Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 30: Picnic

Chapter 30: Picnic

North Hill is near Senju Park. It is a small hill with a height of more than 50 meters. The trees are sparse, so it is very suitable for picnics.

By the time Kanp arrived here by relying on the memory in his mind, it was already half past four.

But it's late summer now, so it wont be dark until at least six o'clock.

"Woof woof!"

The barks of the little puppy, Shiramaru could be heard looming in the forest on the hillside. Kanp followed the sound, and soon found Anko, Tsukasa, Iruka, Kotetsu, and Izumo.

Kanp, here!

Tsukasa called as she waved her hand.

It seems that I am not late. Kanp approached and found that Izumo was picking up branches, Kotetsu is making a fire, and Anko is putting the red bean paste she bought in an iron pot.

Red bean paste is actually red bean porridge. It can be eaten after it was bought, but if it is cooked it a little, and add some sugar, it tastes will be sweeter.

For girls like Anko and Tsukasa who like to eat desserts, it is the most delicious to make it sweeter.

Of course, in addition to red bean paste, Anko also bought other foods, such as takoyaki, such as beef meatballs, such as dango, such as well, all balls!

Kanp couldn't help but complain: Anko, you need to think about us boys too.

After all, he was giving one thousand ry for this picnic.

"Didn't I buy you other balls!"

Anko said righteously, I even asked the boss to add chili peppers to the beef meatballs, hum hum, you boys like spicy things!!

"But this is not enough for the four of us to eat." Kanp was very helpless.

The branches should be enough, right.

Izumo piled up the dead branches beside Kotetsu and asked, Huh? The fire hasn't started yet?

Yeah, the branches seem to be a bit damp. Kotetsu replied.

Just wait until you learn Fire Release Ninjutsu. Iruka said while forming hand seals, and shouted, Katon: Gkaky no Jutsu! (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)


Iruka spat out a few drops of saliva.

Tsukasa and Anko took two steps back with a look of disgust: Iruka, it's disgusting!

Hehe, sorry, sorry. Iruka smiled embarrassedly.

Great Fireball Technique is Uchiha Clan's Fire Release Ninjutsu. It is said that it is quite difficult to train. Kotetsu is obviously also interested in Ninjutsu.

"Can that Uchiha genius in the same year as us do it too?" Izumo asked.

Of course Shisui can! Tsukasa immediately shouted, Shisui is a genius!

You may not believe me, but I can use Great Fireball Technique too. Kanp said with low-key.

"I don't believe it, that is Uchiha Clan's Ninjutsu." Tsukasa has turned into a fan girl at this moment, and the little puppy Shiramaru also barked twice at Kanp.

Although Great Fireball Technique is a Ninjutsu created by the Uchiha Clan, other Shinobi can also use it as long as they know the training method. Iruka said.

Uchiha Clan has a lot of Fire Release Ninjutsu. Except Fire Release Ninjutsu, which is extremely difficult to train, and Fire Release Ninjutsu, which must be used with Sharingan, and Fire Release Ninjutsu, which are similar to Great Fireball, more or less have spread.

Just like the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique) created by the Nidaime Hokage, Senju Tobirama to spy on intelligence, it has been spread to other countries and other Shinobi Villages, and it is impossible to stop its spread.

As for those like the Gentle Fist of Hyga Clan. Even if they are willing to pass it to others, the others are reluctant to learn it, because Gentle Fist must be used with Byakugan to exert its real power!

"Even so, Shisui's Great Fireball Technique is also the strongest!" Tsukasa raised her head arrogantly.

"Kanp, then why don't you try it?" Kotetsu really couldn't make a fire, so he asked.

Kanp squinted his eyes and calculated the Chakra extracted in his body, and decisively refused: My Great Fireball Technique is used for combat. How can I use it to make a fire? No, absolutely not.

"You definitely cant do it!" Anko discovered the truth.

I just want to get along with you guys as an ordinary person. I really can't expose more trump cards. Kanp sighed, I'm afraid you guys wont be able to bear it.

"It's so noisy!!"

Suddenly a hoarse, impatient female voice came from the top of the hill, You little brats, do you know what this place is? Who allowed you to come here for a picnic?

Kanp and the others look at each other in shock.

Listening to the tone of this voice, it seems that this is her home.

Wait, her house?

Near this hill is Senju Park!

Senju Clan?

Could it be Tsunade, one of the Sannin?

Kanp's heartbeat is beating like a drum, and his adrenal hormones are somewhat high.

But when a fifty to sixty-years-old woman with dull and dry yellow hair, wrinkled face and hunched waist walked down the hill, Kanp's heart suddenly suddenly cold.

This year is only the 43rd year of Konoha, Sannin is in their prime, so Tsunade cannot be mature into this level.

However, could it be Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)?

Kanp looked at her calmly, and found that her hair color was the same as Tsunade's. As for her figure, it was not obvious because she was hunched over her waist.

Kanp frowned, as he still unable to confirm.

"Hello, old lady, we are students of the Academy."

Anko said politely, Sorry for disturbing you.

Well, you are quite polite.

The old woman nodded slightly, but said in an unquestionable tone, But, you can easily cause a fire when you have a picnic here, so you need to go to the foot of the hill!

Understood, we'll leave right away, thank you old lady! After Anko thanked her, she instructed everyone to pack up the balls, red bean paste, and dead branches, and then walked down the hill.

After they left, a thin figure slowly walked out from behind a tree.

Orochimaru folded his arms around his chest. Theres a strange and inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, and his voice was hoarse: It's just a few little brats, why do you want to disguise yourself?

The old woman with dull and dry yellow hair, wrinkled face, and a hunched figure slowly straightened her waist and gently wiped her face with her hands. And then, the wrinkles on her face quickly disappeared, and her dull yellow hair quickly regained its golden luster.

This person is surprisingly Tsunade, one of the Sannin!

"What do you know!" Tsunade snorted in anger.


Orochimaru jokingly said, Did you owe money to the casino? And you are worried that these little brats deliberately lure you out to collect debts?

It was discovered?!

Tsunade's face blushed, and she flew into a rage out of humiliation. She raised her hand and threw a punch.


At the foot of the hill, Kanp and the others suddenly heard a loud noise from the hill, and it seems like theres an earthquake.

What happened? Iruka looked around, Is it an earthquake?

How could there be an earthquake here! Anko said, I guessed that a rock fell from the hill just now.

"We've been on the hills top before, and there are no rocks there." Kotetsu and Izumo said.

"Then I don't know." Anko said calmly, "Hurry up, don't linger, keep on making the fire!"

"Yes yes."

When everyone is busy, Kanp looked at the hill with thoughtful expression.

"Kanp, why are you in a daze, come and help!" Iruka said.

"Wait, I'll go up and take a look." Kanp ran towards the hill with glowing eyes.


Iruka, Anko and the others looked at him strangely.

Is he worried about that old woman? Tsukasa said with a smile, Kanp is really a gentle person.

"Woof!" Little puppy Shiramaru never forgets to respond to its little master, and has already gone further and further on the road of being a licking dog.

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