Naruto’s Strongest Gentleman Training System

Chapter 19

Chapter 19:

The three Jounin looked at each other and seemed to have made some sort of decision. In an instant, they rushed towards Wuyue in three different ways.

“You stand back!” Facing the attacks of the three Joinin at the same time, even Wuyue had to deal with it with 12 points of energy. Under such circumstances, he must not be able to care about the two women behind him.

Mute said worriedly: “Student Wuyue, be careful!”

“Don’t worry about us.” Yuhika said bluntly: “If it really doesn’t work, you should retreat first!”

At this moment, she could see clearly. If Wuyue can be treated so solemnly, the comer must be a strong enemy!

Instead of being able to become his brother’s strength, they would become a drag on him. Therefore, she will be very firm to say such words.

“Don’t be kidding.” Wuyue grinned, and at this moment, the disguise of her age was completely removed. Said very calmly. “How can a man say no.” He turned the handle of the knife with his right hand, and drew a mysterious trace of bright silver in the air.


Shang-Nin is worthy of being Shang-Nin. In the face of Wuyue’s sure-kill knife, they escaped dangerously and dangerously. Even if a knife mark appeared on his body, at least he did not lose the slightest bit of fighting ability.

The unequal battle of one-to-three was completely pulled apart. One of the jounin was in charge of containing Wuyue’s attack, while the other two formed a seal with both hands and spewed dark blue wind blades from their mouths. “Wind Escape, Wind Blade Crazy Roll!”

Wuyue raised her brows and retreated. His hands were raised in mid-air, and before he landed, he had completed the knot seal. Hit the ground sharply. “Earth escape, crack the earth wall!”


Two earthen walls rose from the left and right sides of his body. The sharp wind blade slammed into the earth wall, making a clear “bang bang bang” sound, and stones and soil chips scattered and splashed.

Taking advantage of this gap, the Shangin who was in charge of containing Wuyue bullied him again, and Kuwu in his hand stabbed him between the eyebrows without the slightest pity.


Kunai stabbed Wuyue’s forehead without any hindrance, but there was no scene of blood splattering as expected. As if puncturing a bubble, Wuyue turned into droplets of water and evaporated.

“Illusion?” The Sand Ninja widened his eyes in astonishment, his face full of disbelief. “when…”


A muffled sound.

The blood-stained blade passed through his chest from behind, and droplets of blood slowly dripped from the tip of the blade.

“Just when you rushed over.” Wuyue explained lightly.

“Ha, haha…” The Sand Ren was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: “It’s incredible, it’s incredible! You are really a scary kid. But ah… that’s it.” He used his hands for the last time. With strength, he grabbed the blade of his chest violently.


Wuyue was a little confused by his actions. This guy seems to be stalling for time? Could it be… It seems that he finally thought of something, Wu Yue’s eyes suddenly turned to Yuhika and the two girls.

Sure enough, they were now surrounded by numerous enemies.

Wuyue even saw the grinning faces of the sand ninjas, and the kunai that shot towards them like black raindrops.

Damn it!

Wuyue’s face changed dramatically in an instant, and she couldn’t take care of her ninja sword, her body burst with chakra, and her footsteps slammed on the ground. With a sound of “bang”, his whole body was like a cannonball unloaded, and he ran wildly in front of the two girls.

Chapter 0050

(I chatted with the editor today and said that it was not available on the shelves in the past two days. It looks like we have to wait for Tuesday… um, then wait for Tuesday. Oh, and… that, a certain number that can be communicated, is in the book review. Inside the top.)

Yes, are you going to die?

Even though she was in a desperate situation, Hong Yuhi’s heart was uncharacteristically calm. This thought flashed through his mind: If he just died like this, Wuyue should be able to retreat in peace. With his strength, if he loses our two burdens, he will definitely be able to escape.

However, it’s still a little disappointing!

I really want to stay by his side…forever, never leave!

Puff puff.

Slowly closing her eyes, Yuhihiko heard a muffled sound of Kunwu piercing her body. However, the expected pain did not come. This made her open her eyes suspiciously, but she was facing Wuyue’s gentle eyes. “You, how could you…”

“It’s alright, big sister.” Wuyue Shen. took out her palm and placed it lightly on the top of Yuri Hong’s head. “It’s all right.”


Finally, unable to maintain the strength of the surface, Yuhika burst into tears.

After all, he is still only a half-year-old child, although the fear and panic of death were suppressed by reason in the last moment. But the relaxation after being rescued made it come like a tide, and she couldn’t help but hug Wuyue’s waist tightly.

The mute is not much better, the tears have not stopped since just now, and after seeing Wuyue, it is even more out of control.

But in less than a moment, Yuri Hong suddenly let go of her brother in her arms, looked at her hands in shock and said, “Wuyue, you, are you injured?” Her palm was flushed red, which was touched on Wuyue’s waist. of.

Thinking of the muffled sound she heard just now, Hong Yuhi immediately understood what happened. The whole person froze in place, tears pouring out of his eyes unconsciously. “Why you…”

“I said, I will protect you.” Wuyue pretended not to care, with a gentle smile on her face.

In fact, his condition at this time can be said to be very bad.

Just now, Wuyue did not hesitate to burst out a large amount of chakra to move at a high speed, and her physical strength had already been exhausted. The armor of thunder and lightning was also in a hurry, and it was too late to display the seal. Therefore, he could only use his body to resist all the kunai, and he was severely injured in an instant.

This is not the most important thing… What really made Wuyue’s heart sink to the bottom is that there is some kind of toxin in those kunai.

This toxin will disrupt the chakra condensation in his body, making him unable to use any ninjutsu for a short time. Coupled with the overdraft of his physical strength, he has now completely lost his ability to resist, but he has not collapsed because of his strong support.

Looking at Wuyue’s trembling appearance, the two Shangren from Sandyin Village on the opposite side obviously realized that he was already at the end of the fight, and he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This kid is so scary!

If it wasn’t for the fact that they had drawn up this battle plan in advance, and the other Junin sacrificed himself to delay the time, it would be really unknown who would kill the deer.

Fortunately, the plan eventually succeeded.

The genius of Konoha, whom he had only seen in his life, was about to be buried in their hands, which made the hearts of the two Joinin feel a little excited. This feeling of stifling the future of the enemy village is really beautiful. Wonderful!

“Give them a treat.”

One of them calmed down and said lightly: “Even if you know that you will not end well, you must rush over to protect your companions. Even if it is an enemy, this spirit is admirable enough.”

Speaking so grandly, in fact, if Wuyue didn’t have this spirit of self-sacrifice, their plan would not have progressed so smoothly. In a sense, this is the tragedy of being a “hero”.

Of course, Wuyue never considered herself a hero, and was even very disgusted with this term.

But at such a moment, for the people he cherishes, he would rather incarnate into the kind of existence he hates, even if he is smashed to pieces! In the words of this world, it should be called “Nindao”!

Wind Escape·Vacuum Blade!

Wind Escape·Wind Blades!

Wind Escape · Thousand-faced wind!

Wind Escape · Splitting Palm!

Including the two Shang Ninjas, all the Sand Ninjas used the wind escape ninjutsu, which Desha Hidden Village is best at, to prepare a grand and luxurious funeral for the three of Wuyue, Mute, and Yuhika.

Click, click, boom!

Before the ninjutsu arrived, the gust of wind that escaped had already swept up countless dust. The grass and trees rolled up, the rocks pierced through the air, and the sandstorm mixed with the wind escape ninjutsu with rich chakra, like thousands of spinning blades, rolling towards Wuyue and a few people.

Facing this force that seemed to be able to strangle them into ròumo, the two girls, Mute and Yuhika, clung to Wuyue’s sleeves tightly, but didn’t cry anymore, just buried their little heads in his chest.

Choose, dear host.

One, use No. 81 Binding Road, break the void!

2. Consume one year of life, perform advanced Yangdun Ninjutsu, recover and heal all injuries on the body, and be immune to poisoning!

Three, consume ten years of life, devour all the opponent’s ninjutsu, and cast dragon-killing magic: the roar of the dragon!

At this critical juncture, a certain **** system was so serious that it made Wuyue feel a little uncomfortable.

Of course, this was just a passing thought. The situation in front of him is extremely critical, and his brain is also spinning rapidly, weighing the pros and cons of these three options.

Chapter 0051 Dragon’s Roar

The first item, No. 81 Binding Road·Breakthrough.

Anyone who has watched the anime “Grim Reaper” knows that this is a very powerful defensive “ghost path”, and the specific effect is linked to the strength of the caster himself.

However, Wuyue almost eliminated it without even thinking about it.

Not to mention whether this “ghost way” can stop the hybrid wind tunnel in front of him, and even if it stops it, what can it do? ! With his current state, can he release the second serve? Moreover, just defense has a fart, it can’t change this passive situation at all.

The second item, Advanced Yangdun Ninjutsu… It should be a healing ninjutsu similar to Palm Immortal Jutsu. The effect is quite good, and it is also immune to poisoning!

But even if his current negative state is lifted and the injury is completely healed, he is not sure that he will be able to retreat from the situation in front of him. Not to mention, there are two charming and pretty loli behind him who need to be protected.

In this case, only the third option can be selected.

It took ten years of life, although it made Wuyue very painful. How many decades can there be in life? But in this case, it doesn’t matter so much. Compared to the lives of the three people, what a mere ten years!

“Congratulations to the host for completing the option and getting the reward for the complete inheritance of the Tianlong King. The inheritance includes: Tianlongwang’s dragon slaying magic, Tianlongwang’s dragon crystal, Tianlongwang’s dragon blood, and Tianlongwang’s dragon soul.”


The rolling storm has approached Wuyue and the three of them. The wind was howling, and from time to time you could hear the crunch of the rocks being twisted into slag. No one doubts, just in the next moment, their bodies will be turned into powder like these stones.

But at this time, Wuyue suddenly took a step forward and made a puzzling action. He opened his mouth, as if taking a deep breath, and took a sharp breath.

An incredible scene happened suddenly.

But seeing the surging and swirling storm like a tornado, it seemed as if it was pulled by some kind of strange force, and poured into his body along the moonless zui and ba.

If it’s easy to understand, it’s… Wuyue ate this hybrid ninjutsu!


At this moment, everyone’s eyes widened, showing a dumbfounded expression. This, what’s going on here? Can you eat ninjutsu?

bah bah bah.

Wuyue spat out a few mouthfuls of sand, wiped it and said, “Thank you so much for your hospitality, everyone. I should also give something as a gift in return.” Taking a deep breath, Xiong spoke with Zui and Ba. At the same time bulge.

Roar of the Dragon!


An air wave that was so rich that it showed a water-blue luster suddenly spewed out of Wuyue’s mouth. The air wave is cylindrical, and its periphery is surrounded by layers of strong wind pressure, rotating in a clockwise direction on the surface of the air column.

“This, what is this? What a terrifying power!”

“Quick, go back!”

“Can’t run away, can’t run away at all!”

“No, I don’t want to die…”

Some of the sand ninjas turned around and ran, some showed despair, and some didn’t even give up and sent out a series of ninjutsu to Qibo. But in the end, it’s just in vain.


Wherever this air wave went, everything was smashed to a pulp. A ditch and gully with a depth of half a meter appeared on the ground. With the advancement of the air wave, it did not stop.


This is the real annihilation!

In the face of the dragon’s roar, human beings seem so insignificant at this moment.

When all the dust settled, there was no longer a standing Sand Ninja in front of Wuyue, and there was a huge pit in front of him that seemed to be smashed by a meteorite.

“It’s impossible!” Ryunosuke, the leader of Sand Ninja, obviously couldn’t accept the consequences. Paying the price of annihilating the entire army, to actually let the child survive, this is simply the biggest failure in his life!

“Nothing is impossible.” Tomoki Ishigaki’s voice sounded in his ears, and he said calmly: “Don’t underestimate any ninja of Konoha.”


Turning his head suddenly, Ryunosuke’s face was full of astonishment. “You, you actually unlocked the barrier?”

“I didn’t untie it, it was the child.”

Ishigaki Tomoki looked at Wuyue with one eye and smiled: “It’s just that you can’t stand the blow, and you didn’t even notice it. But it doesn’t matter, anyway…you have no chance to make such a mistake again.” A strong killing intent broke out in the middle, and the figure rushed to the opposite Ryunosuke in an instant.

That’s right, Wuyue’s attack “The Roar of the Dragon” not only killed the Sand Shinobi in front of him, but also shattered the wind demon barrier for Ishigaki Tomoki. And all of this was done deliberately by Wuyue.

However, after this blow, Wuyue’s body seemed to be hollowed out. With a bang, the whole person collapsed on the ground as if losing strength, and the eyelids became heavier and heavier.

“Wuyue, Wuyue, how are you?”

“Forbearance first, I will treat you.”

Seeing that his back was covered with shocking kunai, both girls felt a pain in their hearts, and their eyes were red again.

“I, I’m fine…” Wuyue grinned, trying her best to smile. But in the next moment, the rising corner collapsed, and the two expressions of smile and sorrow completed the transformation in the blink of an eye.

Choose, dear host.

One, in fact, as long as you give me the little fat times you are wearing now, I can be resurrected instantly.

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