Naruto’s Strongest Gentleman Training System

Chapter 262

Chapter 266:

Looking at Chuchun’s eyes as plain as water, those azure blue eyes that plunge into the water are so pure, Wuyue breathed a long sigh of relief, and said, “I don’t like blue and white strips, but **** little lace ¨¨.”

“Ah!” Chuchun originally had big blue eyes, but she stared at Wuyue’s cheek in shock when she heard such words.

Congratulations to the host.

Completing the task will reward you with ten years of cultivation, the Dragon Clan’s growth cycle will be ten years, and the gods will increase by ten.

At this time Wuyue was unintentional, caring about those rewards or something.

It would be nice if he didn’t force his mind to control his own brain. This is really the Erque System that can do any kind of bird thing. This kind of Wuyue is unconditional belief.

Quietly looking at those big spotless eyes, Wuyue’s heart was a little complicated, coughing, paused, Wuyue said lightly, “I’m not the kind of rogue who relies on my ability to spy on others.” Seriously.

“Whether you believe it or not, I just want to tell you that I don’t actually mean that!”

special. My own don’t believe what I said about ghosting.

Wuyue thought secretly in her heart.


what! Wuyue looked at Chuchun in disbelief, this is such a familiar scene, Satian Leiko faced such a situation again, she really wanted to believe herself without hesitation.

Hey! Sure enough, a pair of good friends, the reaction is not bad at all.

I saw that Chuchun’s eyes did not dare to look at him at this time.

broken! broken! Wuyue thought to herself.

Why don’t special rabbits eat the grass on the edge of the nest.

why! He seemed to be clear on this matter.

This is so special, how can I meet them again in front of Kuroko in the future.

“Hehehe! Is that so!” Wuyue smiled awkwardly, so she would really sit in a perverted position if she went to comfort her.

“¨’Hello Wuyue brother, I’m Nanako!” A girl who looked similar to Chuchun walked up to him and said lightly.

“Hello!” Although Wuyue was a little puzzled, she responded with a smile.

“Oh!” Chuchun seemed to remember something, and said lightly, “I’m sorry I forgot to introduce you!”

“These are my good friends Nanako, Chongfu Shengfan, and Xiao Ai!”

“Hello!” Wu Yue responded lightly with a gentle smile on her face.

“What a pervert!”

“Facts that can’t be changed!” The eldest sister said lightly.

The tone was full of disdain, but only she knew in her own heart that she was jealous of the feeling of being cared for by others.

“It’s really not motivated!” Wuyue closed her eyes and said lightly, ignoring the opponent’s provocation.

“You” The eldest sister looked down at her chest, thinking that it was not as bad as the other party said.

“Eldest sister, don’t be angry!” He waved his hands, as if the action was real and Zhao’s could drive away the annoyance in his heart.

“Get up!” The eldest sister held Chuntai’s collar in both hands and roared, “Am I angry again?”

Loosen Chuntai’s collar, her expression is a little awkward, her eyes dodge, but her tone is still arrogant.

“Humph! I don’t care about the villain, I will regret it for a while, we will see you in the future!”

“How can there be such a rude girl!” Xiao Ai’s eyes were full of unbelievable words.

“Shh!” Fearing that others would hear it, Nanako carefully pulled over Xiao Ai’s figure and covered the closed cherry mouth.

“By the way, this afternoon is physical training!” Wuyue asked uncertainly, breaking the awkward atmosphere.


“It seems that I heard that the teacher in charge of physical exercise is also the teacher who serves as a security guard!” Nanako looked complicated. ”

“It sucks, it’s definitely tough training!”.

Body 746 selection


A figure appeared in Wuyue’s mind.

I hope that he won’t be disappointed, Wuyue’s mouth is full of a sneer, and then Chuchun and others don’t feel that time is fleeting.

It’s getting more and more interesting, such an idea suddenly appeared in Wuyue’s mind in the game world.

It’s a really good idea to play the world and transform the city.

“Forget it, sighing is useless.” Wuyue looked at everyone and said lightly, “Eat the lunch.”

“Hmm! There seems to be no other way but to accept it!” Early Spring said lightly.

He doesn’t seem to like this kind of atmosphere, Chuchun thought to himself.

“Are you going to heat up together?” Chuchun asked indifferently.

“Well, no need.” As if she could read Chun’s mind, Wuyue refused and said, “Summer, I’m not used to eating too hot food, just go there!”

Looking at each other with joy, Chuchun is a girl with a delicate mind.

Getting along is really exhausting.

“Okay!” Chun Chu smiled faintly.

Looking at the warm and sunny smiling face of the other party, my heart seems to melt.

The more I think of his face, the more fawns in my heart are bumping around.

“What’s the matter with you, are you going to have a heat stroke?” Nanako looked at her friend with an abnormally shy face.

Putting on Chuchun’s forehead, he said, “No! What’s going on?”

Realizing the time when her friend’s anomaly started, Xiao Ai leaned over to Chuchun with a mysterious look on her face.

“You shouldn’t.”

Chuchun did not dare to look directly into Xiao Ai’s eyes, and he pushed away with some guilt, and his head. He asked uncertainly, “Nothing?”

“You shouldn’t have a budding heart!” Xiao Ai laughed loudly.

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Chuchun’s already blushing cheeks turned even more rosy and lustrous under the teasing of her friend.

“Huh?!” Nanako exclaimed, “Where’s Chongfu Shengfan?”

“Yes, when did Chongfu Shengfan’s figure disappear?”

At this time, when they heard Nanako’s reminder, everyone realized that a figure became popular at this time.

Brother Wuyue, and Chongfu Shengfan did not keep up with everyone’s footsteps, and Chuchun’s heart was a little flustered for no reason.

Wuyue didn’t know at this time that her appearance brought such a big panic to this small group.

Looking at the empty campus in the shade of trees, I can’t say how comfortable I am.

“Brother Wuyue.”

Um? ! Wuyue looked at the person in surprise, as if she hadn’t seen her on the way here just now.

“I take the liberty to disturb.” Chongfu Shengfan said lightly, with a blush on his face.

“Didn’t Chongfu Shengfan go back to the early spring with them?” Wuyue asked curiously.

“I’ve always been behind you.” Chongfu Shengfan said in a light tone, a little embarrassed.

He was behind him all the time, and he didn’t even notice it. Wuyue’s heart was full of alarm bells. This was the most mysterious thing he encountered in this city, no one.

Although I thought of this in my heart, I still looked calmly at the sudden appearance of Meihui in front of me, and said coldly, “I’m so sorry, I ignored your existence.”

Although it was an apology, the tone was righteous.

After understanding the implied meaning of the words, Chongfu Shengfan, who was blushing, explained in a panic, “My ability false test is the ability that directly hinders people’s cognition of the object in their eyes, so Even the incompetents of level 0 have a very weak sense of presence, so I’m really sorry if I bother you again.”

Wuyue was thoughtful in her heart, looked at Chongfu Shengfan, and said lightly, “Are you invisible?”

“Hehe, my ability is very weak without me, so I haven’t reached the point of invisibility.”

“Oh, is that so?” Wuyue quietly looked at the girl in front of her, with brown hair. At this time, she didn’t know whether it was because of the heat of summer or just an ordinary hairstyle.

The skin seems to be long-term malnutrition with unhealthy yellow, brown hair, and the front hair is a little too long and covers his eyes.

Is such a low self-esteem because of the ex-boyfriend’s reason to develop such a low self-esteem character? A doubt flashed in Wuyue’s eyes.

It’s just because her ex-boyfriend disliked her thick eyebrows and made such a shocking move. Is such a girl naive or stupid?

Isn’t that kind of reason ridiculous in itself?

“Your eyebrows are very beautiful.” Wuyue I said softly.

It is not a systematic choice, but an encouragement from the heart.

“Ah!” Chongfu Shengfan stared blankly at the young man who smiled brightly in front of him. He was originally a handsome man. At this time, under the sunlight, he seemed to be an angel sent by the sky.

He couldn’t help blushing and said, “Really, but the funny thing is that the boyfriend I had before broke up because my eyebrows were too thick.”

Chongfu Shengfan smiled self-deprecatingly.

Wuyue looked at the twinkling eyes, the pitiful twinkling in her eyes, as if she was looking forward to it.

It was as if he could see what the girl was thinking in the heart of Chun at this time.

“What’s wrong?” Chongfu Shengfan asked unconsciously.

He had been hiding behind everyone, and suddenly it was exposed to the sun like this, and fresh blood was injected into his life, and he was a little flustered.

But there is hope that someone can understand him, this kind of contradictory mood, Chongfu Shengfan seems to be a little uneasy.

What a pitiful and sad girl, Wuyue turned her head lightly, squinted at the direction of the sun, thoughtfully, said lightly, “Either directly exposed to the sun, or directly hidden in the sun. In the dark night.”

“Ah!” Chongfu looked at Wuyue’s face with a panicked expression.

I saw the young man in the sun turned around, his eyes focused on himself, and Chongfu suddenly missed a beat in his heart.

“Which one would you choose?” Wu Yue had a smile on her face.

In Chongfu’s ears, it was a little flustered.

The feeling of being exposed by others, even if it was like this, was not as **** as I imagined, and I seemed to suddenly breathe a sigh of relief.

But there was one more question in my mind.

Either directly exposed to the sun, or directly hidden in the dark, choose which one.

Chongfu looked at the lunch box in his hand, but he lost the interest he had just now.

“Which one to choose?” There were words in the mouth.

When he came back to his senses, he turned around and found the familiar figure beside him just now.

At this time, only a back was left in his field of vision. .

Body 747 The Charm of Magic

He flinched and ran, but Wuyue at this time had long since paid no attention to the girl behind her.

After all, it has already been such an attitude, and there is no suspense at all.

Walking casually on the road full of shades.

Wuyue quietly looked at the changes around her.

I can’t count how many years it has been.

All these people and even trees are quietly changing.

Huh, all of a sudden I saw a hurricane.

There was a sneer on Wu Yue’s mouth.

“It’s finally here!” Wuyue said lightly.

Although there is no one in front of him, Wuyue can be sure that everything in front of him is not what he saw.

Or it should be more accurate to say, “Everything in front of you has been secretly covered with a layer of magic where you can’t see it!”

“People who are too smart don’t always live long!” Styr Magnu said indifferently, “I’m really discouraged, the magic you just cast was detected by you.”

“That’s not it.” There was a sneer at the corner of Wuyue’s mouth. He was really a 14- or 15-year-old boy. Even if he was mature enough for his age, he was just a little kid in front of him.

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