Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 44: Yami vs Zero Tails

???:"* What about your friend that you killed just so you could stay alive... he had a family, a sibling... he was someone's child, someone's brother...

What would you so if someone killed your own little brother after all you aren't there to protect him... you left them... your family, YOU LEFT THEM BEHIND.*"

I look at the 0 tails, my face contorted in pure anger and I say.


This sh*tty worm. I will show him what pain means.

I clasp my hands together, five small yellow orbs with skinny tails emerge from between my clasped hands and move above my head before forming a circle of five. Raising my clasped hands above my head, I slam them downward, sending the orbs into the ground. As a bright light is generated in the sky above the zero tails cocoon, five tall and thick pillars, which are connected to each other by chains, drop on the 0 tails and pin it to the ground.

[Five-Pillared Iron Weights Seal]

This will definitely hold it down. It could theoretically hold down a 4 tail chakra cloak Naruto, so it will deffinatly hold the 0 tails without problem. Yeah the Uzumaki advanced book is no joke. This is one of it's strongest sealing techniques which isn't a curse seal.

I look at it and I still keep hearing it 'speak'.

"* Even if you accomplish your dream, you will still just be alone for all eternity.*"

I take out a brush and a bottle of ink, I pulse chakra in the ink.

I then start drawing seals all around the 0 tails. The seal I am drawing is called the [Chakra Draining Seal]. It is fūinjutsu designed to drain chakra. By placing the seal on the target, the chakra drained is transferred to the user. 

Yes I am draining his chakra that is being generated... even I am helping it generate chakra with my dark emotions.

I am not some MC who can easily throw away the dark emotions. Then while his chakra is transferring to me I then look at the seals in the walls around and put my hand in it I start transferring all the Dark Chakra I have to it... This should keep the Sky Villave floating for some time around 2-3 days actually. I then look at the 0 tails it seems tired and thinner... but it's still speaking.

"* You left them, how would they feel if they knew the cruel things you are doing.*"

This damn worm. I then take my brush and take the bronze urn I brought with me. I put it close to the unmoving 0 tails and write foujutsu seals all around the urn. Then I open the urn and clasp my hands together. Then an armored chakra hand comes and takes the 0 tails and pulls it in towards the urn. The seals around the urn start rotating and gathering all to fuse in one place when the 0 tails is fully in the urn.

A red kanji meaning bronze appears.

[Bronze Armour Seal]

Now it stoped talking.

You know sealing all that beast in this small urn is kind of weird looking at it

I guess Fuinjutsu for the win then.

Now that the sealing is done I release the Five-Pillared Iron Weights Seal which now is just in the ground, it then just turns into chakra and dissolves.

Well then the Bronze Armour Seal is a kind of weak seal which could technically seal 1 tails a.k.a shikaku in a jinchuriki no problem and it would hold him pretty good. But if it sealed a 2 tails, the jinchuriki wouldn't be able to sleep because of the 2 tails. In the 3 tails it will hold it for a while before it breaks out.

For the other tailed beasts it won't be able to seal them. But for a 0 tail it will keep him easily... it also has a weakness the seal is easily broken even from something like the 'Five Elements Unseal


I wake my ninken and make a shadow clone to guard me.

Well then time to start the real battle with the 0 tails I then sit cross Legged close to the urn and start meditating to recover chakra faster I still have around 6 elite jounin chakra left in my seal but I am not going to waste chakra needlessly, and in no way am I underestimating the zero tails.

Around 1 hour later I am at full capacity. Then I touch the urn with my palm and transfer my consciousness into it.

I then go inside I look around and see a field of red dirt surrounded with bronze walls all around and I see some gears abeve who seem to be turning. I then look at the 0 tails which is coiled it looks at me and says.

" I see that you came here, what is your reason of doing that."

It speaks normally now, probably the voice he had earlier was a technique to wisper into the victim their deepest regrets and painful moments to triger a dark emotion output.

It then looks at me and suddenly generates arms that come towards me fastly. I just jump back and use [Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu] at the 0 tails and it hits head on. 0 tails starts to meke a painful noises.

How weak... it starts wispering again it's trying to gain more chakra from my dark emotions because it can't gain anymore chakra from outside because of the seal.

"* You know for every ninja you kill you leave a kid orphaned... just like how you were orphaned.*"

Huh the 0 tails is good as a supplementary ally but its fighting power is crap. I got used to its rambling by now and I don't fall for it.

I then use [Five-Pillared Iron Weights Seal] again and the five pillars hold it to the ground. It was screaming and in pain so it didn't notice the pillars falling but I don't really care for this weak little thing.

After cutting all its arms and burning them.

I then start writing some Fuinjutsu on the ground. After creating the necessary seals, the seal formula rises up in the form of multiple chakra chains and binds the 0 tails [Beast Sealing Technique].

Ok so now I am sure it won't be able to break from here in even 100 years by itself. Plus it isn't able to get any dark emotions from outside.

Well then 0 tails captured.

Time to get out of the Sky Village...

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