Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 52: I Am Your Grandfather

Chapter 52: I Am Your Grandfather

When Kanp returned home, it was already past 6 o'clock. It wasn't that he was dragging the time on the road, but Shinn taught Duy about bandage treatment for another half an hour after massaging him. Kanp kept saying that he wanted to learn medical skills, so he had no choice but to spend half an hour with him. When he left Duy's house, it was already five thirty. He ran all the way home and finally caught up for dinner.

Big brother, you are too slow!

After Hayate returned home, he was excited to play with the wooden stake in the backyard. After playing for more than an hour, he was so hungry that his chest was already pressing against his back.

Sorry, sorry, in the future just get used to it.

Kanp said solemnly.

"I don't want it!" Hayate said annoyedly.

"Kanp-chan, what on earth are you doing?" Keiko asked curiously.

I went to see Dr. Shinn to learn bandage treatment.

Kanp said affectionately, As soon as Hayate trains Kenjutsu, it will be endless, so he will put a lot of burden on his wrist. If I managed to learn the bandage treatment, I can use the bandage to reduce the burden on his wrist!"

When Hayate heard Kanps words, he was deeply moved, and he looked at Kanp with tears in his eyes: Big brother, I'm sorry, I blamed you.

Keiko couldn't help but smiled and patted Kanps head with relief: Our Kanp-chan has finally grown up, very good!


Kanp was somewhat guilty in his heart, but in the face of reality, he can only lie, This is what I should do, who makes Hayate my younger brother.

"Big brother, you are so kind to me." Hayate bit his lip and wanted to cry.

"Okay, let's eat!"

After dinner, Keiko washed the dishes and went to work in the hospital.

As for the bento, Keiko had already prepared it before and put it in Kanp and Hayate's bento boxes.

"Okay, Hayate, come over and start today's learning mission!"

Kanp waved his hand and asked Hayate to follow him to the backyard.

Big brother, are we learning Kawarimi no Jutsu today? Hayate has been training Kenjutsu for more than an hour, so he is not resistant to learn Kawarimi no Jutsu now.

That's right, after training Kawarimi no Jutsu, you have to write five hundred words of experience.

Kanp said earnestly, "Im doing this for you, Hayate, don't slack off!"

"Thank you, big brother! I will work hard!" When Hayate remembered that his big brother learned bandage treatment for him, he was extremely moved and wanted to work hard.

Kanp spent half an hour teaching Kawarimi no Jutsu to Hayate, and then instructed him for half an hour. After Hayate learned all the key points of Kawarimi no Jutsu by heart, Kanp asked him to go to the living room to write his experience.

Big brother, the experience I wrote last time is gone. Hayate flipped through his book and found that the experience of Henge no Jutsu and Bunshin no Jutsu had all been torn off.

I ripped it off!

Kanp said indifferently, Hayate, I asked you to write your experience because I hope you will remember the knowledge I taught you through writing your experience. Did you remember it?

Hayate tilted his head and pondered for a while, then nodded excitedly: "Big brother, I remember all about Henge no Jutsu and Bunshin no Jutsu!"

This proves that my method is right, Hayate, just write it, five hundred words, not one word less. Kanp said, flipping out his book, then turned his head and walked into the bedroom, Also, Hayate, you can write in the living room. As for me, I have something in the bedroom, so don't come in, understand?



Closing the sliding door, Kanp took out the Bunshin no Jutsus experience he had torn from Hayates book, and then lay down on the floor and began to copy.

Although this posture is a bit uncomfortable, there is no table in the bedroom, so he had no choice but to do it this way.

Fortunately, he doesn't have to think when copying. It only took Kanp less than half an hour to complete his task.

Kanp then hid his homework book, then crumpled the Hayates experience into a ball and put it in his pocket, and then whistled into the toilet to flush the thing away.

At this time, Hayate was still lying on the table in the living room and seriously writing down his thoughts.


Kanp was so tired and couldn't help but want to go to bed early.

But as soon as he remembered his plan, Kanp forced himself to sit on the ground and refine Chakra.

Kanp's plan has already started smoothly. After a while, when the time is right, Kanp will will accidentally splash water on Shinn.

In order to let Shinn relax his guard, Kanp will leave after splashing the water. When the time comes, only Shinn and Duy are left in the house, and Duy will be massaged by Shinn on the sofa, so Shinn will naturally take off his clothes and hang them on the hangers at the entrance to dry.

At that time, Kanp will quietly entered through the entrance, and took the scroll in the clothes openly.

The plan is a bit crude and even has many variables, but this is the way Kanp can think of to maximize the use of his own advantages to steal the scroll, and he can only do his best now.

So, what he has to do now is to refine more Chakra, so that the three-second Transparent Release can last longer.

About an hour later, Kanp still continued refining Chakra and almost vomited. After all, sitting cross-legged on the ground without moving for an hour is not something that an average person can do.

Fortunately, there was a knock on the door at this time, and Kanp hurriedly stopped refining.

Big brother, there are guests.

Hayate has written more than 400 words of experience very carefully. When he saw a guest coming, he hurriedly closed his homework and planned to rest.

Kanp ran to the entrance to open the door, and saw two white-haired old men in their 60s and 70s standing outside. Their faces are full of wrinkles, and they looked particularly kind under the soft moonlight.

Hello. Kanp asked, Who are you looking for?

"Hahaha, Kanp-chan, don't you know us?" Gekk Inoue said with a smile, "I'm your Grandpa Inoue."

"I'm your Grandpa Matsushita." Gekk Matsushita, who is on the side, smiled and stretched out his hand, patted Kanp's head, and said, "I haven't seen you for a while, Kanp-chan is already so high."

After Kanp's soul transmigrated over, it seemed to speed up the development of his body. At this time, Kanp was already in the early 1.5 meters, while his friends, Iruka, Kotetsu and the others, were only 1.4 meters tall at most.

However, facing the praise of the two old people, Kanp was a little unhappy.

I am your Grandpa Inoue?

I am your Grandpa Matsushita?

I am your grandfather!

When Kanp smiled and didn't know how to respond, the little brother had already run out: Grandpa Inoue, Grandpa Matsushita, hello.

Yes, they are really their two grandpas.

Kanp wanted to roll his eyes, but he cannot afford to offend them, so he could only resist the discomfort of his eyes and invite the two old people into the house.

Hahaha, long time no see, Hayate-chan.

Hayate-chan, you have grown taller too, thats good.

After the two old men entered the house, they pulled Hayate and gave him an exaggerated compliment.

At the same time, Kanp searched the memory in his mind and finally remembered the identities of these two old men.

The only remaining members of the Gekk Clan are the two old and strong special Jnin. They are good at Konoha-Style Kenjutsu, have experienced the Second Shinobi World War, and are very prestigious in Gekk Clan!

Since that is the case

Hmph, you brought this to my own door, don't blame me for being vicious and ruthless!

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