Naruto’s Strongest Gentleman Training System

Chapter 255

Chapter 259:

“One hundred yuan!”

“Ah, it’s changed to ask me!” Tuyumen Yuanchun’s mouth twitched slightly.

Jishen Qiusha silently shifted his gaze to himself, persevered, and said in a firm tone, “One hundred yuan!”

“Why don’t you ask me for it!”

“Because you took pictures!”

“Is there a charge for taking pictures?”

The blue earring stared at Jishen Qiusha’s firm gaze in shock, and he couldn’t believe it.

“It turns out that this witch of Academy City has been reduced to selling her looks to make money!” Kuroko looked at Jishen Qiusha opposite caad, a faint smile appeared on her face, and she spoke sarcastically.

“I’m not a witch?”

“However, you are a 100% witch!”

“I am a magician!”

“Magic! What does a magician mean!”

Seeing the indifferent attitude of the other party, Shirai Kuroko got a little angry, reached out and pressed it on the table, showing an oppressive attitude.

Wuyue looked at Kuroko helplessly. Although this attitude was a bit annoying, Kuroko’s mood at this time was obviously going to exceed expectations.

“I already know that this girl who looks like a witch is a magician.”

“So Heizi, calm down, okay? She’s just a hundred yuan short of travel expenses!”

“Humph!” Heizi snorted coldly, clasped his hands on his chest, turned his eyes out of the window, with a puffy expression on his face, but he didn’t speak anymore.

Just when Wuyue wanted to take out a hundred yuan from her pocket, she heard the system prompt.

The host of love, please choose.

One, little girl, there is no free meal in the world. Since I give you one hundred yuan like this, I have a piece of advice for you, big brother, don’t wear such cool blue even in summer!

Two, little girl, 100 yuan for you, but if you want to drink my milk, that 100 yuan is your reward.

Third, little girl, in such a cool season in summer, don’t dress so hot, and it’s a pity that you don’t show your figure so well.

start again, start again

Wuyue sighed, with a black child in the corner of her eyes, her puffy cheeks, some rosy cheeks because of anger.

What to do with this, the aftermath is still unsettled! This is in front of Heizi, isn’t it because of his temperament, the next two months of summer vacation will not be able to have a good life again.

But she was also very curious in her heart. Under the shield of Jishen Qiusha’s witch costume, no ghost could be seen.

Cool blue, good figure, can’t help but be a little curious.

Driven by intense curiosity, although Wuyue was a little hesitant, she still opened her perspective ability very honestly.

What catches the eye is a piece of whiteness, and the faint eyes see it as if touching the smoothness in the hand.


In an instant, Wuyuezhen was stunned, rather than being cool, it was better to say that she was wearing a thin layer of sand on her body.

The white raised pale blue gauze also has a faint healthy pink on it.

Looking down, the eye-catching coolness of the same style, blue and fair skin complement each other. Indeed, the aesthetics of this Erque system is not bad. Such a bumpy figure and even the meticulous parts are so perfect that it makes people gushing blood.

But after all, Wuyue is also an old river and lake. These mental activities are just a momentary feeling. On the surface, they are casually saying, “Is one hundred yuan right?”

“Mmmm!” Jishen Qiusha looked at Wuyue’s movement of taking out money, nodded heavily, and stared at it tightly, for fear that the other party would go back on it if he didn’t pay attention.

“Thank you!” Jishen Qiusha, grabbed the money in Wuyue’s hand, and was about to leave.

Wuyue looked at Heizi and the three silly figures lightly, and said casually, “The shaved ice has melted, I’ll go buy a new one!”

“Buy again!”

“Wuyue, when did you become so rich!”

“Can you bring me a cup?” The blue earrings’ Mimi’s eyes, who had never been opened by a close friend, were filled with sincerity.

Wuyue nodded, for fear that something was wrong, after all, he had to catch up with Jishen Qiusha’s departure!

Tsuchimikado Yuanchun and Kamijou Touma, who were behind them, were a little uneasy, saying, “This guy is definitely having a convulsion today. Even the blue earrings have agreed to the request of the house. Forbidding it is unacceptable.”

“Yes! I’m not so witty!” Tuyumen Yuanchun silently took a bite of the hamburger and sighed.

At the same time, Wuyue looked at the people in black on both sides of the room, but she didn’t have the slightest feeling. She walked straight to Jishen Qiusha in the middle, and said coldly, “Little girl, summer is such a cool season, Don’t dress so hot, and it’s a pity not to show your figure so well.”

Congratulations to the host.

Completing the task will reward you with ten years of cultivation, the Dragon Clan’s growth cycle will be ten years, and the gods will increase by ten.

Hearing the familiar sound of the system, Wuyue breathed a sigh of relief.

But the person in front of him obviously hasn’t recovered. .

body 732 hold you in my heart

Staring closely at Wuyue’s face, the tough facial lines, and the three-dimensional facial features, even if he speaks out of tune, he is so serious and unpredictable.

Jishen Qiusha was startled, but there was no emotion on his face.

At this time, Wuyue didn’t pay attention to Jishen Qiusha’s complicated expression, quietly looked at the people in suits and collars around, and said lightly, “Are these people you know!”

“Oh.” Jishen Qiusha raised his head, his face still had a faint expression of alienation, “The teacher of the cram school.”

Wuyue looked at the man behind Jishen Qiusha lightly, with brown hair and tough facial features, no expression, is this the force behind Jishen Qiusha, Wuyue thought to herself, and said with some doubts on her face, ” The teacher of the cram school~?”

I saw that Jishen Qiusha seemed to be used to such questions, and did not intend to explain, and turned and left without hesitation.

In an instant, due to Jishen Qiusha’s departure, the vision in the room widened a lot.

We will meet again, Wuyue quietly watched the figure of the girl leaving, silently fascinated.

This period of time is really terrible!

Kamijou Touma’s confused expression appeared in Wuyue’s mind, but it was necessary for Index to get to know him.

Index is a magical nun who stores the contents of 13,000 magic books in her brain.

In the original book, Kamijou Touma would be so stupid that even Index has only 15 of the brain capacity that an ordinary person can use because he has full memory ability and the contents of 103,000 magic books are stored in his brain. If it weren’t for the stupidity of dying every year by erasing memory.

The corner of Wuyue’s mouth drew a faint arc of forehead, and it seemed that her plan could be implemented according to the original settings.

Aleister! Really looking forward to it! What will your first meeting with you be like?

Wuyue stared at the window quietly in a trance.

“Wuyue, why don’t you go up!” Blue Earring shouted anxiously, looking at Wuyue a little guilty, stuck out her tongue and said, “I thought you ran away!”

Running away, there is still a little ancestor upstairs who is not happy!

There was a hint of helplessness on Wuyue’s face. Although Heizi admired and obeyed like a creator, he was helpless when he was so angry.

“For you!” Wuyue gave him what the blue earrings wanted from behind Wuyue.

A faint pain in my heart!

When will this broken system learn to be observant, at least not to make such rude demands in front of Kuroko!

Watch your words! A certain system secretly rolled his eyes, this kind of low-level ability, such a high-level system is not caring, right?

“Hei Zi, if you eat too much, you will have diarrhea.” Seeing that Hei Zi was slowly biting the spoon in his hand, the corners of his mouth twitched. I can also feel Kuroko’s mood, and it seems to be good now.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which was quite flattering, but he didn’t wait for an answer.

Wuyue leaned down on the table and spoke softly, “Sister Heizi, she is really the cutest person in the world, even anger is so heart-warming!”

“Wuyue, you lied!” Hei Zi rested his hands on the table, originally calming down. At this time, because of Wuyue’s remarks, sparks seemed to spew out of those round eyes, serious and serious. He opened his mouth and said, “If you are really excited, why did you reject Kuroko’s enthusiasm last night!”

“Is there really no temptation for the elder brother, Kuroko?”

“Ah! What’s going on, Boss!” The blue earring squinted, and shock was written in those small eyes at this time.

“That kind of thing, I” Wuyue didn’t know what to say anymore, her head was full of black lines.

“Humph!” Hei Zi turned his head with a cold snort, and looked at his elder brother with a black line. At this time, his heart was secretly happy.

No matter what method it is, everyone around the elder brother must know that Kuroko is the one that the elder brother believes, the one who wants to become the elder brother’s wife.

“Hehe, hehe!” Wuyue felt a headache when she looked at Heizi’s bulging appearance and the gossip faces of the three people beside her.

0 asking for flowers »

This is so special, is it intentional, but my sister can’t beat or scold, so I can only hold it in my heart and pamper it.

But in his heart, how could he feel that 10,000 alpacas were galloping by on the grassland? No, they should be galloping by in his heart.

But obviously, some guys seem to be watching the fun and not being a big deal.

“Boss, I didn’t expect you, no matter if you are a pet girl madman, to develop this kind of thing is a little involved.” The blue earring dog-leg whispered beside Wuyue, his tone was thought-provoking, he paused, Then he said, “But boss, although you have cultivated something very well, we also know that the two of you are not related by blood, sister Heizi, but”

tf, Wuyue intuition that this guy doesn’t have any good words to say. He holds a hamburger in his hand and wants to block his mouth that keeps talking, but it doesn’t seem to be useless.

“But boss, although Academy City is very open, after all, sister Kuroko is still a minor. If you sit like this, you will be caught by the guards!” The blue earring looked around for a week, and said with a dog-legged mouth, although there was something in his mouth. It’s vague, but doesn’t interfere with understanding at all.

Helpless, one hand rested on the table and supported his forehead. Wuyue was helpless. In the past, apart from wanting to seriously hurt the blue earring, he could not find any other activities to vent.

Is it because of this? Therefore, the elder brother would reject him. Hei Zi secretly thought to himself that the originally hard heart was a little loose now. Even if he was misunderstood by himself, the elder brother never thought of hurting himself.

Heizi looked at the stars in Wuyue’s eyes, but when no one noticed it, it was fleeting and changed into the puffy expression just now.

At this time, Wuyue didn’t notice the sunspot either. She secretly looked around for a week. Sure enough, except for the person on the edge, who didn’t cast doubt or shock, without exception, everyone on the second floor stare at yourself. Scrutinize secretly.

Even so, it seemed that the culprit was unaware of his own problems and kept talking non-stop. .

Text 733 Caring people

However, no matter what the blue earrings say now, it is not so important to Wuyue, after all, it is like noise in the ear.

“Don’t talk about it!” There was a gleam in Wuyue’s eyes, as if the blue earring was about to be put to death, and he said lightly, “Do you still want to see the sun tomorrow?”

Blue Earring noticed Wuyue’s gaze, and shivered uncontrollably, but she didn’t seem to realize the seriousness of the matter, and said, “Boss, you look at me like this and it’s scary!”

“Oh!” Wu Yue’s mouth curled into a faint smile. However, there was a cold look in his eyes.

Although there is a smile on his face that makes people feel like a spring breeze, but at this time it really makes people feel like they are in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, and the whole body can’t stop shaking.

Now I know I’m afraid! Wuyue thought secretly in her heart, looking at the “three six three” reaction of the blue earrings, the flame in her heart really did not have the slightest idea of extinguishing it.

Wuyue was about to speak, but she heard a familiar voice beside her ear.

“You just wanted to scold me, what did he do?” Heizi said lightly, his face was not as ugly as before.

Hearing Heizi’s opening, Wuyue’s whole body stiffened, it doesn’t matter! Who is his real brother!

Wuyue felt indignant for a while, but then he breathed a sigh of relief as if he had compromised, and said, “Heizi! I really don’t mean to hate you!” Well, I really don’t know how to explain it.

Wuyue’s heart twitched for a while, but she maintained a gentle and refreshing smile on her face, after all, her little ancestor had to be pampered.

“Humph!” Heizi snorted coldly, but a small crack was revealed on his puffy face.

Wuyue’s face is a little complicated, what does this mean.

Even if things are under the scrutiny of passers-by, Wuyue doesn’t care. After all, this kind of survival in the eyes of the public is something that Wuyue has always faced, but the difference in prison is that in the past are all admiration, and the lofty purpose of being admired

In the summer of Academy City, there are many high-rise buildings in the whole city, and there is no storm.

Even in the evening, there was not a trace of people on the street.

Wuyue pulled her head together and walked down the street.

What happened today is simply a great shame, a great shame!

Not only was he blackmailed by the blue earrings, Kamijou Touma, and Tsuchimikado Motoharu, but his fame was completely destroyed in the public eye.

Alas, looking at the sunspot next to him, Wuyue let out a long sigh of relief.

The price of the little ancestor’s anger is too high!

“Brother! What’s the matter?” Heizi asked lightly with a gentle smile on his face.

“Because of what you mentioned about stripping naked!” With a complicated look on Wuyue’s face, she let out a long sigh of relief and said, “If they find out about the two of us living together during the summer vacation.”

“But, we are brothers and sisters!” He stared at Wuyue tightly. Kuroko said seriously, “In Academy City, brothers and sisters can live together!

The voice was full of vigor, but it was the last to say, and the tone gradually became much weaker. Some of them don’t believe what they say.

“However, they will say that they didn’t expect that Shirai Wuyue would actually make such a bad friend.” Wuyue’s serious face contained some helplessness.

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