Naruto’s Strongest Gentleman Training System

Chapter 258

Chapter 262:

After all, Misaka Mikoto was the first to tell her own abilities and tactics before she made any moves.

“Of course!” Misaka Mikoto said calmly in her brown eyes, “Isn’t our agreement valid all the time? Even if it doesn’t defeat you this time, it will definitely work next time.”

“That’s it!” The corners of Wuyue’s mouth couldn’t stop twitching, she hadn’t thought of it being so comprehensive when she made the appointment.

Even in the current situation, without Misaka Mikoto stating his true purpose, he may not have thought of the deep meaning at this time. It turns out that this kind of challenge can happen again and again by one person.

It’s better to just say, I must be your girlfriend!

“Are you ready?” Misaka Mikoto looked at Wuyue with burning eyes.

“Although let the horse come over!” There was a flash of light in the extension of May, and there was still that indifference.

The eyes of the two were on each other, but they ignored it. A small head exposed behind the trees next to the street was quietly looking at everything that happened.

I saw Misaka Mikoto’s whole body, and the sound of electric current piercing around. The whole body glows white because of the current.

The sound of the electric current is amplified hundreds of times like the bee’s wings. It was originally a calm ground. Because of this sudden sound, it vibrated. The huge amount of iron sand was controlled by energy such as electromagnetic force, like a high-speed electric chainsaw. .

In the current situation, Misaka Mikoto’s new tricks are still slightly effective.

“Even so, it’s not enough to defeat me!” In the end, she said, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth.

Those slender things like assassination needles that fluttered in all directions and turned into high-speed vibrations gathered around Misaka Mikoto.

“Eat my new trick! The sword of iron sand!” A vigorous shout sounded immediately, followed by a black piece surrounding Misaka Mikoto.


A few black Li Jian songs came out, slamming towards Wuyue at the speed of a blink of an eye.


On the side of Wuyue’s figure, he directly avoided the attack that was like a dark cloud.

However, the black piece behind him fell on the ground unexpectedly.

Unlike the Thunder Spear, which shoots along a straight line, the Iron Sand Sword actually swings like a living creature.

Damn it, that’s awesome! Wuyue thought secretly in her heart, but with the opening of the ability to steal the teacher, everything in front of her seems to have slowly changed.


The ever-changing blade like a snake was at this moment with the light touch of Wuyue’s finger, and the sand-sticking arrow, which was still imposing just now, sparsely fell on the ground like dust.

0 asking for flowers

“How could it be like this!” I usually stare at everything that happens in front of me with wide eyes every day.

The difference from what I imagined is not a star and a half. I saw that after the dust was flying, a figure slowly walked out, a tall, thin, handsome face, and some black things were branded on the skin, but it did not affect the other party’s feelings at all. handsome.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Wuyue’s mouth. Misaka Mikoto, who had always been so arrogant, was the first time she saw such a different expression on his face, and she couldn’t help but want to touch her brown hair. Buddha one.

“Want to be my girlfriend?” Wuyue said indifferently, and unexpectedly saw the blushing cheeks on the other’s face.


“You, you, me…” Misaka Mikoto faltered, looking at the figure that was getting closer and closer, and stretched out her hand to block the approaching distance.

In this case, he will die of shame before he becomes Wuyue’s girlfriend.

Tsundere’s contradictory body, the corners of May’s mouth twitched a faint arc, and her eyes were fixed on Misaka Mikoto, who had her head down and didn’t know where to escape.

“I will defeat you one day!” Misaka Mikoto looked at Wuyue with a smile in her eyes.

“Why wait until the day you defeat me, since you love me, why don’t you find a place to talk about life and ideals!” Wuyue said lightly, but she actually roared in her heart, a good ambiguous atmosphere, I have to make it happen Is it so erotic?

“Ah!” Misaka Mikoto stared blankly at Wuyue, not knowing why.

Misaka Mikoto’s puzzled eyes, she pretended to be stupid first, and let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, this sentence was vague enough, so I didn’t understand what it meant?

“I mean it’s overcast, you have to go back quickly, or it will rain again in a while!” He stroked the other person’s short flying hair, and his eyes were full of smiles.

“Mmmm!” Misaka Mikoto nodded heavily.

Thinking of the light green grass color in the bag, she squeezed Guata’s palm and shrank a little unconsciously. .

Body 738 Unexpected visitor

Looking at the smiling young man behind him, Misaka Mikoto waved her hands vigorously, trying to resolve the embarrassment, but the more she wanted to express it naturally, the more her cheeks burned and blushed.

Returning to the dormitory in a trance, Misaka Mikoto lay on the bed and took out the green grass color of those thin fabrics.

“Is this specially selected for me?” he muttered to himself, looking at the fabric in his hands seriously, his cheeks couldn’t help but gradually turn red.

It was the first time I received a gift from the opposite sex, but it was still so imaginative, and it was no wonder that Misaka Mikoto was thinking about it at this time.

It was really the last sentence Wuyue said, and it was so emotional. After all, Misaka Mikoto was still a young girl in her 28th year, and her love was just beginning.

This kind of blatant confession, the method of “July 13”, which is to deal with her own possessions first, is really difficult for a girl like Misaka Mikoto who has never seen the world and has been growing up in a greenhouse.

Even if the love in the other’s mouth was not what he thought, it was still deeply imprinted in Misaka Mikoto’s mind.

“Is it his girlfriend?” Misaka Mikoto gradually calmed down, thinking about the ins and outs of the matter.

Misaka Mikoto rubbed her cheeks indiscriminately, as if the touch of the opponent’s big hand touching her head was still there. Try to calm down and surging heart.

At this time, the initiator Wuyue did not know the trouble caused by her behavior to Saka Mikoto. At this time, Wuyue looked at the sky that was slowly turning dim.

The eyebrows are wrinkled together unconsciously. After going back for such a long time, I really don’t know what will be waiting for me when I push the door open.

Walking anxiously on the road with long legs, Wuyue did notice the difference.

Although there are not many pedestrians on the road in summer, the weather at this time is very good. It was not late at night, and the road was full of traffic, but at this time there was nothing.

Wuyue created an unusual smell around this place and looked around lightly.

With such a big hand, Wuyue’s mouth is enough to eat a faint smile.

“You should know.” A tall man, even standing behind Wuyue, who was not too tall, even raised his head a lot, and said lightly, “This is a rune, and idlers avoid it. Runes.”

He turned around slowly, only to see the man in front of him. He was two meters tall. He was still wearing a priest’s robe in the hot summer. His shoulder-length hair was dyed red, and he had a barcode-like tattoo under his right eye. The corner of his mouth was hooked. With a cigarette, a familiar figure that can no longer be familiar, Stiyl Magnus.

What kind of chaotic world is he living in? In his daily life, there are not only intractable abilities, but also abnormal phenomena such as “magic”.

“So, what do you have to do with me?” Wuyue stared at the tall man opposite, wanting to see his thoughts.

“Don’t laugh, be careful I kill you.” With a tarot card in his hand, a gloom flashed in Stile Magnus’ eyes.

Really violent, Wuyue quietly watched the other party’s movements, obviously did not expect the other party’s move to be so quick.

It was the first time to fight a magician, and there was no expression on Wuyue’s face when looking at the flames emanating from the opponent’s hands.

In such a hot summer, it is really shocking that such an unexpected situation can occur in such a cool weather.

Seeing that all of the opponent’s attacks were emanating from the tarot cards in his hand, Wuyue quickly shifted his figure.

“Humph!” He grasped the card in his hand, and threw it at his feet at will.

There is really no progress, and it is no wonder that such an attack can be intercepted by Kamijou Touma who is out of stock.

clap clap.

Steele Magnus had a warm sneer at the corner of his mouth, and as the distance got closer, he opened his hands together, afraid of hitting.

“You guy, what do you want to do!” Wuyue asked indifferently as she looked at the getting closer and closer.

Although he doesn’t know the other party’s motives, Ke is sure that his ability is not enough to endanger his own safety, even a single cent.

Even so, Wuyue doesn’t have the energy to spend her energy on something that doesn’t matter.

Stiyl Magnus sensed the impatience of the other party, reached out and took out a file bag from his arms, raised his tough eyebrows slightly, waved the thing in his hand, and said, “I want to talk to you about a secret 0”

“What!” Wuyue looked at the other person indifferently, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and she took all the trouble to tell him a secret.

There is a hole in the brain, I am afraid that the behavior of the three of them is more unintelligible than the behavior of Tuyumen Yuanchun.

“Take it!” Steele Magnus slowly raised the file bag to him.

Wuyue’s brows slightly wrinkled, is this considered acceptable? I was wondering, just as the other party’s voice fell, all the information seemed to fly out of the file bag, surrounding Stiyl Magnus for a week. Move slowly.

This skill! Is it for coercion? Wuyue thought with bad intentions.

“Do you know about Misawa School’s cram school for further studies!” Stiyl Magnus said lightly.

“Sanze School?!” There was a little doubt in Wuyue’s tone, whether he had an encyclopedia, something like this, I can’t tell in this atmosphere.

Stiyl Magnu’s face was full of disbelief, and he said, “Misawa School doesn’t know?!”

“Okay!” After a pause, he said, “Forgive you, I didn’t know that before.”

“Where is a girl imprisoned?”

“Imprisonment!” Wuyue was thoughtful, and she seemed to be searching for clues in her mind.

“The current Misawa School seems to have become a new religion with science 45 worship as its main axis. Not to mention the teachings of this religion, this Misawa School has been occupied by someone.”

Stiyl Magnu, must be the reason for him to continue, Wuyue folded her arms in front of her chest, endured her temper, and continued to listen.

“The current owner of Sansawa School, he is a real magician like a fake.” Styr Magnu took a deep breath with his fingertips between his eyes, paused thoughtfully, and said.

“No, to be precise, it should be an alchemist from the Zurich School.”

“Real magician!” Wuyue raised her eyebrows, slightly suspicious.

“Yes, I also think it sounds suspicious.” Styr Magnu quietly observed Wuyue’s emotions at this time.

Seemingly satisfied with the expression on Wuyue’s face, Stiyl Magnu nodded lightly. .

Body 739 Income at the Civil Service Level

With such cooperation, such a huge appearance is really in vain.

But the other party is just a capable person of Academy City. Even if he has the ability to reach level 3, he is just a little kid, Stiyl Magnu thought to himself, but he seems to have forgotten that he is only a ten-year-old. four-year-old boy.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Stiyl Magnu.” He introduced himself solemnly.

Even though he was controlling the expression on his face, Wuyue still sensed a trace of contempt in the other person’s eyes.

So much the better! Wuyue thought to herself, after all, whether her plan is complete or not. At this time, it is enough to take the attention of Chairman Aleister Crowley. If they intervene in the battle they only saw, I am afraid that the plan will not be implemented. , will die tragically in the belly.

“Even if I don’t say it, you know my origin, right?” Wuyue said with certainty, no doubt, even if it was the polite greeting from the other party, she didn’t take it seriously.

“Forget it!” Stiylmagnu sighed heavily, extinguishing the anger in his heart at this time, and said, “Just make things clear, the alchemist’s name is Oreos Isard, from three Years ago, he began to hide his whereabouts.”

“For three years, he didn’t know where to go or what to do. Where he went, he didn’t know anything. Now he has quietly returned to the city for 20 years.”

“What did he come back for?” Wuyue’s eyes flashed with a gleam, and she asked lightly.

The corner of Stiyl Magnu’s mouth twitched, and yes, he is indeed one of the few lv3 capable people in this Academy City, and said, “Yes, the main point is the reason why he came back.”


Stier Magnu’s hand trembled slightly, and with the movement, the documents that wrapped around the paper above his head returned to Stier Magnu’s hand in an orderly manner.

I saw Stiyl Magnu looking at Wuyue, frowning slightly, and said with a serious expression, “His goal is to get the blood-sucking killer imprisoned by Misawa.”

Isn’t the blood-sucking killer Jishen Qiusha, Wuyue thought to herself, but there was no Sha’s emotion on her face, and she still looked at Styr Magnu coldly.

“Vampiric killer, how can it have anything to do with me?”

Stilmagnu seemed to have heard something serious, leaned forward, his eyes locked on Wuyue, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, a sense of oppression coming from the pavement, and he said solemnly, “Vampiric killer. , the ability of that child, the ability to kill a certain creature.”

Hmph, Wuyue snorted coldly, some kind of creature, this guy really can find words to prevaricate, simply say that it is a vampire.

I am afraid that their magicians do not know, whether there is such a creature in the world.

But Jishen Qiusha Vampire Killer, the ability to kill vampires is really rare.

“Then what?” Wuyue’s mouth sparked a sneer.

Looking at Wuyue’s indifferent expression, Stiyl Magnu was instantly irritated, and roared loudly, “What is your expression, little devil?”

“What about you, what the **** are you?” The cold voice raised his eyebrows and looked at Stiyl Magnu quietly, which was not able to arouse Wuyue’s complex emotions.

Hearing the speechless words, Stiyl Magnu was a little stunned for a moment, realizing that he was only a fourteen-year-old boy.

However, the momentum could not be lost, Stiyl Magnu said coldly, “Vampire killer, just like the name of this ability, is the ability to kill vampires.”

“Is that so!” Wuyue said coldly.

Sure enough, I saw disappointment on Stiyl Magnu’s face.

“However, if you want to find the vampire killer, you must first find the vampire. For this reason, if you can get the vampire killer first, it will be the best.”

“So, you found my purpose?” Stil Magnu’s face was very serious.

“I’m going to attack Misawa Juku now. If the blood-sucking killer is not rescued, the situation will become tricky.”

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