special!

Wuzuki quietly watched everything that was happening in front of her, only to see the expressions on the faces of Kamijou Touma and Stiyl Magnus the moment Aureos Isard put it on Index’s forehead. , Slowly frowning, and the murderous aura that was only seen by opening the pupils for a moment.

The predecessors of the predecessors, the predecessors and the current ones, are very angry.

“The catalogue of banned books has to be erased every year in order to survive.” Aureos Isard frowned slowly in his eyes, and said, “This is a doomed destiny, which cannot be defied with the power of human beings, however.”

“On the other hand, you want to use power that does not belong to human beings.” Stiyl Magnus’ face was slightly helpless.

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